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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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it's annoying to see him get killed for 13 minutes then land the brogue kick outta no where to win the match. the hell is this?


This here is one of the reasons I personally can't stand John Cena. I don't mean to sound like Fin Martin but it's infuriating to see him take a shit ton of offense, get up, hit a couple of moves and an AA and instantly take the win. Look at his match with Ziggler only on Monday for the most recent example of that. It makes everything that's happened previously in the match completely pointless if he doesn't sell the moves he's taken as if they're hindering him. The way he runs around the ring like a buffoon after such a victory only adds to my dislike.


For me, the bit you've quoted and your opinion on Cena are actually quite different. I agree about Cena - it's the only part of his actual wrestling that I can't abide, mainly because, I suppose, I've been conditioned to expect a super-human main-eventer to at least "Hulk Up" before coming back, rather than just no-sell the entire damn lot.


The Brogue Kick thing is bollocks, though - it's a move that's designed to come out of nowhere and completely change the complexion of a match, like the RKO, the Sweet Chin Music, the Rock Bottom or the Stunner.

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The commentators laughing has never bothered me much before, but it seems to have gotten worse this week. I'm watching the replay of The Rock Concert on Smackdown, and during that they're terrible.


Also on Smackdown, and I'll spoiler tag this for anyone awful, but it's not a spoiler. It's just a throwaway commentary line that struck me as odd.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

During a discussion about the difference between tag and singles wrestling, JBL said some people never make the transition. And he listed the Killer Bees, Legion of Doom and... The Dudleys. Seems like an odd shot to take at them/TNA, but surely he's not unaware of what they're up to?


[close spoiler]



I don't mean to sound like Fin Martin


Edited by King Pitcos
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Cena's act bores the hell out of me. His act has really ran its course, he seems to be going the motions mic wise. I loved his match with Ziggler a few weeks back however. Cena's actually one of my favourites in the ring and he and Ziggler really do have great chemistry.

Edited by BiffingtonClyro
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it's annoying to see him get killed for 13 minutes then land the brogue kick outta no where to win the match. the hell is this?



Secondly, Sheamus looks more the part to me. Lookwise he's a badass. He looks like a proper competitor and this makes me like him more because it's easier to watch somebody who looks the part and who you could genuinely see as a threat. Cena however dresses like a manchild and generally just looks idiotic. My girlfriend, who has barely ever seen any wrestling in her life, has remarked her immense dislike of him because "he looks like a little boy." Such a look for a WWE champion is clearly not appealing to everone.




But that's the whole point, parents buy their kids clothes, his gear passes for everyday kids wear. WWE makes a fortune.


Hence why you didn't see a shit load of youngsters wearing bezerker outfits in the early 90's.


I thought this point had been stressed for the last 5 years.

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  • Paid Members
it's annoying to see him get killed for 13 minutes then land the brogue kick outta no where to win the match. the hell is this?



Secondly, Sheamus looks more the part to me. Lookwise he's a badass. He looks like a proper competitor and this makes me like him more because it's easier to watch somebody who looks the part and who you could genuinely see as a threat. Cena however dresses like a manchild and generally just looks idiotic. My girlfriend, who has barely ever seen any wrestling in her life, has remarked her immense dislike of him because "he looks like a little boy." Such a look for a WWE champion is clearly not appealing to everone.




But that's the whole point, parents buy their kids clothes, his gear passes for everyday kids wear. WWE makes a fortune.


Hence why you didn't see a shit load of youngsters wearing bezerker outfits in the early 90's.


I thought this point had been stressed for the last 5 years.


I agree, but I don't think the kids buying his merch is hinged on his actual look - if that were the case, no-one would ever have bought Hulk, Macho, Warrior, Hitman, Rock or Austin shit ever. It's simply a combination of Cena being who he is, coupled with the cynical fashion industry-orientated approach of bringing out a new range of stuff every six months, that gets them to get their parents to buy it.


Personally, I think Cena looks pretty damn tough for guy dressed as a wigger.

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Also on Smackdown, and I'll spoiler tag this for anyone awful, but it's not a spoiler. It's just a throwaway commentary line that struck me as odd.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

During a discussion about the difference between tag and singles wrestling, JBL said some people never make the transition. And he listed the Killer Bees, Legion of Doom and... The Dudleys. Seems like an odd shot to take at them/TNA, but surely he's not unaware of what they're up to?


[close spoiler]


Probably nothing more to it than a bit of light trolling from JBL.

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  • Paid Members
During a discussion about the difference between tag and singles wrestling, JBL said some people never make the transition. And he listed the Killer Bees, Legion of Doom and... The Dudleys. Seems like an odd shot to take at them/TNA, but surely he's not unaware of what they're up to?


He'll only be talking about the pair of them trying singles in WWE, and in that respect he's right. The official stance seems to be ignore/disregard what's happening in TNA. It's an all-round fucking stupid thing to say anyway, hardly anyone watching the show today will remember the Bees, fewer of those that do will care, and fewer still remember Brunzell and Blair's runs as JTTS to the Bravos and Perfects of the world. And the only time they tried to use either Road Warrior in singles was about 7 years after they were last a force in their tag team ranks and about 3 years after Hawk had bucked the kicket.


