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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Commentary really bugs me. It's obviously recorded in separate parts and edited together, meaning one minute they are hyping Blue Pants or Adam Rose, then the next minute they are shocked to see them

I don't think they were shocked to see Adam Rose. It was the theme music being his old theme they seemed shocked at.

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Two Takeover questions.


The first one I'd probably know if I didn't use the 'skip ahead 30 seconds' button on my phone to skip the adverts. Is Takeover live on the Network, or is it being broadcast on a delay for the Americans' benefit?


The second one, what's the likelihood of Balor going with the Demon for Takeover? They haven't brought it up at all, and I'm not sure if this is because they want it to be a surprise or whether they've dropped the Demon thing entirely since they've spent a few months of Raw referring to Kane as a Demon and they can only have one Demon at a time.

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Takeover is live on the Network (2.30 in the afternoon I think they advertised it as?).


Balor has Demon'd up for every Takeover so far. I'm sure they'll go with it for this one, mostly because I'm a sucker for the routine but also it sells a ton of merch.

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I'm wondering whether they are done with the Demon gimmick in NXT but may reprise it once he gets moved up so Vince can put a twist on it, re-invent it and claim it as his own.


He showed no signs of going there this show, no promo maybe saying he will have to go to a darker place to beat Joe who has had the upper hand etc. Either way I like Finn, he has good natural charisma, something a bit extra.


Few things I liked about the show this week....the absolute focus from all 4 guys on the NXT title, even though they are paired up as partners they are not acting and pretending to be best mates, that is something that bugs me greatly on WWE TV, they pair up a random couple and they are back slapping and hugging as though they are the rock n roll express and lifelong tag partners and friends. No, you happen to be in a team and will hold up your end of the match but you still ultimately want that Belt, Finn wants to keep it, his partner Crews wants another crack, Joe HAS his shot and is focused and you know Corbin is driven towards that also, it's simple but makes a huge difference.


Liked the serious tone of Enzo and Cass, Cass had some real intensity in that promo after the match, with his look and size, and if he shows that level of focus he could be a player.

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that is something that bugs me greatly on WWE TV, they pair up a random couple and they are back slapping and hugging as though they are the rock n roll express and lifelong tag partners and friends


They do far worse than that. Never mind "random couple," they'll think nothing of tagging Cena & Orton up, for example, on a post-Mania XXVI Raw, just because it suits since Randy is a babyface, despite the fact they spent most of 2009 trying to murder each other.

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Balor has Demon'd up for every Takeover so far.

Wasn't he in the leather jacket rather than demon garb for the Dusty tag tournament at Takeover Brooklyn?




You're right. I'm putting that down to a tag team thing (it wasn't the Brooklyn one but I knew what you meant). Still hoping!

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Triple H said this today:


"He noted the time difference here in the States and it's a chance for the UK to have a live event coming from the UK. He said to have the UK fans getting a live PPV level event airing live in prime-time in the UK is a special event. HHH said his desire to do this is to reinvigorate that process to the world and his hope is that they will be doing this more in different markets in their local time zones. He said the Best in the East led the template that such events can work."



First show to air live from the UK since 2003.  I imagine less people in America will be watching live than usual, or than at 6am on a Saturday morning like BITE, but it being shown live is obviously a big part of it.

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Indeed. Peyton Royce was surprise of the week. The flower gimmick is a good one, and I hope the idea gets played up in her attire as the weeks go on, a touch of Poison Ivy from Batman, and the prop gives her something to focus on during her entrance. The spin kick was actually on point, that choke was AWESOME, and I was trying to recall what else she'd done of note and twigged it was her climbing through the ropes. Good things.


Only alarm I've got is that there seems to be a common theme of struggling to get faces over, with trainees only coming out of their shell as heels.

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Oh great, those "hey! we want some Bayley!" cretins are back this week.


Needs more Payton Royce


Thankfully not as bad this week though and I noticed they changed camera angles when those turds started. Hopefully not just a coincidence and an actual effort to put them off.


Is there a more hated heel right right now than Eva Marie? Wrestling needs more genuine hatred like this.


Dana's head pat continues to be a personal highlight for me.


Not sure I like the idea of splitting B&M from Bliss. Bliss will probably do fine but I think B&M will struggle without and manage/valet.


Hype Bros are still shit.


And yes Peyton Royce. What a look.

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