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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I like the fact that certain guys don't wrestle for a few weeks as it makes it a big deal when they appear.

Absolutely, takes me back to the old WWF Superstars years. Ooh Bossman is wrestling next week, must catch that. In WWE today we get everyone at least once a week. We're spoiled and the wrestlers are overexposed.

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I like the fact that certain guys don't wrestle for a few weeks as it makes it a big deal when they appear.

Absolutely, takes me back to the old WWF Superstars years. Ooh Bossman is wrestling next week, must catch that. In WWE today we get everyone at least once a week. We're spoiled and the wrestlers are overexposed.

Indeed, it's one of the main reasons why I enjoy watching NXT over RAW and Smackdown. I think it would be very interesting if they applied the same approach to RAW, just to see if it made a difference to the ratings.

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I don't think it would carry over to Raw, as they've kinda pigeonholed themselves by conditioning the audience over the past decades to expect Raw to be the big premier wrestling show of the week, both live and broadcast. I could see it working for Smackdown though. It's prerecorded so the shows could accommodate lots of quick matches, and still leave lots of room for vignettes, recorded backstage angles, etc. Some smart Raw booking could drop some good Gs to keep up Smackdown attendance ("I can't wait a week for my title shot. I'll see you at Smackdown, champ!", etc etc). Smackdown needs a format change to properly differentiate itself from Raw anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a great programme NXT is. I've just started watching it the last 3/4 weeks. I really like it. The Acension seem ok, Aiden English could be a mega star and Alexander Rousev looks promising. I don't know why I didn't start watching sooner really.


No TNA star should consider going to NXT as a step down these days either.

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Its so strange seeing the NXT roster these days. You have Richards, Pac and Generico at the same tapings. Its like a DVD from 2008 some trader sold to you because you heard it was quite good and you want to fit in. Its hard to imagine WWE ever taking a look at these years ago. They've got quite a broad hiring process these days. It wont shock me who they bring in now.

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