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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I wonder why they didn't book the Raw arena again like they did Summerslam weekend, seems a bit mad.


The schedule is probably easier to do whatever they're doing than go from one venue to the Mania venue and back again. With Brooklyn they had three nights in a row in the same place. Probably got a discount.



Or maybe the American Airlines Centre is already booked out by someone else on the Friday night.

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Bit underwhelmed with the show tonight.


It was good and i enjoyed it but didnt find it amazing or anything like that. Felt a little "there" really. Nothing of note really happened and it felt like a standard B show, crowd reaction aside obv.


Maybe im just a bit "wrestlinged out" from being at NXT Saturday,TLC monday and Raw yesterday and now this.

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Asuka v Emma was fine, a little bit TV standard but forgettable.


The tag match was terrific with the Noo Yoikers over like grover. Really expected them to grab the titles but I'm ok with the decision. What next for them though?


Bayley v Jax was a little underwhelming. The three attempts at the mounted dragon sleeper doesn't do much for a live crowd, and Bayley took about fifteen legdrops of doom and got up. Though the teased Jax v Asuka should be a blast.


Glad Apollo lost. He's rubbish and needs that ego pricking. Does a plancha, a moonsault but has no idea how to pace a match. Corbin however I can see running and running.


Finn v Joe was excellent. Two really experienced hands telling a perfect story of old buddies who have come to blows and had counters ready for most of the standard arsenal. Excellent, probably my fave Finn match though I'd like to watch it back on the Network.


Looking forward to watching the show on TV to see how much of that obscene crowd reaction came through.

Edited by Onyx2
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Back home from the show. It was a very good show. They taped two TV matches before, and one after, and I have never, ever seen a reaction like the one Jordan & Gable got. If it comes across half as good on TV as it did live it will be stunning.


Asuka vs Emma was great. Dug the multiple butt butts.


Tag titles was a really fun match, and Dash & Dawson are such tidy workers, keeping everything ticking along. Enzo's outfit was, well, yeah. If he wasn't I pro-wrestler I don't know what he'd be, other than maybe a punk from central casting.


Corbin vs Crews lulled a bit and the crowd quietened down. Corbin got a lot of sweary chants aimed at him, which I don't know if they made TV. I thought he was good, though. Crews is, well, not connecting?


Bayley vs Nia Jax was a weird match, and not necessarily in a bad way. The ending was reminiscent of early UFCs, in that it came across as Jax not particularly being in trouble but not being able to find a way out of Bayley's submission so she may as well tap. The crowd were super hot for this.


The main was fine live but I'm not overly convinced by Balor as a top guy, and Joe was carrying him at times it seemed. I really liked the finish, though.


Not sure I like being in 11,000 crowds much but I had fun.

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They always complain about how they have no headliners anymore, but you have Finn Balor and Samoa Joe in your supposed developmental system. They just main evented a 11,000 seat building. If that's not a pair of TV ready headliners, I have I'd buy Joe vs Roman as a headline feud if Joe turned up on Raw and beat the fuck out of Reigns. Joe carries himself like a headliner more than most of the company. Although the downside of a Roman vs Joe feud is, on the main roster I'm sure one of them will end up bare footed and eating chicken skin by the end of it.

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"I'm going to run a show with Prince Devitt vs Samoa Joe for the main event. On the undercard we'll have Uhaa Nation from Dragon Gate, Kana from A-Z, some woman from Shimmer, and then a bunch of trainees. I'll have Johnny Saint at ringside. I'm going to book Wembley Arena and I reckon I'll sell it out."

"Oh shut up, Gauntley."

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Thought the start of the show was really strong.


The first two matches worked well and benefited from a super hot crowd.


Gutted Enzo and Cass didn't get the win although tbf Dash and Dawson impress me more and more each time I see them wrestle. The tag division in NXT is very impressive.


Corbin/Crews didn't hold much interest for me, not a massive fan of either.


The women's title match was better than I expected it to be. Asuka will be a much better feud for Nia Jax I feel. Asuka's experience and physical style will help greatly.


Not had time to watch the main event yet.

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Decent show again as Takeover usually is. Great to hear "you're shit! And you know you are" directed at Corbin, aside from hearing at Nottinghsm the other, I haven't heard that in years.

The women's title match was a pleasant suprise. Whilst it was just Bayley predominantly bumping for Nia Jax, I was intrigued to see what they were going to come up with for Bayley to win it. Having said that, from a Kayfabe standpoint, Jax is a fucking goon to have left herself open for that front-sleeper for so many times in quick succession.


Minor quibble with how they lit the show by not lighting the crowd and turned the screen/entrance set off during the matches. Their first live televised overseas show and they was nothing to differentiate it from any other place. But like I say, that's only a very minor niggle.

I don't think it was the best Takeover event, but I've seen much worse shows this week

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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A small point, but just noticed skimming back that the Takeover opener was announced as a "Women's Division Match". Don't know if it was an error or a deliberate change, but I'm reasonably sure they've still been using "Divas Match" even though it's the Women's Championship.


Realised last night that one of the things I like best about NXT is the fact that no-one has an entrance video that's just spliced together images of them in the ring with the occasional name graphic. They're simpler, but everyone has their own theme and I love them. Even if Dash & Dawson's is just flaming wordart still.

Edited by Statto
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The main was fine live but I'm not overly convinced by Balor as a top guy, and Joe was carrying him at times it seemed. I really liked the finish, though.


Not sure I like being in 11,000 crowds much but I had fun.


Surprised you think Balor was being carried. Can't say I've ever thought that about him in years, and certainly not since he has been in NXT.


What's your issues with him being a top guy out of interest? I think they've done a great job of working with him to develop more, his matches are always top quality and the entrance has been tinkered with to the point where it works really well.


He's not the best promo but overall I think he's a strong package, fans like him and he's a solid hand. 

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