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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Santino is surely the best comedy wrestler ever right? I can't think of anyone else so consistently funny but also managing to work comedy into proper matches that whole arenas full of fans get into. He makes pretty much everything work.


I'd say Les Kellet.

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Hard to get a general reaction of it at the time, because half the people who did reviews on it were FWA fanboys who hated NWA Hammerlock. So a lot of opinions were clouded to fit the FWA is amazing everything else is shit agenda. I remember Alex Shane burying it on the radio. But I remember liking it. But I remember even a shit wrestling skit on Byker Grove or a WCW advert in a magazine visible on an episode of Mr Bean and my head would explode as a child. "AHHHH!! WRESTLING!!!" was the usual reaction. The blokes name was Kasper wasn't it? He picked it up pretty well. I seem to have this image of him shitless holding a Rick Martel hasbro. Unless that was just a wank fantasy I'd accidentally admitting to.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I watched Triple H and Taker's Mania 27 match tonight for the first time since seeing it live. It's such a masterclass. I'm a massive Triple H fan anyway, but the way they build to the Triple H Tombstone is brilliant. I was watching with.headphones in and you can hear the deflation of the crowd when he gets him up for it before the massive reaction to the kick out.


Triple H executes every strike and every move so well. Taker does as well, but I've always noticed it with Triple H. They're two of the best strikers in wrestling. They make a punch mean a lot. They know how to make everything they do big as well which a lot of the roster could learn from. It's never a small motion; it's big so everyone in the arena or stadium gets it, and their selling is big enough for everyone to get without it being OTT. I love Triple H having his left arm hang the whole match after having his arm worked on at the start and landing on it. I just love them both.

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I watched Triple H and Taker's Mania 27 match tonight for the first time since seeing it live. It's such a masterclass. I'm a massive Triple H fan anyway, but the way they build to the Triple H Tombstone is brilliant. I was watching with.headphones in and you can hear the deflation of the crowd when he gets him up for it before the massive reaction to the kick out.


Triple H executes every strike and every move so well. Taker does as well, but I've always noticed it with Triple H. They're two of the best strikers in wrestling. They make a punch mean a lot. They know how to make everything they do big as well which a lot of the roster could learn from. It's never a small motion; it's big so everyone in the arena or stadium gets it, and their selling is big enough for everyone to get without it being OTT. I love Triple H having his left arm hang the whole match after having his arm worked on at the start and landing on it. I just love them both.


What you want to read, if you didn't spot it first time round, or any of the times I've plugged it in the Post of the Year thread, is ShortOrderCook's review of the match from the 'Triple H reviews' thread. It really goes a long way to showing what a great match that was.

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Would it work if a big wrestling company did TV shows like the major ones in America atm? As in having 'seasons', maybe 3 months on TV plus 3 pay-per-views, and then say 2 months off TV where they tour and do house shows.


There's probably a million reasons this couldn't happen but just came into my head after watching some Breaking Bad

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It would work in a Saturday Morning Slam style, I reckon. Say 22 episodes a year, where the whole thing is marketed to kids and you have all these colourful wrestlers with masks and gimmicks and its pure high flying, comedy and little violence. I think something like that would be very appealing to children. Kids have no pre-concieved notions regarding wrestling if you catch them early enough. Say you put it on Nickelodeon or the Disney channel and cross-promoted the stars with other shows on the channel, something like that would catch on.


But not if you want to market it as a full time wrestling promotion. Its one of the reasons TNA is in such a horrible financial state. Wrestling needs revenue streams. And I dont think there is any if you are a series. Wrestling Society X didn't even make it until the end of its run. They just stopped showing it.

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Ian's format above is one of the ways I think would work well for British wrestling on TV. All Star's product with some adjustments here and there would be great for Saturday morning kids TV. Running for a few months at a time on TV with a season finale and a touring roster for the off months.


UK shows are good but too many of them have guys working WWE or even Puro styles and for me that's a major part in why some promotions look very minor league. More colourful presentation and matches that are a hybrid of the All Star and WWF late 80's/early 90's styles would be great and would be over with kids. I know if there was a promotion like that touring close to me I'd take my son as often as possible. The big drawback as is often the case is the money. With the equipment and resources needed to produce a TV show that doesn't look like it's in the dingy back room of a social club I think it would unfortunately be close to impossible to present a profitable product.

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Watched wrestlemaina 11 Shawn vs diesel. Why are there so many ringside photographers? That's the only time I've noticed so many. Even Shawn gets pissed and throws them out of his way. It was like a lumberjack match. Was it something to do with the amount of celebritys wwe booked, there were too many really

Check out who leads Shawn and Diesel to the ring and see who is in the main event and you will get your answer. It was a star studded WrestleMania. I wouldn't be to stunned if they lost money on it. They had more celebrities than they had workers. All pretty relevant ones as well. And the event bombed pretty big. I dont think there was a significant celebrity at WrestleMania until Tyson 3 years later.


I had that idea on here months ago you bloody cheats!

If you're going to steal, you steal from the best. My only problem is that with a kids wrestling show you'd have to deal with standards and practices, bro.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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