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Richie Freebird

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That's why I hate these Shimmer after party things, because it allows headcases like this close to the women. Mind you, its not like a lot of them (not Kaitlyn since she works in the big leagues) aren't bringing the attention on themselves. If you open up a wish list and meet these people after shows this is the kind of crowd you attract. I'm surprised there isn't more trouble on the indy scene. Some girls make themselves so accessible to fans just bugger them out of a few quid that its like a red rag to a bull. There are some proper worrying types about.


It happens on the other end as well. I remember in 2000, Shawn Michaels was getting hounded at the venue of his wrestling promotion by some nutters wearing heart shaped glasses. I think she threatened his wife and stuff. He used to go online and call her mental and to tell her to fuck off from the TWA building.


EDIT: Here's an article he wrote regarding mental fans. He even sort of hints he's not against the idea of murdering them near the end.

March 6, 2000


Well, everybody I thought I would try and put a stop to the slanderous comments about my wrestlers and my family but obviously it fell on deaf ears. I apologize to the many that must suffer for the actions of a few. But I was left with no other alternative. For those of you who did not see the messages they were the most disgusting things I have ever read. The message board is gone. In this business when you (as I have been fortunate enough to do) manage to establish more than just a persona and develop almost a personal bond with the fans there come many pitfalls. You and my family are suffering because of a few people who quite frankly are crazy. There is no other way to put it. These women want to ruin everything in my life because they feel I am theirs and theirs only. They live in a make believe world where they talk to me everyday and everytime I have said something on TV, they believe I am talking to them and only them. Isnt fame great. You wonder why I just wanted to be a face in the crowd. Now everytime I leave the house with my family we do so in fear. San Antonio is our home and these individuals live here. I now will not let my wife and son leave the house without me, ever. Am I overeacting?


Both of these people were at our wrestling taping just last nite. They know exactly when my training classes are and know where all of our events are held. I'm sure they know where we live. Welcome to my world. A prisoner in my own home town. And why? Because I wanted to be a real good wrestler. I wanted to be one who let you see a little of who he is. Not just a persona that "opened a can of whoop ass" or "smelled what was cookin."I wanted to let you know I was as human as each and everyone of you. Because I am. And now I fear for my families safety. A family I dearly love so much and waited so long to have. The legal system isn't going to help until someone gets hurt, I've tried. I can't kick anybody's ass because then I get sued. Some justice huh? Welcome to my world.


I can tell you this much though, the last comments were WAY WAY out of line and I will not take s**t from anyone. So, if you hear Shawn Michaels is in jail....perhaps you'll understand. But hell, there will also be a bunch of people who will be blaming me for doing something wrong. What else is new, Welcome to my World.


Sorry to make this sound like a "feel sorry for me " commentary, but all I was trying to do was entertain, bring some entertainment to South Texas and create some oppurtunities.This is just a small microcosm of the world we live in. Welcome to OUR world. Pretty sad.


First off let's talk about me returning. The reason for the last commentary was to make an attempt to explain as to WHY it may not happen. With all due respect to all the wrestling fans, you take things a bit too serious. I was trying to give you a "this might be why" senario. Vince is very busy, I am very busy, hell maybe that's why we have not been able to sit down and figure out where we are going. Who knows. I am just trying to let you all know that there are so many reasons as to why I am not around. Both Vince and myself probably would love for me to be a part of the show but that kind of stuff takes along time to figure out. Then you throw in his lawyers, my lawyers into the mix and it gets to where it becomes a "wait and see' kind of situation. All I can say is that, I hear you and want the same thing. But it is not going to happen overnight. I apologize if I misled you into thinking it was only a leverage thing. Sometimes I forget that I am not talking to other wrestlers (who would be able to read between the lines) instead of fans (who really do not understand these sort of things). That is not meant to be insulting in any way but it seems as if some of the messages have not understood completely what I meant. I will try and be more clear on my commentary in the future.


Now lets move on to the message board. All I can say is some of you are completely out of line. If it continues I will simply close the site down. You are only be hurting the TWA talent. Some of you are trying to sell tapes and shirts to fans who can't get them. Sorry if I am not getting them out quickly enough, but it takes time. If you try to sell them, please don't call yourself a fan. At least have the decency to call yourself a selfish good for nothing thief. You are trying to make a profit off of the hard work of TWA stars. The tapes are sold here legally and the talent will get a cut. When sold by fans it's nothing more than robbery, so don't call yourself a fan. Sorry to be so blunt...no I'm not sorry, it's fans such as these which make wrestling no fun whatsoever.


