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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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It's quite telling that it's such a non-event that people didn't even think to spoiler tag it

Didn't it air already?


Yeah, but at 1 in the morning. Raw spoilers are marked until people have had a reasonable chance to see it.


Apologies for my part in it.

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Interesting, but fucking hell not sure why, but got a right vibe of dickhead from the writer.

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Cushty deal for him. If he's available I can maybe see him coming back for a short run. I'm not saying he should be in the main event, although he could bridge a gap for Rollins if they need to. Failing that you can stick him in the midcard to give those lads something different to do. Jericho/Sheamus for a couple of PPV matches could alright, or stick against Barrett for a similar length of time

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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He's said in a couple of interviews he's open to doing another run on TV, just not while he's got a load of touring on, so he's doing house shows that fit around the Fozzy dates apparently.  

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Do people actually enjoy Jericho's comebacks? They get worse and worse each time. The only thing I can remember from his last run was a PPV match with Orton, and I can only remember it because I was pleasantly surprised by it at the time. He's not as shit as RVD yet, but he's not far off.

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Depends what he's doing and who he's paired up with. Like I said with my example, I reckon he could decent stuff with Sheamus, Barrett maybe even Ryback. But if you stick with a no hoper like they did with Fandango the other year then he is shit. He can still put on something decent if he is in there with the right people

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I was harsh on Jericho in that other Jericho is crud thread. I even said he wasn't on the level of Daniel Bryan. I have a short memory when it comes to wrestling, but more than anything it highlighted how far his star's fallen. I went back and watched some of his matches from his prime and he was as good as anyone, barring the very top guys. I genuinely forgot just how over he was. It's the old law of diminishing returns. I don't think it'd be such a problem if his comebacks weren't so hyped up. But as somebody who doesn't watch Raw regularly, it seems that every time I do Jericho's either retiring again or returning. It isn't all on him. Ian said the last place you wanna be is in WWE's mid-card in 2015 and it's right. There's no wonder nothing he does stands out. WWE's become sitcom version of Groundhog Day. 

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I have no recollection of Jericho's last run, which is a bit scary. The last thing I specifically remember him doing was facing Punk in his way-too-soon Chicago comeback match, which must have been about two fucking years ago now? Has he been back since then, aye?

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