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Richie Freebird

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Possible stupid question...how the fuck do they do that lightning effect with Undertaker/Kane anyways? Is it just something people can see at home on telly or can the live audience see it too? I've always wondered.


When Kane shot lightning out his finger back in 98 I damn near shit myself.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Undertaker and Kane used to set people/sets on fire and magically teleport everywhere. But that is more ridiculous than that gif.




Totally seething with sarcasm of course. Nothing wrong with that spot when seen within the context of the match itself.


You should be arrested.

In fairness, it is about the audience and promotion too. This type of spot is accepted or even encouraged in ROH. It's not acceptable in the WWE, so they won't try anything like it there. It's about being able to fit your act to your audience - it remains to be seen how Edwards and Richards cope with this.


Paul O'Grady doesn't do dirty Lilly Savage jokes on Channel 4 at tea time. It's the same sort of thing.

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go home, twelve grand, you're drunk.


Never thought i'd ever see the day when Davey Richards was thought of as a remedy to plainness and dullness.


I suppose he would be an improvement on Curtis Axel, but praise can't really come any fainter than that.


I watched the latest comments with a mixture of amusement and confusion - I'd never seen the guy before and he had a fantastic match when I saw him; both wrestlers working body parts mixed in with the sort of back and forth that reminded me of Finlay and Regal. And before your ask everything was sold and his arm being worked led to the snap arm bar finish. I don't follow RoH or wherever else he works but yes absolutely this sort of thing in the opening match on WWE PPVs would entice me and my money back to WWE/Sky box office rather than going to a British wrestling event for the first time since I was 14!


It's about being able to fit your act to your audience - it remains to be seen how Edwards and Richards cope with this.


Well as above I seem to have encountered a version of this wrestler just last month that is unknown to the indie wrestling 'experts' on here so you never know!

Edited by twelve_grand
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I don't follow RoH or wherever else he works but yes absolutely this sort of thing in the opening match on WWE PPVs would entice me and my money back to WWE/Sky box office rather than going to a British wrestling event for the first time since I was 14!


Bet you wouldn't. The WWE's got a roster full of young athletic guys working technically sound good athletic matches. In fact they've probably got more of those kind of wrestlers than they do characters.

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Leaving arguments about what people are allowed to do in the WWE ring aside - actually yes I would. As well as the problems in the main events since the middle of the year the excitement factor has gone from the support card.


I've gone from buying the big 4 plus every other SBO PPV to buying nothing since Summerslam with no intention of buying anything except Royal Rumble/WM and probably only WM. If the undercard of PPVs had excitement I'm an easy win from the fan base that stuck through WWF and WCW's efforts pre Austin/NWO because they served up the occasional gem.

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Well as above I seem to have encountered a version of this wrestler just last month that is unknown to the indie wrestling 'experts' on here so you never know!


Sounds from your description like what you encountered was Davey wrestling Zack in Zack's type of match, which is about a hundred times better than Davey wrestling Eddie in Davey's type of match.

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No. It isn't. Some things are really shit and ruins the rest of it.


That's absurd. It's just like when a band does a cover of another bands song, and the fans of the original are going "OH MA GAWD, THEY RUINED THE SAWNG!".


Bullshit. The original song is still there, not going anywhere. All your records and digital files of the song didn't all just turn into the newer version.

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Davey Richards at NXT will be a litmus test for the bad habits theory, won't he?


Leaving arguments about what people are allowed to do in the WWE ring aside - actually yes I would. As well as the problems in the main events since the middle of the year the excitement factor has gone from the support card.

Adding one more "I am a man who wrestles" gimmick to the midcard won't fix that, it'll only exacerbate it.

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No. It isn't. Some things are really shit and ruins the rest of it.


That's absurd. It's just like when a band does a cover of another bands song, and the fans of the original are going "OH MA GAWD, THEY RUINED THE SAWNG!".


Bullshit. The original song is still there, not going anywhere. All your records and digital files of the song didn't all just turn into the newer version.


See, that's a terrible comparison. The two are not even slightly alike, are they? Think about it properly.

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