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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Or Curt Hennig selling "You've Got Aids, Mark" shirts on a table at the Empire.

Note to all wrestlers who frequent here, if you put these on your gimmick tables I *WILL* be buying.
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I never had a bad experience meeting him yesterday. Just that he asked for more money which took me back abit. I never went to the show to see him.Ive heard of his bitterness and catch him now and again on his podcast. But what i find shocking is that wwe would put him on one of their best selling wwe dvds and yet still not sign him to a contract. They are actively promoting a wrestler that they do not have under contract. You would think surely that if he was good to do business with then TNA would of signed him up on the back of it.

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There's a difference between having him as a talking head on his mate's dvd where he's relevant and having him on your t.v every week. He doesn't really fit into WWE or TNA, not with his Colt Cabana or Matt Classic gimmicks anyway. He's nowhere near as good as he seemingly think's he is, he was never in the Joe or Punk superworker! indy category.

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Unless he's on them as a favour to Punk (who they like) but they don't like Colt enough to actually have to deal with him on a daily basis. It doesn't look good for Colt when you consider how much sway Punk seems to have and he's not able to get Colt a job. Whether that's because they don't think he fits in, or isn't good enough or they just find him a bit of a dick is difficult to ascertain though. I've always thought the things that people like about Colt probably don't translate to the big show, or if they do certainly not to any point where he's anything but a novelty fun act. Even with his podcasts, he's done some really good interviews (depending on the guests) but the bit at the start where he talks about himself are really annoying. "I'm Colt and I'm a professional wrestler and I love it! My mummy didn't want me to go here but I did! Nobody tell her!" There's guys in the 'E who probably think he's a complete goon. I'd imagine as much as the WWE's a family they're also probably pretty serious about what they do. Colt has a tendency, even though I don't think its really the case, to not sound that serious about wrestling. I don't blame him for that but there's guys in the 'E who've been training for years in development, are travelling on the road each day, in the gym each day, and they probably don't feel the same. I think his passionate about it, just in a way that might not come across the way he wants it to. He's a smart fucker though. He's made himself into something of a star (or at least getting people to think he is) through his podcasts even though in reality he isn't. That's good working. Like villarule19 thinking he's a star that the 'E should get so that TNA don't snap him up. He probably wouldn't bring much of anything to either. And I'm someone who thinks Colt's decent to watch. Not great, not someone I check out every match for, but someone who's fairly alright when he's on.

Edited by Vamp
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUrdz66-NeY I miss Monty Brown and The Pounce. The Pounce was a sick move, Langston should have that as his finish instead of that stupid shit move he does these days.

Wait... you're telling me Langston isn't just Monty with more hair and a sexy singlet?

I can rarely stomach TNA anymore. It's a trust issue more than anything. Every angle I've ever invested in as a viewer has resulted in me getting burnt. Either it's had a finish that's really taken the wind out of my sails at the completion as being completely the opposite of what I wanted/expected/got behind as a fan (Raven not beating Jarrett, Roode not beating Angle, They being Fourtune, Tomko turns heel, loads more...)

They lost me forever when Hogan himself proclaimed they had just signed a real "game-changer" who could "walk in the door and just take the Heavyweight title" and it transpired it was talking about the imminent arrival of Kennedy.

So, super carny indy money making worker pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, or are people just catching him on bad days or something?

I met him yesterday and he was a really sound bloke, even though he'd taken none of my money. So if he is a cunt to people, I reckon he picks and chooses. Now that I think about it, Punk's the same. I only met Punk once, but in my estimation we had a bit of a laugh.Chicago : a great bunch of lads.
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Does Cabana still do stand up comedy? I only heard of one show he did where he got booed off stage after 5 minutes. I remember in one his podcasts he was going on about John Cena being a big fan of the Matt Classic character but when he met Colt he got really pissed off with him. tTo me, Colt's always come across as a guy who thinks he is amazingly funny but in reality is probably only about a quarter as funny as he thinks he is.

