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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I noticed that the WWE Youtube channel recently uploaded the "

". I didn't watch the video so don't know if it was a piss-take, but it would be a bit odd uploading that for somebody that was in the WWE for five minutes. I'm thinking he's coming back too.
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I noticed that the WWE Youtube channel recently uploaded the "
". I didn't watch the video so don't know if it was a piss-take, but it would be a bit odd uploading that for somebody that was in the WWE for five minutes. I'm thinking he's coming back too.


Hope so. He'll be a good comedy wrestler for them and a handy man.

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An anonymous indy promoter has done a Q&A on here


Interesting stuff, including an assertion that Colt Cabana is on his way back to WWE.



Really interesting. He must give enough information there for someone to work out who he is though. Fascinating that he used to make thousands, tens of thousands of pounds per show, now struggles to make

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It's a bit like if the games industry was just Call of Duty and a load of bedroom developers doing Call of Duty rip-offs. If people went off Call of Duty, the lads in the bedrooms would be absolutely ruined. Indie promoters are completely reliant on Vince McMahon making people like wrestling enough that they'd even spend money on smalltime imitations of his product. How did the indies manage in the Hart/Diesel/Michaels era?

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Quite amusing that Teddy thought to put himself as the centerpiece of the poster consisting of former WWE stars and a former World Champion. I wonder how big of a crowd that will pull.


As for the Colt Cabana video, hopefully its indicative of him signing. I think he'd make a fresh little change from Santino as despite being a bit of a Santino fan I do sometimes groan when his music hits. Plus, Colt has carved out quite a big following for himself and is in demand across the world at indy shows which is pretty impressive for someone with little TV exposure to be fair to him. It makes sense for WWE to have a guy that sells bucketloads of merch independently on their roster, he's more in demand than a hell of a lot of guys they already have from wrestling fans.

Edited by thesimonbegz
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Quite amusing that Teddy thought to put himself as the centerpiece of the poster consisting of former WWE stars and a former World Champion.


Lay off the lad, he's a Hart and if he's had much to do with organizing it, fair play to him. I'd definitely stump up a few quid to see that show.


Shite, read a post wrong. My bad.


Get out. I expected better of you, Mo.

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An anonymous indy promoter has done a Q&A on here


Interesting stuff, including an assertion that Colt Cabana is on his way back to WWE.



Really interesting. He must give enough information there for someone to work out who he is though. Fascinating that he used to make thousands, tens of thousands of pounds per show, now struggles to make

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Given how rocky Cabana's relationship with WWE was last time, I wouldn't be surprised if things fell apart again at literally any stage, so if there's any future bookings he hasn't cancelled, I think he's just hedging his bets.


Factoid: if Cabana does go back to WWE and wins the US title, he'll be the first man to have held the NWA and US titles since Terry Funk (Wiki counts the WWE and NWA/WCW US title as the same one).

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PWLaptopAids reports:

Don't be shocked to see some former WWE mid-card names returning to the company in the near future. In recent weeks, there has been a push from several top talents for the company to bring back some former talents that were released in the past but were solid hands.

The word is that WWE management has taken the suggestion to heart as the company has never been so thin on talent across the board. We are told they are looking at bringing back some names that can populate the mid-card to work with younger names and help bring them along, as well as provide some solid work on the show.


I am told there is a short list of potential names they are interested in, but the company has not yet begun contacting talents. That process could begin any time.

Carlito and MVP are two of the names being battered about. I think its definitely something they need to do. Have recognisable names wrestle the Cesaros and Sandows of this world.


MVP was talking on the Konnan podcast about going back after the New Year and was speaking like he could make big in WWE. He's 40 next year. You have to think they'd only be bringing him back to do jobs for a few years.


And from the Observer:

--There is a lot of talk about WWE.com putting a video on the Life and Times of Scotty Goldman on its web site. That was Colt Cabana's name for his brief run where they did nothing with him. Supposedly they aren't looking at bringing him back and it's just something they did for giggles, but we'll see.

Considering WWE.com is ran by Joey Styles and a bunch of internet bummers, it usually has fuck all to do with they hiring people or the writing team.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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