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Richie Freebird

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Yeah I never looked at the top of the page.   They would probably drop Main Event too but I think they have to keep Sky sweet as they paid extra for them as part of their new deal with WWE.  It looks like WWE will have to continue with Main Event wheather they like it or not.

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They could always turn it into one of those highlight/recap shows presented by whatever iteration of Todd Grisham clone they're up to now.

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Amen to that. Mania 21 where he interviews the heffalumps who won the Snicker's Fan Sweepstake is one of the finest moments in WrestleMania history.


"How many have you eaten ladies?"

"I've had four"

(whilst eating said Snickers) "I've had six!"

"WOOOOOAHHHH, steady on ladies! We want you finish the night in one piece"


Although nothing will ever top Craid DeGeorge sounding like he'd just won the International Throatbanger of the Year Award at Mania IV. 

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When Main Event went live on the network it was a pretty decent watch for about six months. Then they did some sort of Mr & Mrs Match game between The Uso and Goldust & Stardust with JBL presenting, and time seemed to stand still as it went on for what seemed like an absolute eternity. I never watched it again after that and they stopped showing it live soon afterwards to due to some sort of disagreement over broadcasting rights and it reverted to its matches of no meaning formula

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They could always turn it into one of those highlight/recap shows presented by whatever iteration of Todd Grisham clone they're up to now.

There will never be another Todd Grisham!


There will never be another Grisham, but they have his DNA on file somewhere, and they keep churning them out to ever diminishing results.

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Does anyone actually watch Main Event? I can't imagine it gets many views on the network and superstars even less. I guess it's still just getting the hours of TV off the international details. Must've been cheaper to can it and pay compensation than keep it running


I do. I watch Superstars too. Always been a fan of C and D type shows. Superstars was MASSIVE last week, it actually had a match with some semblance of story behind it as Axel and Bo had a 'grudge match' main event.

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I watch both Superstars and Main Event every week, enjoy them both.  There was a period about 4 years ago when I honestly thought  Superstars was the best in-ring WWE show on TV at the time.  The likes of Hunico, Primo, Matt Bourne etc were absolutely tearing it up every week, and given decent time.


I love when they have minor self contained themes or stories to the matches on these shows too.  There was an episode of Main Event this summer where the storyline was that the Social Outcasts had stolen Xavier Woods' luggage, and that there would be a Outcasts V New Day match with the winner keeping the luggage.  Woods didn't have his outfit as it was stolen, so he had to borrow and wear one of Big E's singlets.  The story of the match was that Woods kept on trying to harness the power of the singlet and hit a belly to belly suplex (a standard move of the majority of singlet wearing wrestlers).  He kept failing until the end of the match where he finally had the strength to hit an overhead belly to belly for the win and his luggage.


Superstars is also decent as Neville actually appears and wins on it, meaning we get to see the red arrow.

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I'll always have very fond memories of this incarnation of Superstars because it's the first wrestling show I watched with my son. When he was 3 and 4 we used to go to his football club in the morning then soft play before coming home and watch Superstars on Sky 1. It was a nice way introduce him to WWE and right up until 6 months ago his two favourite wrestlers were Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel, both regulars on the C show circuit!

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I watch both Superstars and Main Event every week, enjoy them both.  There was a period about 4 years ago when I honestly thought  Superstars was the best in-ring WWE show on TV at the time.  The likes of Hunico, Primo, Matt Bourne etc were absolutely tearing it up every week, and given decent time.


Can't believe I missed a Doink comeback!

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