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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'm not sure if anyone thinks she's an amazing performer, more they've finally found the perfect role for her ambling skillset and natural heat. There's definitely an art imitating life thing going on there that would be hard to replicate with another girl whilst Eva's fresh in memory.


How many down through the years have done the "I'm the queen of this shit" gimmick to crickets? Like 70% of them?

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It's absolutely clear why Eva Marie works so effectively. Stupid to say anyone could do it. Stupid to say anyone is claiming she's an entertaining performer. I don't think I've ever read that. She's just a very effective gimmick because there is genuine dislike for her.


Her current gimmick is that she never wrestles. That isn't because she's a great worker now, is it?

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It's absolutely clear why Eva Marie works so effectively. Stupid to say anyone could do it. Stupid to say anyone is claiming she's an entertaining performer. I don't think I've ever read that. She's just a very effective gimmick because there is genuine dislike for her.


Her current gimmick is that she never wrestles. That isn't because she's a great worker now, is it?



Yep, exactly.


I don't post as much on here any more, but I've not gone mental.


They've finally found an entertaining presentation for Eva (after being a waste of space for ages) and now she's off telly for 30 days. Bad timing and a shame for the fans.

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Unless i'm mistaken I believe whereas Eva does not come from an athletic background and was signed as a model (didn't play sports), Mandy Rose does (she already looked more comfortable in the ring on NXT). She was signed and introduced on Total Divas as pretty much a blonde, more likeable version of Eva. I'm not suggesting they do it because I really want to ride this Eva train but if you dyed Mandy's hair red, they are very similar looking.


I might add though, if you take what we've seen of Eva training with Kendrick and what she's done on NXT tv it's like night and day. Seeing her training in the ring gives off the impression that she could probably go, which is kinda why i'm hoping she puts it together one day.

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She played collegiate soccer, so she has some athletic background. Of course though, athletic background and athleticism is overrated in wrestling. Jerry Lawler didn't have one and he's arguably the greatest wrestling of all time. Athletic background really isn't worth getting hung up on as a metric for wrestling.

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Has anyone ever referred to Jerry Lawler as "Jerry Lee Lawler"?

I'm sure somebody with a speech impediment must have done at some point.

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That Mandy Rose has definitely been signed because she's a knock-off Margot Robbie.

She signed a 5 year contract in June 2015, over a year before 'Suicide Squad' was released.


You think someone backstage in WWE was a 'Neighbours' fan?

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That Mandy Rose has definitely been signed because she's a knock-off Margot Robbie.

She signed a 5 year contract in June 2015, over a year before 'Suicide Squad' was released.


You think someone backstage in WWE was a 'Neighbours' fan?

I thought it was a silly comparison too but Margot Robbie's been in loads more then just Suicide Squad and Neighbours.

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That Mandy Rose has definitely been signed because she's a knock-off Margot Robbie.

She signed a 5 year contract in June 2015, over a year before 'Suicide Squad' was released.


You think someone backstage in WWE was a 'Neighbours' fan?

I thought it was a silly comparison too but Margot Robbie's been in loads more then just Suicide Squad and Neighbours.



Wolf of Wall Street being one. Besides, I doubt WWE hired her just for having a passing resemblance to a Hollywood actress.

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