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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Last night I randomly decided to message a few wrestlers on Instagram saying if they were in the area I'd be happy to tattoo them. Got a reply from Barrett pretty much right away which was cool. He was friendly enough, but I doubt anything will come of it. Still got my heart set on tattooing Paige at some point. Think the ship has sailed on doing anything for Punk

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Last night I randomly decided to message a few wrestlers on Instagram saying if they were in the area I'd be happy to tattoo them. Got a reply from Barrett pretty much right away which was cool. He was friendly enough, but I doubt anything will come of it. Still got my heart set on tattooing Paige at some point. Think the ship has sailed on doing anything for Punk


If Barrett asked you to try and fix/cover his awful red and blue tribal tattoo, how would you go about it?

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RAW in 1996 is weird.


Maybe its because im so used to this day and ages formula of talking segments etc, but its just odd how the main event is usually really random with a big star against whoever, and it's rare you ever hear promos from the champion or anything.


I've been watching it on the network and im in February now, its the night after IYH Rage In The Cage, Bretvs Shawn has been made official for WrestleMania however on this RAW neither of them have been on it! Incredible these days to imagine neither of the guys in the Mania main event appearing on RAW in some form.


Bret hasnt had much promo time either in the first half and hasnt been on all the shows which is odd considering he was the champion at the time. Guess thats just how it was back then.


Was Nitro like this or was it more similar with today?

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It's mainly because wrestling TV as it is now didn't come in until two hours and the Monday Night Wars/attitude era. The top guys didn't appear every week under the old system.


That said, over the last few years we have had times that a top angle has only been represented on Raw by a video package and neither wrestler appearing in person. The Undertaker-Triple H WrestleMania matches this decade had a couple of weeks like that, I think. Cena-Lesnar in the summer definitely did. Wyatt-Ambrose did as well one week.



A Brit-Wrestler just spoiled the main event of today's NJPW show on Twitter. I don't follow him, so no biggie, right? Except someone I do follow retweeted him. Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


Because following people who are hardcore into wrestling on Twitter and then going on Twitter while avoiding results of a wrestling show is a terrible idea.

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They wouldn't do any crazy bumps and if they did they'd all get injured, so why bother?

I still think it it would be worth a shot between four of them or six at a strech. I remember seeing a ladder match once in OVW that went well a few years back. Of the current roster I could see AJ Lee and Paige willing to take a bump from a ladder, not talking it to Shelton Benjamin levels though.


EDIT: Just noticed that Gail Kim had a ladder match in TNA about a year and a half ago.

Edited by Glen Quagmire
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