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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He's been fantastic. Watch pretty much any of his G1 matches on Dailymotion.

Any recommendations? I do find it difficult to watch Japanese wrestling so would need a good one to start with


You could pick at random but his match with Minoru Suzuki was universally praised, although a lot of that is to do with how different their styles are surprsing everybody when the match was so great. The Okada match from Day 1 would be a good place to start if you went in order. The Naito match is great too. It's a fun tournament to see AJ working with all shapes of people and having solid to great matches regardless of whether it's Lance Archer or Minuru Suzuki. Is all available on DailyMotion uploaded by Original Bonski.

Edited by Benno
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He's been fantastic. Watch pretty much any of his G1 matches on Dailymotion.

Any recommendations? I do find it difficult to watch Japanese wrestling so would need a good one to start with



I really love his match vs Suzuki, probably my fav match of the tourny.



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To celebrate WWE2K15 coming out this week I have realised a strange fact that if we discount WWE 2K14 wrestling games have a great reputation for ruining video game publishers. The last console wrestling game that was made by a publisher that is still in business was Wrestle Kingdom 2 in 2007 however when limited to north american companies it would be WCW Backstage Assault in 2000.


Also I really miss Shane McMahon just putting it out there

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No there shouldn't because then you'll just end with #BringBackAttitudeEra, and we've been over that before

Shane was more than an Attitude Era star...


2001 Invasion Era Shane

2003 Kane fuedin' Shane

2006 Demon seed Shane

2008 Sack Mike Adamle Shane

2009 Legacy fuedin' Shane


So many Shanes, and i loved everyone of 'em!

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Looks like rumours are spreading that AJ will be done with WWE after Survivor Series. Lending weight to this I guess was the launch of her website aj-brooks.com last week which seemed to be a very non-wwe independent enterprise. I'm not surprised she's leaving what with having done pretty much all she can plus the whole Punk situation. I know not many on here will miss her but it's undeniable she's been the figurehead of the Divas for the last 2 years - the question is, who'll take over the mantle?

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I always loved Shane when I was a kid even when he was a heel. I always thought he should start a big stable with a Mafia gimmick, because to my 12 year-old Liverpudlian eyes he looked Italian American. I was made up to learn he was married to that Eye-Tie off Livewire when we got the internet in 2000.


I hated it when he appeared with Vince in what felt like every segment for about two years but hardly said a word. I suppose this would've been around 2006/07 and the DX feud. It almost seemed pointless him being there, and I can't imagine any kids watching at the time really had a clue who he was.

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