It completely baffles me when someone says they support myself and the TWA and then take cheap shots at the talent and end even worse my family. As I have said time and time again, you want to take shots at somebody, take them at me, but leave my talent and damn sure my family out of it. And please don't hide behind the "you're in the public eye you have to accept it" crap. I will accept it about me, aside from the fact that I have not been in the public eye for damn near a year, but I will not allow it to continue about my talent and most certainly my family. And to the webmaster, you damn well better moderate this sight as per my wishes or I will take my business elsewhere. That does not mean, every couple of weeks posting the rules for the hundredth time, it means kicking people off. Period. I am not so desperate for hits as to allow this kind of utterly cruel stuff to continue. Who knows perhaps you need to ask yourself if I am the kind of customer you want. I want to run a different kind of site, perhaps it cannot be done, if not I will accept it and not have a site at all. Posters going back and forth is one thing but talking about someone's personal life or more importantly some lowlife bringing family members, whom they have never met, and saying cruel things is another and I simply will not have it.


I know I am generalizing, when all of us know this only pertains to about three young women(I guess)who are completely ruining this for all of us. At first I said they deserve our pity; but then they stepped over the line and got personal. I will fight for my boys and I will kill for my family, none of which have deserved what these people have been saying. To you and only you do I apologize.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Bret Hart wrote in his book about a mental stalker he had in his WCW days also. IIRC she called herself Big Nasty or something similar.


And bless him, that must have taken Shawn ages to write..




I find the Shimmer fans and fans of that type of wrestling in general to be some on the most thin skinned people on forums. The second you make a general observation about them being, eh, slightly different, they're over it like a rash in the most OTT and defensive way possible. I forget the guys name (I think he posts here actually) but he runs a women's wrestling website now and a few years back I caught a video he (or perhaps somebody else) uploaded on one of these after party's where the wrestlers and pretty much every fan they were just performing in front of (which is a fucked up issue in itself) are in some dingy bar. Anyway, this guy was letting one of the women wrestlers chop him full pelt in the chest in front of everybody. It was aggressive, stupid and just about as socially backwards as you can get.

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The idea of them Shimmer parties does make me a bit uncomfortable. The sad fact is though is that making yourself seem available is good for business and has been since the Beatles were all pretending not to be married. You can drive some naiive/sad sack to keep putting the money in or you can drive some nutter into doing something stupid. It's a balancing act. Shimmer's pretty much the only US indie I could give a shite about and I hope they can get to the point where they drop the party nonsense.


That twitter feed is quite fascinating. It's like he has absolutely no filter on what's going on in his head before it reaches his fingers. And his head's broken.

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During WrestleMania weekend my mate and I were stalked for about 2 hours by a proper nutjob from England. Amongst many tall tales he told us that one of the Bella twins was going to nosh him off because he won a bet with her on Facebook.


There are a lot of unbalanced folk into the wrasslin, that's for sure.

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That twitter aint right! I mean writing "@NorhaneSamy please tell @KaitlynWWE to unblock me and forgive me i am not feeling to good i'm sick" Is a wee bit weird. Still followed him though.

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There are a lot of unbalanced folk into the wrasslin, that's for sure.


I'm stealing this from a friend, but:


"Not everyone who likes wrestling is mentally disabled. But everyone who is mentally disabled likes wrestling"

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There are a lot of unbalanced folk into the wrasslin, that's for sure.


I'm stealing this from a friend, but:


"Not everyone who likes wrestling is mentally disabled. But everyone who is mentally disabled likes wrestling"

This is totally true.


Wrestlemania weekends for those who have been make this obvious.

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It really hit home why it's embarrassing to be a wrestling fan seeing some of the goons at Wrestlemania weekend. There was a much larger percentage of hygenically challenged wrestling fans than I expected. To be fair, some people turned up looking smart at Hall of Fame. I imagine the people who travelled for spring break weren't expecting to see so many slobs on South Beach.


On a side note, I remember being outside Ocean Ten queuing to get into Beach Shenanigans and some guy walking past, trying to look into the bar, and asking excitedly who was in there. I told him Kevin Nash was there and he looked dejected. He was expecting a film star like Vin Diesel and instead he got Diesel.

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Mark James, who does the Memphis history books, has just finished a Memphis memorabilia book with Cornette. Even better news is they plan to do a book on Smoky Mountain, hopefully along the lines of the Midnight Express one.

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I have to watch this:

Flair/Piper Wife Swap


:( Don't ever link me to such a poxy, add-ridden site again, Branquey. You should be ashamed! Sounds like some good car crash tv though. Which of Flair's wives is in the show?

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Dave Meltzer reported on his F4Wonline.com post-RAW podcast that Sting has sent feelers to the WWE. Meltzer reports that WWE officials are confident

that he will sign with them when his TNA deal is up. This is big news although not entirely surprising given recent statements Sting has made on media interviews.


“It’s no secret. I’ve always wanted to wrestle Undertaker; I’ve said that for years. And who would not want to work WrestleMania.”


Well bugger me. I suppose it explains the "Sting will never get another title shot" and the reason he's growing his hair. And probably the reason he worked a match with out that daft fucking shirt on for the first time in ages.


Triple H is behind it apparently. I think Triple H vs Sting is a better bet than Undertaker vs Sting.

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