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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I watched Brian Kendrick's King of Flight tournament.

Know who I don't like? Brian Kendrick. Is it just me? He's one of those ones that has the great reputation. Everything I've seen from him has been garbage. Garbage in WWE. The absolute pits in TNA. He's my pick for most overrated wrestler of the last ten years.


I HATED him in TNA. Worse than Claire Lynch. I enjoyed his brief run as The Brian Kendrick in WWE. I did like the Londrick tag team too, but Jesus him in TNA was the absolute pits.

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I'm finally getting around to watching the 50 Greatest Superstars DVD and while the rankings are pure bollocks, the section on Nick Bockwinkel looks pretty interesting. Never having had any access to the AWA, my only real access to him was as an authority figure in WCW, but he looks like he's great on the mic and a pretty interesting character in general. Any thoughts from anyone who knows more?

Great worker and talker if very old school with both. Youtube should have some of his great matches with Lawler and Hennig and he did some stuff with Hogan for the AWA title. I have some great stuff on DVD of his tag team with Stevens and subsequent split and some great interviews, angles etc from when Heenan was their manager. Not sure how much of that is online though. Jericho tried to rip off his promo style when he made his comeback in the late 2000's.

Edited by Maverick
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For some reason, when I think of them, I think of the great Jonny Gould and Channel 5 baseball.




I think they shared a lot of VHS tapes back in those days.


Didn't UKFF favourites Mike Carlson and Mark Webster cover a bit of WCW in the summer of 2000?

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Against all better judgement I still bum the MIA.


I thought that the MIA were good value for money, which I'm sure wouldn't hold up to rewatching - I felt like Hugh Morrus was going to get a massive springboard up the card because of it. I think I was watching most of the 1998-2001 era in a daze, though, because I went home from uni every fortnight to watch it as a massive block of two weeks of recorded programming - get home at about 6pm, eat my dinner, and then watch two weeks of RAW, Thunder, Nitro, and eventually Smackdown too. And then, the one hour shows later in the weekend.

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Didn't UKFF favourites Mike Carlson and Mark Webster cover a bit of WCW in the summer of 2000?


They commentated on Transatlantic Wrestling Challenge which was shown in some ITV regions on a Saturday afternoon in 2000ish, not sure if they did WCW though.

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Most of the greatest had one name, that instant identifier. Like Rock, Undertaker, Goldberg, Mordecai, Kizarny...


Naturally, the reason is that wrestling fans are too stupid to say his full name. Too many syllables. That's why Fandango frequently gives demonstrations, just because his veers towards the danger zone.

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Most of the greatest had one name, that instant identifier. Like Rock, Undertaker, Goldberg, Mordecai, Kizarny...


Naturally, the reason is that wrestling fans are too stupid to say his full name. Too many syllables. That's why Fandango frequently gives demonstrations, just because his veers towards the danger zone.


In this ilk I remember some people got annoyed about WWE changing Bryan Danielson to Daniel Bryan.


Simple reason is Daniel Bryan is a fuck load easier to chant.


Probably half the reason CM Punk got to keep his name.

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That's probably about right. The only main-event exceptions to this rule that spring to mind are The Undertaker, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (and most people chant "Stone Cold" anyway), Ultimate Warrior, and "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

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This is a fairly bold prediction, but I honestly think Cesaro could be the next HHH. I mean, he'll obviously never be in DX, but he's really getting an aura and has shown some great heel personality on NXT, on top of his really good matches. I like him more and more

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Watching some old stuff on YouTube I was reminded of how I thought Shawn Stasiak would BREAK OUT after his face turn in 1999. I also felt the same about Chaz. So evidently the way to get a 14 year old Butch to see the Emperor's New Clothes as golden robes was to say "well, my real name is X".


Fuck you Russo. Fuck you and you knowing how to con 14yr olds.

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