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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I feel he gives whatever he's given a good go. His bully stuff was pretty great, albeit shortlived. He's a freakish looking bastard, has fire, can be funny or a nutter.


Not like he has excellent matches but it's not about that. He's larger than life.

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I love the Big Guy, but I feel they are now very close to the point of no return for him. I hope the current situation with him is part of a bigger story of him coming back with a major beef and just destroying people out of sheer frustration. Don't let shit heads like Kalisto ever beat him again!

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There's so many jobbers on the roster he seems the perfect person to keep the US title on for a bit and murder people. But they keep stop starting him. They started again before Mania but then he loses to Kalisto who there doesn't seem to be any value in having that belt on. Now he's beaten Kalisto again.

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Is there much heat in them talking about how Puerto Rico is better than the cities they're in? It seems like it has less potential than the Matadores and will be given up on faster. I don't know that there's much that can be done with Primo and Epico now though. They're basically two Chavos, and I can't see this repackaging doing anything to change that.

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Dave Meltzer explains who Scott Steiner is for those of us who have never heard of this little known wrestler:


"Scott Rechsteiner (Scott Steiner), the wrestler who owns a Shoney’s restaurant in Acworth, GA, was a witness to an attempted murder this past week."

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Does anyone else think that Bret vs Perfect from KOTR 93 is even better than their Summerslam 91 bout? I rewatched the 93 match yesterday and it just confirmed it's standing as one of my favourite matches. The drama, the storytelling and the incredible pace that they set makes it one of the best WWE PPV matches of all time for me, but you don't often hear it spoken about in the same reverential terms as their admittedly brilliant Summerslam encounter.


Anyone else our there think the KOTR match just edges Summerslam in quality?

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Does anyone else think that Bret vs Perfect from KOTR 93 is even better than their Summerslam 91 bout? I rewatched the 93 match yesterday and it just confirmed it's standing as one of my favourite matches. The drama, the storytelling and the incredible pace that they set makes it one of the best WWE PPV matches of all time for me, but you don't often hear it spoken about in the same reverential terms as their admittedly brilliant Summerslam encounter.


Anyone else our there think the KOTR match just edges Summerslam in quality?


Objectively, it possibly does in terms of what they did bell to bell. However, you can't adjust for emotion and SummerSlam is the popular Hitman taking a big step up and having a crack at the seemingly invincible Intercontinental champ who looked like he could weasel out of anything at the time. That story. the emotional commentary (especially from Piper) and the huge pop from MSG are what make it one of the most fondly-remembered matches of the Hulkamania days. The King of the Ring semi bell to bell might be a better wrestled match, but I don't think it's a better match in the ways that matter - how you feel watching it, rewatch factor. In fact, I might even take watching the final against Bam Bam over that semi, now that I think about it.

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I think it falls into the same category as Razor/Shawn 2 from Summerslam 95. There's a lot of reasons why the second ones could be considered better matches, mainly because the combatants are absolutely fucking mint wrestlers going out of their way to provide a fitting sequel to a classic original. They play off old spots, the journey the characters have been on, the lot, and the fact that they've already got an all time great match in the bank as their inspiration adds a lot of subtle depth.


However, (and to tie in with what Raid said), you can't have any of that if you didn't craft the masterpiece to begin with. In both cases, the first matches represent significant milestones in careers, and the emotion, drama and particularly suspense attached to them as a result is unmatched.


I get it though. If you asked me to pick a Bret/Perfect match to watch, I'd definitely pick KOTR 93. (And if you're a real fine diner, you know the best Shawn/Razor match is ACTUALLY the summer 94 Raw one where Vince ain't going to prison and everybody's just all having the best day of their lives).

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Yeah I would agree the KOTR 93 match is even better because it is informed by the earlier encounter. They do a great job on commentary playing that up as well, and I would imagine my love for the Summerslam match enriches the later one. I could probably count on one hand the WWF/E matches I've enjoyed more than the King of the Ring match though.


Though Raid is spot on about that final, Bret vs Bam Bam is a belter.

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