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Richie Freebird

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I think the ship has sailed on Roddy, I've never been a massive fan if I'm honest, the way he strings like 8 moves together in the space of 45 seconds just takes me completely out of his matches.


Backbreaker, inverted backbreaker, sick kick, end of heartache, Gibson driver......into the strong hold. I can't process anything, the opponent can't sell anything. To be honest as I type this I actually dislike his work more than I thought, he's the worst kind of indie mong, and to boot he has next to no personality. I honestly can barely remember any of his feuds or matches that I can point to and say "that was great, that'll stick with me".

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it's a shame London's so bitter. browsed his tweets the other day and someone was asking him about if he'd return to WWE in any capacity, he said it would only be for the wrong reasons ($$$$) ..... i just thought $$$ is the wrong reason since When? not like it would be the sole motivator either, he can help up and comers, get New Day over with a tag-title record reign programme, then fuck off back to PCW and the likes with a re-raised profile

in fairness to him he did crop up in a bad era for a guy like him and seemed to have a miserable time, with hazing and politics. if he came about a decade later he'd have likely had a fairer shot, but the complete refusal to let pissy ten year old bygones be bygones is very disappointing


I wouldn't say he's bitter. He just doesn't like the place. He seems happy enough to me.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Roddy would just be a body in WWE. His heel run in PWG the last year as a dick heel has been good but he's just been treading water in ROH since they nixed his Roddy vs The World TV Title run to needlessly put the title on Ishii.


I think if the offer is there he'll take it as what more can he do in the ROH or PWG that he hasn't already done and its worth the risk even if he doesn't get past NXT.


Moose hasn't really improved all that much in the year. He still looks clunky, clumsy and awkward at times. He would have to improve significantly but the potential is still there.

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Should have done it much sooner considering his speech problems. I mean that in the nicest way possible. It's a way for him to speak to all his fans and peers without the stress of doing a convention or whatever brings, and he won't be judged on his looks or feel self conscious about it.

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BBC programme on “what it takes to be a WWE Superstar”: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p03w4vty/superstar-wrestlers


Very enjoyable half-hour programme that.

This guy from Radio 1 who presents it explains that he used to be a huge fan (complete with camcorder footage of him and his mates wrestling on crash mats when they were teenagers during the attitude era) and by the end of it had become a fan once again.


Sami Zayn is great with words when explaining what motivates wrestlers to do what they do, and the other wrestlers interviewed (Charlotte, Jericho, Baron Corbin, Enzo & Cass) all come off really well too.

It's surprising how different Enzo's real-life voice is compared to the gravel-voice we hear when he's in character.

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BBC programme on “what it takes to be a WWE Superstar”: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p03w4vty/superstar-wrestlers

Very enjoyable half-hour programme that.

This guy from Radio 1 who presents it explains that he used to be a huge fan (complete with camcorder footage of him and his mates wrestling on crash mats when they were teenagers during the attitude era) and by the end of it had become a fan once again.


Sami Zayn is great with words when explaining what motivates wrestlers to do what they do, and the other wrestlers interviewed (Charlotte, Jericho, Baron Corbin, Enzo & Cass) all come off really well too.

It's surprising how different Enzo's real-life voice is compared to the gravel-voice we hear when he's in character.

Posted it from the office and watched it when I got home last night and really enjoyed it. At no point did I feel the Beeb were taking the piss or trying to insult our intelligence.

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