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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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It's long, so I've put it in spoilers.

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Joey Ryan vs. Tommaso Ciampa was the first bout, with both men somehow walking in to the same entrance music. Fans quickly made their voices heard, and while the show was all ages, the chants throughout the evening were decidedly 18 and up. This was a pretty good match that gets a little bumpy toward the end with a couple of awkward spots, but Ryan hits a picture-perfect superkick for the win.


Next up is Chris Masters, who gets only about 15 seconds into a promo when he stops to silence another heckler. Boy, this crowd really is enthusiastic. Masters issues an open challenge for anyone in the back to take the Masterlock Challenge, especially any of the legends who had appeared at the signing event earlier in the day. Bushwhacker Luke is out first, but Masters cheap-shots him and he quickly succumbs to the hold. Next out is Balls Mahoney, whom Masters attacks from behind and then finishes off. Not really sure why Masters is Pearl Harboring people, since the Masterlock Challenge was always a voluntary thing. The next guy out is Ezekiel Jackson, who fights back and puts Masters into his own full nelson until he gets low-blowed. Masters then finishes him off. Finally we get MMA fighter (and TNA super part-timer) King Mo, who of course does in 10 seconds what the actual wrestlers couldn

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Does anyone see WWE successfully expanding into China? I know that's their intention, and I heard the Austin podcast where Cena says he's learning Mandarin to help with that, but will we see it come to fruition? I think they'd need a Chinese wrestler (in before 'what about that fuckin' Ken Tar bloke?') and it'd be hard to come across anyone who would be Chinese and decent. Their arts are shite - anything with a bit of an edge about it could do well, like how Avril Lavigne is big over there. I also haven't seen as much violence over there. Would censorship get in the way?

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It just all seems a waste of time. They might get popular but their revenue comes from TV deals, PPVs and merchandising for the most part.


Nobody in China pays for anything official. CCTV (state run channels) wouldn't have it on their channels.


PPVs and USTV are streamed with no consequence from the ISP or government and they churn out fake merchandise at a fraction of the price. There is no way to make money. The odd paid gate isn't going to make much a difference to them.


The Premier League found it out to their cost. They now have scores of millions of people here watching games religiously every week thanks to their huge marketing push in the last decade but they aren't seeing a penny from it.

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