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Richie Freebird

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Forbes is reporting that WWE have reached out to  Goldberg, Kurt Angle, Carlito, Melina and John Morrison for a return to the company.

I thought that they did not want Angle in a WWE ring again in case he died on live tv and also they knew he would never pass the medicals? I guess they realise (seemingly at the last minute) that they need a lot of returning or new talent to fill the two shows.

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What model iPhone? Works fine on mine.

6s Plus 128GB. I just went to it and it's working now so the issue might be sorted, but whenever I've clicked a forum link to an article on there lately (maybe since the site relaunch), I just got blank white pages.

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Remember when Kurt had that short stint as the Smackdown GM? Maybe that's what they're after. I would be very surprised if Kurt had another match inside a WWE ring again.  As for Bill I think it looks very likely that he's going to have one more match at next year's WrestleMania.

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I believe they've contacted them. I dont believe its for the brand split, though. Hardy and Rey Mysterio are under contract elsewhere, but both recently said they'd like another run in WWE. So that's probably ground work for later on. And Goldberg, its pretty obvious they are in contact with him for an appearance down the road. Rey. Hardy and Goldberg arent the type of people you bring in to fill up the roster. MVP, Carlito and Mr Kennedy are those kinds. People who have a bit name value, but can put people over. I'd imagine when Hardy, Mysterio and Goldberg come back, it'd be Mania season. John Morrison is no doubt coming back, once his Lucha Underground deal is up as well.


I'm much more interested in who the shitters are. Stevie Richards opens the doors up massively. If they'll bring Stevie back, you could see any number of random lower carders from the mid-2000s return. Bring back Deuce n Domino, I say.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Or just Domino.


Rey Mysterio is an odd one. For about three years before he left, it seemed like he was just popping up now and again to do tag matches or whatever. Had no value to him by the end. I don't know that I'd buy him coming in to challenge a Reigns or Rollins now -- even though he's got much more name recognition than nearly everyone on the roster. I'd see him more in the RVD/Jericho role, having a short run in the upper midcard.

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Yuck. Mr Kennedy.


WWE and Goldberg have been in talks on and off for years now. From what I've read/heard Meltzer say it comes down to Goldberg knowing what he's worth and refusing to leave the couch for anything less. I can see it just him coming in for the HOF.

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AA using double ankle locks on house shows and the like made me think they must be bringing Kurt back at some point in a mentor role.


If they move up to the main roster, having them going back to training after their NXT run, in the gym with a guiding coach never revealed until the final vignette would be a super way of introducing them, if a former multiple time champion and Olympic medalist is their 'tutor' they could come in with even more momentum.

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Any chance of Tajiri being brought back for more than just the Cruiserweight Classic?


What is the relationship between WWE and Paul London like? Any chance him and Kendrick are bought back to build-up the tag division? Have a few matches between them and New Day going towards New Day beating their longest title reign.


Do we think they looking at other old ECW wrestlers as well? Is RVD getting a call again. Rhyno and Dreamer.

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Rhyno had a run last year on NXT when he wasn't doing indie dates. He can still go considering how long he's been around so I could see him being brought back. Dreamer comes back whenever they throw a couple of notes his way because he still thinks he was valuable to the company when he & Kozlov did an out of the usual ok rating on ECW once.

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