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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'd hate it if The Rock's title match at the Rumble is on last. I know its his first title shot in over 10 years but still, the Rumble should be the last match on the show, unless they have plans on dismantling the ring of course.

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I know it's a massively popular opinion on here, thus probably been mentioned a million times previously, but Triple H in 2000 was really really fucking good.


What's amazing about it is also just how fucking shit Triple H was in 1998 and how much he improved.

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I think the commentary lately has been much improved. Part of the reason is they all sound like veterans who know it inside out. JR talks about it as though it's a sport (keeping opponents in the invisible diagonal line in tag matches and such) which I think adds to a match and helps tell the story.


Feel free to lambast me if you weeeel, but would graphic stats in the match work? I'm not talking anything complex, but perhaps amount of tags for each team, amount of submissions applied or dominance percentage? In football, it helps drive home the story of the match. It shouldn't be every match, but it could work coupled with JR and JBL's commentary.

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Didn't TNA try something like that with their ticker feed thing at the bottom? Looked very Sky Sports with all the info round the side and down the bottom, with the match in the 'screen' portion. Felt very cluttered, but I know you don't mean as much as that.


I find the on screen graphics distracting, even if they're promoting the Komen for the Cure, Twitter or shows airing on the network.

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I guess it'd be best if it were applied on one of their hard camera shots so it's not as distracting. Something to try out on a lesser show maybe? Main Event would be a good show to try it on.


With ROH being based more on realism, it might work for their product. Not sure how the commentators are on there, but you need commentators that will compliment that analytical side.

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I'd hate it if The Rock's title match at the Rumble is on last. I know its his first title shot in over 10 years but still, the Rumble should be the last match on the show, unless they have plans on dismantling the ring of course.

I'm certain that the title match will go on before the Rumble - primarily because after Cena wins it, Rock will have to come out and have a stare down with him.

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I'd hate it if The Rock's title match at the Rumble is on last. I know its his first title shot in over 10 years but still, the Rumble should be the last match on the show, unless they have plans on dismantling the ring of course.

I'm certain that the title match will go on before the Rumble - primarily because after Cena wins it, Rock will have to come out and have a stare down with him.


I think you'll find The Rock's going to be serving hard time.

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I know it's a massively popular opinion on here, thus probably been mentioned a million times previously, but Triple H in 2000 was really really fucking good.


What's amazing about it is also just how fucking shit Triple H was in 1998 and how much he improved.


To be fair in '98 people forget how over as a babyface he was, when he finally beat The Rock for the IC title the crowd were either going mental or on the verge of tears they loved him that much


The only time he's been proper shite as a heel was when he was in the Corporate Ministry and was wearing the obligatory "Evil Black Leather Jacket" that pretty much everyone who turned heel in 1999 had to wear, as soon as that shite was finished and he started "The Game" gimmick he was pure class

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I'd hate it if The Rock's title match at the Rumble is on last. I know its his first title shot in over 10 years but still, the Rumble should be the last match on the show, unless they have plans on dismantling the ring of course.


Depends if they're having someone good win it, I suppose. The Rumble's still a fun match, but they've killed it a bit the last two years by having Del Rio and Sheamus win it and go on in the opener at Wrestlemania.

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Rumble winner Orton went on last at WrestleMania in 2009 and absolutely shouldn't have. The Rumble-ManiaMainEvent connection hasn't been strong since after Batista's win. Mysterio ruined it I guess.


Assume you mean Taker-HBK should have, to be fair in the build up to the Rumble everyone thought Orton was locked on for the main event, it was only when Shane turned up with his hard man act and they seemingly forgot that Orton and Triple H would need a decent storyline to get people into their match that it looked daft having them go last

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You only go for the shite belt these days if you win the Royal Rumble. The gimmick has been murdered. If you win the Royal Rumble you get to open the show for the old WCW belt. It doesn't do anything for the winner. Edge, Del Rio and Sheamus were the last three winners and were completely forgettable on the WrestleMania that followed.

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