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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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What happened to Dolph Ziggler? He's gone from that epic moment on the post-Wrestlemania Raw to duking it out in no#1 contendership matches for the title currently held by his former bodyguard.


Has he pissed someone off backstage or has he been "found out" as it were?

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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I imagine Ziggler proving his doubters right by being one of the naffest babyfaces in history didn't help.


On the other hand, they noticed how much better Big E is than Ziggler during their feud, so gave Big E that spot on the card Ziggler was wasting.


Ziggler is good at making moves look cool, but anything more and he's exposed.

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Anyone watched Triple H's Thy Kingdom Come DVD? I watched the documentary on Youtube a few weeks ago, and it really gave me a new appreciation for the guy. I've been quite neutral on him for years, thinking he's pretty good, but not necessarily one of the greats as his title history suggests. The doco does a fantastic job of showing his passion for the business and the struggles he experienced getting to his current position, including looking at the transition from full time wrestler to corporate worker. Highly recommended watch.


You got a youtube link to this?

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I thought they would have taken it down, this doesn't appear to be the exact same file I watched, but here it is :)


Cheers for that, it was an enjoyable watch. Obviously very positive but wasnt complete propaganda as I'd heard online. Could have done without the segment on The Chaperone.


Interesting at 1hr47, Vince balling his eyes out backstage after the HBK/HHH/Taker group hug at Mania 28. Also his final words to end the doc "He's one of the most wonderful things to ever happen to me..."


No wonder Shane fucked off. He's probably not the favourite son.

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I know I was only 5 or 6 years old at time, but I honestly believed Vince and whoever would do superstars with him were stood at a podium in the middle of the crowd when I was a kid. What a berk, some of those green screens are fucking shocking.

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Brian Cage's move or 'spot' when he catches his opponent straight into a suplex position is so awesome.


For those who haven't seen it (probably most) it's hard to describe. His opponent is on the top rope and jumps towards him, and he catches them in a vertical suplex position, without their feet touching the floor and then hits a suplex or more recently a jackhammer. I can't find it on youtube unfortunately.

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I know I was only 5 or 6 years old at time, but I honestly believed Vince and whoever would do superstars with him were stood at a podium in the middle of the crowd when I was a kid. What a berk, some of those green screens are fucking shocking.

They did a lot of the time. Saturday Nights Main Event was always live and loud. They didn't do it when they had to tape a thousand shows a night when Raw wasn't drawing at arenas. The bad old days was all green screen.

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They generally taped three shows at a time, the first of which would have the commentators live, for some reason, and the other two would be 'green screened'. You usually had some commentator interaction on the first one, such as Bossman cuffing Bobby Heenan to the railings, or Savage and Piper dashing off to the Funeral Parlour with chairs to save Hogan from a two on one beat down at the hands of Flair and 'Taker. Good times.


The other two weeks you'd get Gorilla Monsoon revelling in the crowd chanting 'Weasel' at The Brain whilst Battle Kat beat Reno Riggins.

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I posted this a few months back:

Toy Hunter on Quest is the best show on TV by a mile. Its about some bloke with scary white teeth knocking about the US searching for rare toys. Something I'm upset about, it seems like everytime he does his Comic Con stall, all the nerds that turn up have shirts ranging from CM Punk to Kurt Angle to some lad who had a Black Machismo shirt on (?). The opening credits have a visible Scott Steiner WCW figure in it every episode. Yet I've never seem them do a piece on WWF figures. You'd think they would do. I'm thinking that would be the perfect subject to do a show on. I'm waiting each episode for the bloke to find a Ultimate Warrior that doesn't have the fingers bitten off to sell for 80 quid or something.


Its obviously fake as fuck as well. You have specials where Gene Simmons (a bloke who admits to never throwing any KISS merch out, and even having an office and a warehouse full of the shit) is putting him on the hunt for an item for him. There is footage off KISS shamelessly raiding conventions and taking stuff they claim was stolen and sold on, so if Simmons wants something he's not asking this lad to get it for him. But its all in good fun. I'm thinking they could do a special where Hogan or Warrior or even someone in the WWE like Kofi Kingston or Zack Ryder tells them they are after a toy to add to their collection and the presenter has to go on the hunt to pick it up from someones house. Fucking baffled there hasn't been a wrestling tie in from the opening few episodes on this show.


And low and behold, they've got the big man on. I bet the presenter has to look for a mail order red outfit hasbro of the Hulkster or something. Or those big Hogan dolls from 1985.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I just rewatched my favourite match this year - John Cena vs CM Punk from Raw, and it is SPECTACULAR. Actually better the second or third time round after a few months going back to it, because you forget some of the false finishes and it really sucks you in.


Punk had really grown up as a Main Eventer after siding with Heyman to me and his working style reflected it too, but as usual, he's only a shining *star* when he's in there with Cena. We've all bummed these two's chemistry before, and with good reason. Their characters are an absolutely perfect mesh, the promos make EVERY match they have seem like the best thing since sliced bread, and brilliantly, each contest ends up acting as another layer of build-up to the next one. I'd argue this is their best (and that's a cracking debate in itself), because Punk was really peaking as a wrestler, the stakes were typically high, and they worked that 1% of doubt in the result through the match brilliantly.


Cena's comebacks were on another fucking planet in the match, the finish reversal sequences were so much more organic than most of the others you get in WWE Main Events these days, and the fans were jizzing their dicks off on Cena's nearfalls, sensing his doubt that he just could.not.beat.this.man. The little extra bits of icing on the cake like the Punk Piledriver (he's done, that's it, it's over!), Cena's Batista Bomb and the Cenacanrana added specialness, and the beautifully simplistic psychology of knowing each other's moves too well to tease big spots rather than just delivering them was something else. Most of CM Punk's best ever matches are with Cena, so I'd stretch to say this is his best match ever, and for me, this is maybe Cena's best too (I need to give that more thought though). Not sure it's better than his match with Lesnar, but that in itself almost stands alone on an island, compared to this traditionally-styled sensational wrestling match.


Like most years in this current era, there's a good crop of MOTYCs this year, but they all fall below this one for me. What a fucking match. I might watch it again right now.



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Bobby Heenan's commentary in the final minute of the Goldberg vs Hollywood Hogan match at the Georgia Dome (and in the immediate aftermath) is one of the under-appreciated pieces of wrestling commentary ever. Fantastic, emotive call.

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