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The Davy Boy/Lance Archer match at WK7 was surprisingly good, especially the early parts with them dominating. I still think they're both terrible at drawing heat though. Don't want them back in WWE especially if Shelton's returning.


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Seeing Low-ki hitman was hilarious and then he wrestled in the suit. And he done pretty damn good too.


Minoru Suzuki is my favourite guy on the rooster, such a scary looking fucker who's great with the facials ad all that stuff. His match vs Nagata was decent but got close to the tedious with all the stiff slaps and kicks. The last slap worked into the finish from Nagata was cool though.


Sakuraba vs Nakamura was the match of the night. There were worrying signs at the start of the match that they weren't going to gel but it turned into a seamless MMA vs Pro Wrestler match. The ME was good but I preferred the previous Okada/Tanahashi matches. I didn't like Tanahashi getting the win but if the Okada to WWE rumours are true I suppose it was the safest bet.


I gotta laugh at Meltzer calling it the greatest PPV of all time. Just recently King Of pro Wrestling was better and so was TLC for that matter.


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Marty Jannetty is mad. He's always talking about blow jobs on Facebook. He's just posted this crazy thing -


Marty Jannetty

‎(this aint staying up long, that I can tell you now)..lots of my brothers out there know this>>living rock star style is GREAT, but it kills memory..for example, I got my first blow job when I was ate..ooh, shit I meant 8 ...but, I was too drunk to remember it..sheeeeeit! holla if you hear me..lol..sheeeeit!


I think he's usually drunk or full of drugs when he's posting on there!


Edit - He later added this:


guess its only right for me to say this here and now, so people like Jon(from post below) wont stumble into the wrong place and be upset about "blowjobs". Here, on THIS SITE, we just cuttin up have fun..we aint the Rock, we aint HBK, we aint even John Cena..but we're real..go try to talk to them and see if you matter. here you do! theres only one rule here>I'll do me, and you do you! you aint having fun, this aint for you! kinda easy right?


Go on Marty. I love him.

Edited by Richie Freebird
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Don't know what made me think of this, but when Candice Michelle kabonked her head in that match against Beth Phoenix, what in the fuck was Beth thinking dragging her by her NECK AND HEAD into the middle for the pin?? Madness.


From about 7:45 in

if you haven't a clue what I'm on about or if you haven't seen a Diva take a mad bump for a while.
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I hadn't seen that before, that's horrible. Did Beth get in any trouble for it? I know you could make a case that maybe you just don't think in that situation but pulling her by her head is just reckless. Then again I don't really see why there's a need to pul her out at all, just do a crappy pin the corner.

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Marty Jannetty is mad.


No shit. 8?? Bollocks. Even if he did get it up at 8, where do you find a woman drunk/stupid enough to fellate a child?

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IWA: East Coast have some interesting looking matches. This week I've noticed Masada vs Matt Hardy and today I spotted Sami Callihan vs Dan fucking Severn! I've only seen the listings though, not the actual matches. I am quite tempted to fork out the 6 quid odd for Callihan vs Severn though!


No shit. 8?? Bollocks. Even if he did get it up at 8, where do you find a woman drunk/stupid enough to fellate a child?

I'd guess he would be referring to someone of a similar age to himself, though I also don't believe his statement. I think he was just having a drunken old jolly up on there last night, as he occasionally does.

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One of my top pro wrestling pet hates (alongside the double-clothesline) is WWE's insistence in recent years on everyone referring to "The Royal Rumble event" and "The Royal Rumble match" in case we're not clever enough to work out that if a guy says he's going to defend his WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble, he doesn't mean during the actual battle royal, but on the PPV card.


During this week's Superstars opening match (The Miz vs Tensai - I bet WWE didn't envision that would be the spot in which that match would eventually take place...) Matt Striker constantly talks about "the Royal Rumble event", but is referring to the Royal Rumble match. Fucking moron.

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Wrestling promoters thinks the audience is completely stupid though. TNA used to be the worst for it. Around 2007/08 Tenay just couldnt shut the fuck up during anyones promo.


Jarrett: "Its been a long hard road this last year".


Tenay: "Thats right, because Jeff Jarrett has spent the last 12 months on the shelf Don."


Jarrett: "I'm here to do whats right".


Tenay: "He's doing the right thing now, because the last time we saw him, he wasn't the most savoury of characters was he Don?"


Don West: "Thats right Mike, he be hitting everyone with guitars".


It sort of makes you appreciate how Tenay and Taz just cant be arsed anymore. The commentary for so long was just explaining what everyone did.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The Davy Boy/Lance Archer match at WK7 was surprisingly good, especially the early parts with them dominating. I still think they're both terrible at drawing heat though. Don't want them back in WWE especially if Shelton's returning.


New Japan spoilers


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Seeing Low-ki hitman was hilarious and then he wrestled in the suit. And he done pretty damn good too.


Minoru Suzuki is my favourite guy on the rooster, such a scary looking fucker who's great with the facials ad all that stuff. His match vs Nagata was decent but got close to the tedious with all the stiff slaps and kicks. The last slap worked into the finish from Nagata was cool though.


Sakuraba vs Nakamura was the match of the night. There were worrying signs at the start of the match that they weren't going to gel but it turned into a seamless MMA vs Pro Wrestler match. The ME was good but I preferred the previous Okada/Tanahashi matches. I didn't like Tanahashi getting the win but if the Okada to WWE rumours are true I suppose it was the safest bet.


I gotta laugh at Meltzer calling it the greatest PPV of all time. Just recently King Of pro Wrestling was better and so was TLC for that matter.


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I agree with all of this. Minoru Suzuki is one of my favourites with his look, facial expressions and selling. Early days but Nakamura/Sakuraba is my Match of the Year so far blending MMA submissions and ground work with pro-wrestling. The knees hit in this content were vicious. I was disappointed in Tanahashi/Okada III, preferring their first two matches (the second is still the best).


Money in the Bank 2011 is the best wrestling show put on recently then Extreme Rules 2012 and NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling over Wrestle Kingdom 7.


[close spoiler]

Edited by The Natural
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One of my top pro wrestling pet hates (alongside the double-clothesline) is WWE's insistence in recent years on everyone referring to "The Royal Rumble event" and "The Royal Rumble match" in case we're not clever enough to work out that if a guy says he's going to defend his WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble, he doesn't mean during the actual battle royal, but on the PPV card.



Once or twice they also have mentioned " at the TLC pay per view" or "the TLC event" which was similarly redundant when they could have just said "at TLC." Bit rich of a company to consider their viewers spastics when they think the 25th Anniversary of something takes place 24 years after it happened.

Edited by air_raid
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One of my top pro wrestling pet hates (alongside the double-clothesline) is WWE's insistence in recent years on everyone referring to "The Royal Rumble event" and "The Royal Rumble match" in case we're not clever enough to work out that if a guy says he's going to defend his WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble, he doesn't mean during the actual battle royal, but on the PPV card.


One of my pet hates about Wrestling is actually about the Rumble


During this weeks RAW, Cena cut a promo about the Rumble and mentioned something along the lines of "The Winner gets a First Class Ticket to the Main Event of WrestleMania". This won't be the only reference along those lines as there is bound to be more. But during the past Manias it has only been Mania 19,20,21 & 25 where the winner has Main Evented


Really frustrates and to me loses some of the prestige of the Rumble match itself.

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Yeah, and it's got enough tenure as a stipulation to still resonate. Yeah, fair enough, it's not been last as much recently, but 93, 94, 96, 98, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 09 means it's happened more than enough to make it a wrestling truth.

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