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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The Sheamus match where he won the Big Gold Belt is literally the only thing I can remember Show doing in the last - five? ten? fifteen? I'm not even sure - years that I really enjoyed. It was such an unexpected joy, a proper "two blokes go at each other and fight" fight but still back-and-forth exciting. The rematch wasn't as good and any of the matches he had with Mark Henry bored me senseless short of one top rope elbow which was an insane spectacle as a spot but did not make an overall boring match into something special.


Mizark's another one. He's delivered a few AWESOME moments, such as turning heel on Cena and their subsequent match, and a great performance in the Elimination Chamber that Swagger won, but these moments have been so spread out among a fairly humdrum career that I view him in the same boat where the casuals turn around and ask "Christ, he's still in it?" and if you told me I was never going to see Henry or Show or Kane wrestle again, I'd shrug and think "Oh well. No loss."

Edited by air_raid
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The Show vs Henry matches were great. In fact any combination of Sheamus, Show, Henry and Bryan from Smackdown of 2011 inevitably resulted in quality matches. I wouldn't say Henry was too spread out at all. He was solid all that of 2011-2012 and his match with Punk is one of my favourite matches ever. He was already doing good stuff before that in ECW. He was a fine wrestler from about 2007 until someone had the bright idea of having him vs Ryback be a 10 minute bearhug instead of a 7 minute bombfest. Not many big men know what to give their opponent and when as well as Mark Henry does. Like a Jerry Blackwell for the 2000s. Really, really smart worker.

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Mark Henry's path of destruction to winning the WHC was one of my favorite runs in wrestling. He was fucking terrifying. Everytime his music hit everyone knew someone was going to get destroyed. He was just so badass around that time. He also had some great PPV matches with Sheamus, Orton and Big Show.That Raw segment where he chokes out JR with his tie and then Jerry Lawler steps in and Mark goes "Now you have to take his place!" sends chills up my spine just thinking it. And his post-match promo after he won the title is one of the best promos ever in my book. It felt so real.


He's a pretty rubbish babyface though.


Big Show was had multiple short runs where he was really good. The constant turns don't help. When used right he's fantastic. that Smackdown main event where it was him vs Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler and I'm thinking maybe Cody Rhodes is really really good. Look that one up.


Kane on the other hand...he was amazing from 98 till 2001. Everything since then minus Team Hell No has been the shits sadly. I definitely agree that him and Big Show are a big part of why WWE feels so stale. I could quite happily never watch a TV main event with them in ever again. They don't really have anything left to offer but the office keep pushing them over the younger guys. Big Show should basically be a part time comedy act these days and Kane should just fuck off.

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Mark Henry's path of destruction to winning the WHC was one of my favorite runs in wrestling. He was fucking terrifying. Everytime his music hit everyone knew someone was going to get destroyed. He was just so badass around that time. He also had some great PPV matches with Sheamus, Orton and Big Show.That Raw segment where he chokes out JR with his tie and then Jerry Lawler steps in and Mark goes "Now you have to take his place!" sends chills up my spine just thinking it. And his post-match promo after he won the title is one of the best promos ever in my book. It felt so real.



""If I charge for air, you keep your bill paid!". Fantastic.

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Kane's been knackered since he became Corporate Kane -- not because of the character change, but because of the way they write him. He's meant to be a big scary consequence, but his primary use over the last eighteen months has been getting beaten up by whoever is feuding with the Authority, week after week. How many times has he lost to Daniel Bryan on television since Team Hell No split up?


I can see why they keep him near the top, because Kane (like Big Show) has name value and is better known than Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins etc. But there are more dynamic ways of using the plodding old turd.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I think Henry's injuries have actually helped him stay fresh, in some back to front way. I know it must be frustrating for him to keep missing 6 months at a time, but when he turns up I want to watch him because of his absences. With the other two, they've been exposed for so long that it's just boring.

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Remember in late 98, when Vince got knapped by Austin? Well a few weeks later, Patterson, Brisco and Sgt Slaughter got punished off Vince via him putting all three of them in a cage with the Big Boss Man. The Boss Man has them on their knees begging not to be beaten anymore. Sgt Slaughter was like a main eventer when the Boss Man was pushing for midcard status. He went into WrestleMania some 7 years earlier as World Champion, when Boss Man was struggling with Mr Perfect. Slaughter should have sorted him out on his own.

Was flicking about on Youtube on Monday and came across this Nailz/Slaughter match from 1992. Sarge takes an absolute pasting. Someone in the comments says it was his last match until he fought Trips as commissioner in 1997.

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Remember in late 98, when Vince got knapped by Austin? Well a few weeks later, Patterson, Brisco and Sgt Slaughter got punished off Vince via him putting all three of them in a cage with the Big Boss Man. The Boss Man has them on their knees begging not to be beaten anymore. Sgt Slaughter was like a main eventer when the Boss Man was pushing for midcard status. He went into WrestleMania some 7 years earlier as World Champion, when Boss Man was struggling with Mr Perfect. Slaughter should have sorted him out on his own.

Was flicking about on Youtube on Monday and came across this Nailz/Slaughter match from 1992. Sarge takes an absolute pasting. Someone in the comments says it was his last match until he fought Trips as commissioner in 1997.



I'm pretty sure Slaughter appeared in the AWF where they'd give people free soup for coming to watch tapings.

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Watching Total Divas on the network while I recover from a dislocated shoulder (I'm shit at judo) and one thing puzzles me. What does Eva Marie do? Unless I'm missing something, she doesn't appear on Raw, Smackdown or any of the PPVs and she doesn't even work on NXT. Is she just a total divas tv character and that's it? At least JoJo does some announcing....

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Watching Total Divas on the network while I recover from a dislocated shoulder (I'm shit at judo) and one thing puzzles me. What does Eva Marie do? Unless I'm missing something, she doesn't appear on Raw, Smackdown or any of the PPVs and she doesn't even work on NXT. Is she just a total divas tv character and that's it? At least JoJo does some announcing....


She last wrestled in August. Don't know if it's just Total Diva storyline or not, but supposedly she's been out since then because her breat implant ruptured and she had to get surgery to fix it.

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