If he wanted to make that comparison and make sense, he could have said Bradshaw did it and Farooq didn't, ending up straight back in another tag team briefly (with D-Von) after the first APA split and fading away after the second. Or Marty Jannetty who was always better in tag teams, although some might argue that his three weeks with the Intercontinental belt represents a decent singles career.

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Also just watched JR's first heel promo, was actually really great stuff and again fairly similar to today with plenty of it's a shoot brother stuff. Shame it led into the pretty awful Diesel/Ramon stuff.

Have to agree with you there. Angle started off decent enough (Jim Ross was "forgetting" to renew people's contracts and they were all leaving the WWF. He was ruining the WWF from within) then Razor and Diesel came out and it all went to shit in about five minutes. A shame.

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JR's best moment was 99 when he set up his own announcing table in front of King and Cole and just talked over them non stop.

The crowning moment is him screaming "he broke my damn table" when some one was put through it with such distress you would have thought they had just fucked his ma.

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  • Paid Members
it's annoying to see him get killed for 13 minutes then land the brogue kick outta no where to win the match. the hell is this?



Secondly, Sheamus looks more the part to me. Lookwise he's a badass. He looks like a proper competitor and this makes me like him more because it's easier to watch somebody who looks the part and who you could genuinely see as a threat. Cena however dresses like a manchild and generally just looks idiotic. My girlfriend, who has barely ever seen any wrestling in her life, has remarked her immense dislike of him because "he looks like a little boy." Such a look for a WWE champion is clearly not appealing to everone.




But that's the whole point, parents buy their kids clothes, his gear passes for everyday kids wear. WWE makes a fortune.


Hence why you didn't see a shit load of youngsters wearing bezerker outfits in the early 90's.


I thought this point had been stressed for the last 5 years.


I agree, but I don't think the kids buying his merch is hinged on his actual look - if that were the case, no-one would ever have bought Hulk, Macho, Warrior, Hitman, Rock or Austin shit ever. It's simply a combination of Cena being who he is, coupled with the cynical fashion industry-orientated approach of bringing out a new range of stuff every six months, that gets them to get their parents to buy it.


Personally, I think Cena looks pretty damn tough for guy dressed as a wigger.


Aye but the point I'm making is that I believe parents will happily buy their kids cena clothes because they pass for normal clothes. Shorts, tshirt and cap are pretty standard. Add that to the fact the kid gets to look exactly like their fav wrestler is the hook, everyone's happy.

Hogan was an era where wrestling was massive and it was for the first time, marketable. Austin/rock era was a time where teens and adults had their own money to buy the shirts.

Cena is the current hero and WWE has been kid friendly whilst he's been he-man, the kids love him, and his merch range is very appropriate for kids to wear anywhere, so parents will buy. The full outfit!

Again, tatankas pants and feathers don't really shout street wear.


Him dressed as he is, is perfect for his role, regardless of what 20 odd year olds think of his puma disks or whatever he wears.


Anyway, I'm about to start watching my new updated nitro 97 set tonight, can't feckin wait. Just finished the full SNME set from start to finish including the main events. Good memories man.

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Kaz has got a point. I remember being out somewhere with my Dad and my StepMum and I used to draw all the time. I was drawing a picture of Macho Man (I would often draw wrestlers or my own make-believe ones), Macho was my favourite and I was drawing him in one of his full bright multi-coloured outfits. My cunty StepMum who's never been any good with kids asked 'Would you like some clothes like that?' I excitedly answered yes and she burst out laughing. The cunt.


The Cena kit is a bit of a genius thing really. I like how he's managed to get it over as his superman uniform and that he probably makes loads of wing wangs from it, it's quite brilliant really. He would look awesome in some sort of tights uniform though and his toys would be more exciting.

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Had a look at the WWE roster page earlier and, because I'm that sad, tried to get 30 Rumble entrants out of the active/television regulars. They're gonna struggle unless they've got a good few returns and surprises lined up. They'd be absolutely buggered trying to do a 40-man this year.

Edited by King Pitcos
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JR's best moment was 99 when he set up his own announcing table in front of King and Cole and just talked over them non stop.

The crowning moment is him screaming "he broke my damn table" when some one was put through it with such distress you would have thought they had just fucked his ma.


Not that anyone will care, but wasn't it Bob Holly who broke the table?

Always though having the carpenters construct the table at ringside was quite funny.

Edited by garynysmon
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  • Paid Members
Had a look at the WWE roster page earlier and, because I'm that sad, tried to get 30 Rumble entrants out of the active/televised ones. They're gonna struggle unless they've got a good few returns and surprises lined up. They'd be absolutely buggered trying to do a 40-man this year.


I've been thinking for a while that I reckon there could be a fair few surprise entrants at the Rumble. Based purely on some rumours and my own wishful thinking I could see any or all of Menry, Christian, MVP, Carlito, Boogeyman returning/turning up.


I thought I had more than that to be honest.

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