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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Had such an odd career. Should have been main event after the Steph carry-on, but fuck all happened.

He Won pretty much everything as well didnt he? IC/European/Tag Team? He was one away from a "Grand-Slam"

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Had such an odd career. Should have been main event after the Steph carry-on, but fuck all happened. Did Triple H even have a match with big Test?


The biggest oddity in his career is that at Armageddon once Hunter had dropped the belt, it was daddy that tried to take revenge at Armageddon for the date-rape wedding rather than the groom. But then, perhaps we should have figured out they didn't have high hopes for Test in the ring at the time. Did he wrestle a single match on PPV between SummerSlam and the Royal Rumble?? I remember being dumbstruck watching Survivors that he didn't have a match, and that it wasn't him inserted into the title match when it made perfect sense in the storyline. Big Show going in was "huh?"

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I made a post about him in the 101 thread oblivious to the fact he's featured in 2-3 pages in here. I didn't even know he had a TNA run. Interesting to read a divide in opinion on him, I honestly thought he was just seen as a big daft lump. Fair play if you found him watchable and entertaining... You're wrong, but hey ho.

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He might have done all of that, but he was just too fucking bland.



Fair enough, I remember it being rumored his was in for a push towards the title, back in the day. Perhaps the same spot they tried pushing Billy Gunn into during his KOTR win hah.

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They had one on RAW where Vince was guest referee, while he also wore a Vince McMahon mask

Bit odd. What was that about?

I want to say it was just before they did the wedding and Vince said Test could anything he wanted as a wedding pressie, and he chose a match with HHH. This was also just before Vince and HHH had their match at Armageddon so I want to say they were banned from fighting for some reason or there was a restraining order in place.

I don't think you were supposed to know that the guy in the Vince mask was Vince, but you could tell it was Vince from the way he moved.

Raw #340 if you want to see it on the network. A quick search on youtube also brings some HHH v Test matches from 2000 and 2002

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Lot of Testicles in this thread.


I never minded Test, his Big Boot was cracking and he was a great character to play as on the first SmackDown game. I had convinced myself they were going to do something significant with him when they gave him the Immunity For A Year thing at Survivor Series 01, but they just quietly dropped it after a little while. It's a shame, because especially with the roster depth halving in the brand split, you could have done some good things with a guy who could do absolutely anything he wanted because he COULDN'T be fired.

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Lot of Testicles in this thread.


I never minded Test, his Big Boot was cracking and he was a great character to play as on the first SmackDown game. I had convinced myself they were going to do something significant with him when they gave him the Immunity For A Year thing at Survivor Series 01, but they just quietly dropped it after a little while. It's a shame, because especially with the roster depth halving in the brand split, you could have done some good things with a guy who could do absolutely anything he wanted because he COULDN'T be fired.


He ran-in to attack the Rock during his title challenge against Jericho at Rumble 2002, didn't he? I thought they must've had big plans for him after that, but they're leaving it late if they did.

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Lot of Testicles in this thread.


I never minded Test, his Big Boot was cracking and he was a great character to play as on the first SmackDown game. I had convinced myself they were going to do something significant with him when they gave him the Immunity For A Year thing at Survivor Series 01, but they just quietly dropped it after a little while. It's a shame, because especially with the roster depth halving in the brand split, you could have done some good things with a guy who could do absolutely anything he wanted because he COULDN'T be fired.

Indeed, this was such a waste at the time and more should have been done with the stipulation. Ideally not with Test winning it to start with of course but it could have helped build someone into a top guy.

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Could even build up over the last couple of months to where he's surely going to be fired on Day 366 for all the shit he's done, but finally does the big attack on the top babyface or does something utterly horrific righy at the end of the year of immunity that either leads to A) the heel boss making him him his handpicked guy, or preferably B) the wronged babyface demands a match, but he's no longer under contract and can't get it, leading to Test (or whoever) demanding a new ironclad deal to return, and set up the big match. Far too much to do for them to just do nothing.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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Something I've started doing without really noticing is whenever Ziggler hits the fame-asser, I shout 'two! two! TWOOOOOOOO' in time with the ref and the crowd

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