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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The February PPV is called WWE FAST LANE.


What a shit name.

Don't see why they didn't go back to No Way Out, it was established as being part of the Road to Wrestlemania, in fact just call the show Road to Wrestlemania, the only point of the February PPV from about 2001 onwards is to set the table for the final Mania card anyway (Rock beating Angle for the belt, which was the most obvious result of a title match ever, being the best example)


Always thought it'd add a bit more shine to Survivor Series, Rumble and Mania if they just dropped the December and February PPV's anyway, I know there's financial reasons why they can't but it'd bring a lot of the 'big 4' appeal back to SS and RR while you've still got monthly PPV's April to November

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Near the start of this, they were touting Perfect as making an in-ring comeback.  In '96?  This didn't happen, surely.

They set up a feud with Triple H but Perfect jumped to WCW.


Hennig always wanted to go to WCW, for some bizarre reason. I remember reading an old Meltzer newsletter and it said Rick Rude had him at ringside with him at one of those WCW Disneyland tapings. Introduced him to the crowd and everything. Must have all fell through then. 1993, I think that was. Wasm't recorded.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Always thought it'd add a bit more shine to Survivor Series, Rumble and Mania if they just dropped the December and February PPV's anyway, I know there's financial reasons why they can't but it'd bring a lot of the 'big 4' appeal back to SS and RR


It probably wouldn't. Apart from the "like when I was a kid" factor, there's no sign that they'd do anything better to warrant it. TNA certainly didn't. Losing TLC would just mean we get one less Cena vs Rollins match between Survivor Series and the Rumble. Actually, now I've said that, I'm all for it.

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