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Richie Freebird

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That new finisher of his is shit. Appalling they've managed to have him get a finisher so over that he can legit take on Lesnar with it, and then take it away and give him that wank.

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Or The Wasteland...

Or Shellshocked/Shell Shocked...


I highlighted the Overdrive as loads of people using it in the mid ‘00s. It seemed to be the go-to move of choice for any new wrestlers debuting. Randy Orton, MVP etc.

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It's a septic finisher, no doubt.

I don't know why, but to me, Wasteland is even worse than The Overdrive/O-Zone.

It's the laziest looking cunting finisher (not including the comedy/kid friendly ones like the Cobra, Socko etc) I've ever seen.
It's like 1/3 of Mr.Kennedys Green Bay thing, and that was poxy too.

My word, Kennedy was a load of muck, wasn't he? My fucking word!!!!

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Not only that but the Overdrive is one of the worst wrestling moves ever. What is it kayfabed supposed to do? You cushion their blow with your leg! It's rotten.


I think the idea was it was supposed to basically be a neckbreaker using the leg to jar the neck the way you use the shoulder with a regular one. Of course, a shoulder is bony and a leg is fleshy, so it pretty much falls down there.

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I highlighted the Overdrive as loads of people using it in the mid ‘00s. It seemed to be the go-to move of choice for any new wrestlers debuting. Randy Orton, MVP etc.


Almost as popular as the Roll The Dice / Last Rites / Hero's Welcome / Test Drive / Crossrhodes / whatever Carlito called it.

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I highlighted the Overdrive as loads of people using it in the mid ‘00s. It seemed to be the go-to move of choice for any new wrestlers debuting. Randy Orton, MVP etc.


Almost as popular as the Roll The Dice / Last Rites / Hero's Welcome / Test Drive / Crossrhodes / whatever Carlito called it.



True, although I think Cody's finally gotten it over, so we probably won't be seeing it re-assigned any time soon.


I think the Back-Cracker, and the Lungblower varation, were also WWE Stock FinishersTM at various points. During HBK's absence, it seemed the superkick was also one.

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Didnt Christopher Daniels invent the Roll of the Dice? Or am I making that up? Something in the back of my mind is telling me he did, yet I dont know where I'm getting it from.


First I saw it was motherfucking RENO!

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