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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Looking at the audiences at the house shows last week, there's more kids there than at any time since the mid-90s.

Are they going by themselves?


To be honest its obvious they dont just go themselves, so thats just being pedantic for the sake of argument. If you look at the line you quoted from me, you will see i said not aimed directly at us, meaning whilst they do still provide storylines with an more adult theme, they are still done within a PG frame. So whilst the numbers do suggest that the demographic is still over 18's, there are still shit loads of kids going, and Cena is one of the main reasons for this......

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If you look at the line you quoted from me, you will see i said not aimed directly at us, meaning whilst they do still provide storylines with an more adult theme, they are still done within a PG frame. So whilst the numbers do suggest that the demographic is still over 18's, there are still shit loads of kids going, and Cena is one of the main reasons for this......

A PG rating doesn't mean they are targeting kids and kids being into it doesn't mean that is their majority audience. And the discussion is regarding what direction they are targeting via their TV show, so if 78% of their audience is over 18, it seems obvious their audience isn't kids. There was more kids watching Steve Austin and the Rock than their is now. And that wasn't a product they targeted to kids.

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I really don't want them doing anything big with Sting in WWE any more. That ship has well and truly sailed for me.


Sting Vrs The Undertaker would have been a legit dream match - ten years ago. They probably could have done it 5 years ago too, but now? Nah. It would be a poor parody of that could have been. The pair of them look like skinny old blokes now and there is not enough smoke and mirrors to disguise it. Don't get me wrong, they are both total pro's and I'm sure they'd make it all watchable, but I don't want "watchable" I want "excellent" and they simply are not up to that any more.


Add in the fact that Steve isn't nearly the Star to WWE's current fans that Undertaker is, and you might have trouble telling the story they'd want to tell anyway.


HOF, DVD, maybe a special RAW main event tag match or something, just so he's "worked" for WWE after all these years (not counting the last Nitro) would be nice. Wrestlemania feuds with Undertaker or Triple H would be a mistake I think.


I dunno, Eddie. I was watching Sting's match from the most recent Impact, where he's taking a shellacking from Doc and Devon, and he was ace - taking big back bumps, slamming himself into railings and all that. And that was just a throwaway tv tag match. He's wrestling as well at the moment as ever, in my opinion. He's a fucking freak of nature. Mrs Loki commented "Sting's going to live forever" and she's right.


Sting and Hogan had a cracking match at BFG last year, and Hogan was practically dead. Nobody would expect Sting/Taker to be like Taker/HHH or Taker/Michaels. Sting has never had that sort of match anyway.


I also think Sting/HBK, Sting/HHH and Sting/Cena are all matches I'd like to see. Sting's got in in him, no doubt.

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I dunno, Eddie. I was watching Sting's match from the most recent Impact, where he's taking a shellacking from Doc and Devon, and he was ace - taking big back bumps, slamming himself into railings and all that. And that was just a throwaway tv tag match. He's wrestling as well at the moment as ever, in my opinion. He's a fucking freak of nature. Mrs Loki commented "Sting's going to live forever" and she's right.


Sting and Hogan had a cracking match at BFG last year, and Hogan was practically dead. Nobody would expect Sting/Taker to be like Taker/HHH or Taker/Michaels. Sting has never had that sort of match anyway.


I also think Sting/HBK, Sting/HHH and Sting/Cena are all matches I'd like to see. Sting's got in in him, no doubt.


I don't doubt that Sting can still "go" so much, it's more what the match would look like. I've been watching TNA the whole time, so I've seen Sting get thinner, older looking, more wiry-haired, but on WWE TV he'd need to look a lot better to be seen as a threat to The Taker I think. It's over ten years since WCW died - that's a long time for fans to still be into Sting. It would just seem a bit too much like the old boys club for me.


When I think of "The Undertaker Vrs Sting" I think of this....




Not bald tranny/old man Undertaker against dyed-haired, seriously receding, skinny-armed Real Estate Steve. WWE seriously needs to concentrate on the future, not the past.

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Anytime I watch TNA, I'm always struck by Sting looking like absolute shit. It's his gear more than anything. He always wrestles in a t-shirt, and I don't know what the legging things he wears are. Are they tights? Why don't they go into his boots? If he's too embarrassed by his body to wrestle without a t-shirt, he should just do it the ECW way and wrestle in jeans or baggy trousers. At the moment, he's some sort of halfway house, and he's been wrestling like it far too long for it to be a temporary thing. Either get down the gym or accept you're not in great shape anymore and either stop worrying or come up with a proper outfit to hide it.

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In fairness, the reason he wore his t-shirt for a large chunk of last year was due to him having surgery on his shoulder (probably hiding whatever was going on at the time). Generally, he takes his t-shirt off when he's wrestling a match that he's supposed to be arsed about.


I have no idea what's going on with the spandex over the boots though.


Anyway, Sting is great and Sting in WWE would be great.

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- There is interest from WWE in signing independent wrestler Ricky Reyes. Reyes has had several tryouts, which have been well received by WWE officials. Word is that William Regal and Triple H were both complimentary of his work and that creative writers were discussing potential character ideas for him a few weeks ago.



Never liked Ricky Reyes even on the indies, always found him a bit boring.

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