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I used to love Cabana but I can't stand him now. The way he seems to live off every word CM Punk does irritates me to no end. I can't even put my finger on what made me dislike him, he just seems so unlikeable. I'm interested to hear what Bret Hart said about him, as one of the legends who disliked him.

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The way he is with fans can surely vary from person to person. He might have been irritated by the person he met 30 seconds before you.I've met Colt Cabana probably 10 times, in England and America, and he was always nice enough. Only once I've ever given him money, so he's not just nice to people who are buying stuff off him. People always say CM Punk's a dick to fans too, I met him twice and he was very cool both times.

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I'm interested to hear what Bret Hart said about him, as one of the legends who disliked him.

Hates a strong word. Bret Hart doesn't know who he is, which is the problem Cabana has. The word going about is that he's met Cabana several times and has wanted to get away from him each time they spoke. Which must stick in the throat of Cabana since Bret wears CM Punk shirts around his house and stuff, because he loves him. Yet he thinks Cabana's a right plum. Colt mentioned on one of his podcasts veterans tend to dislike him. Even Steve Corino hated him for a long time.Here's Cabana re-telling a story of seeing Bret at a show.
Kevin Steen said on his new ROH DVD that on Cabana's last ROH show he asked Jim Cornette is there was anything he could have improved in his match and Cornette said "how about you not being in it?" Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Cabana couldn't come across more false when he introduces himself. It really could be as simple as the first impression he makes and his follow up cuntiness kills him.

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This exchange made me chuckle...

SCOTT HALL ‏@SCOTTHALLNWO 15 JunI'm leaving for Chicago later this morning is there anything to do after the show tonight for a single cat like me? #SoberNotDeadChris Brooker ‏@TheBrookerMan 15 Jun@SCOTTHALLNWO Might be worth asking @coltcabana. There's a man that knows Chicago.SCOTT HALL ‏@SCOTTHALLNWO 15 Jun@TheBrookerMan Necer met @ColtCabana but I hear he's a cool cat...Colt Cabana ‏@ColtCabana 15 Jun@SCOTTHALLNWO @TheBrookerMan We've met at The Gathering. Go to http://JustForLaughsChicago.com So many great shows going on until late at night.SCOTT HALL ‏@SCOTTHALLNWO 15 Jun@ColtCabana Sorry bro...got play my dain bramage card on that one....Awww brain damage...#CornyJoke

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I met Cabana at the Money in the bank 2011 show when he was on the front row. I had a John Cena shirt on an could tell he didn't really wanna talk to me despite the fact I was very polite an respectful of him.

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You have to take into consideration the fact that 90% of the stories you hear about wrestlers being dicks to fans come from total dickhead fans.I've met Colt Cabana a couple of times myself and I'd say that the only wrestler I've ever met that was nicer was the Ultimate Warrior, and plenty of people think he's an utter cunt.

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Kevin Steen said on his new ROH DVD that on Cabana's last ROH show he asked Jim Cornette is there was anything he could have improved in his match and Cornette said "how about you not being in it?"

:laugh: For me, Cabana is always the least interesting thing on his podcasts. I don't mind him as a wrestler - his series with Adam Pearce over the NWA Title was wonderful. But he's really not very funny.
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You have to take into consideration the fact that 90% of the stories you hear about wrestlers being dicks to fans come from total dickhead fans.I've met Colt Cabana a couple of times myself and I'd say that the only wrestler I've ever met that was nicer was the Ultimate Warrior, and plenty of people think he's an utter cunt.

There's a differing of opinion I suppose. The slightest thing might set off a fan to think someone is an arse and then there's fans who are blind to see through it because they want to believe someone is nicer than what they are. Each fan has their own standards. I've heard Scott Steiner is a really big arsehole for example. Like a real knob. I know he was over here and haven't heard what people thought of him, but the general opinion is that he really hates people. Especially wrestling fans.Most indy wrestlers are knobs. Wrestling is an odd form of entertainment. There are so many who are desperate to come across cooler than what they are and try and distance themselves from the BO ridden stable of wrestling fans who ascend the merch table. Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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