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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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He told them "snap my Dad (Angelo Poffo) into the Hall of Fame, dig it" and they did. And because he thought it was a crock of shit Gordon Solie quit and never returned.

Has to be more in it than that story. What was Solie doing in WCW in 1995? I'm thinking he got fired for being on the sauce at work, or some rubbish like that.

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He told them "snap my Dad (Angelo Poffo) into the Hall of Fame, dig it" and they did. And because he thought it was a crock of shit Gordon Solie quit and never returned.

Has to be more in it than that story. What was Solie doing in WCW in 1995? I'm thinking he got fired for being on the sauce at work, or some rubbish like that.



When did he die ?

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He told them "snap my Dad (Angelo Poffo) into the Hall of Fame, dig it" and they did. And because he thought it was a crock of shit Gordon Solie quit and never returned.

Has to be more in it than that story. What was Solie doing in WCW in 1995? I'm thinking he got fired for being on the sauce at work, or some rubbish like that.

When did he die ?

Solie's Wikipedia Page.


Died in 2000.

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He told them "snap my Dad (Angelo Poffo) into the Hall of Fame, dig it" and they did. And because he thought it was a crock of shit Gordon Solie quit and never returned.

Has to be more in it than that story. What was Solie doing in WCW in 1995? I'm thinking he got fired for being on the sauce at work, or some rubbish like that.


He was definately being phased out by then, and let's be honest, he wouldn't have fitted in when the nWo started kicking off anyway.

Sounds to me more a case of jumping before he was pushed.


He was doing freelance work before then though, as I remember him commentating on New Japan when it was on Eurosport around 1993/94, with Oliver Humperdink.

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Poffo went into the WCW hall of fame in 95 right? Watched recently(includes a 9 year old Cody Rhodes looking bored) the last inductee was a tearful Gordon Solie. He was definetley phased out by that point and it would have made sense to leave after this.

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He was on the WCW Hall of Fame committee at that point. He was definitely getting phased out onscreen, but the fact they overruled him on putting John Studd and Angelo Poffo in forced him to quit. Reading up on it, he was actually more upset about Studd going in than Poffo.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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TNA's lawyers seem to be quite busy these days:


TNA Files Lawsuit Seeking to Silence Scott Steiner


TNA filed a lawsuit on Monday 6/18 in Nashville, TN against Scott Rechsteiner, professionally known as Scott Steiner, stemming from the attacks Steiner has made against the company, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Bruce Prichard, among others, via Twitter.


In the lawsuit filed in Chancery Court for Davidson County, TNA noted that Steiner signed a contract with the company on 12/23/10 to appear exclusively for the promotion. A copy of that contract, including Steiner's payroll for his appearances ($2000 for events, $2500 for PPV, plus royalties to be paid 90 days later) was filed in court, including:


*An agreement that Steiner would not "make any statements or provide information, written, verbal or otherwise, which directly or indirectly disparages or casts in a negatie light any TNA officers, employees, representatives, affiliates, shareholders, licensees and/or past or current TNA talent."


*An agreement that Steiner would not use online social media or media appearances to discuss TNA without TNA's prior written consent in each instance.


TNA is claiming that Steiner violated the terms of that contract and is currently in breach for his online rants against the company. The company claimed that they contacted him on 5/10/12 asking him to cease the behavior but "Steiner, however, has ignored TNA's demands and has continued to breach the Agreement."


TNA is asking that they be allowed to recover their damages as well as court and attorney's fees. They are claiming the breach has caused the company "irreparable harm, which cannot be adequately measured by monetary relief."


TNA is also seeking a temporary and permanent injunction from the court to prevent Steiner from continuing to speak out against them.


Steiner has yet to respond to the court, obviously.

Edited by pgi86
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Damn, I guess it wasn't an angle. That's the last we'll see of Scott Steiner then. Typical of the big man to retire himself by slagging people off. Maverick renegade.

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I know they probably can't afford him, but Ring of Honor should pick Steiner up. They want people paying for their iPPVs. They should get a few big names in. Steiner, Masters and Morrison would be good for them.


I don't know who's behind it, but TNA's got tough all of a sudden haven't they? TNA used to always settle things with a nice handshake, but now they are suing everybody who dares fuck with them. Its not really damaging to them, though is it? Steiner is obviously doing it to get his name out there. Brooke, Hulk and Bischoff are all characters on TV, so he's not attacking them as people if you are a outsider looking in. Wrestlers always fall back on that when it goes to court.

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I suppose it depends on the exact wording of the contract but surely that clause expired when the rest of the contract did? Even if it doesn't. I can't imagine that a contract forcing someone to give up their freedom of speech forever would hold up in court anyway.


TNA legal really are coming across like a bunch of shite arses. They might very well have fucked the entire lawsuit against WWE by knowingly lying about it (saying Flair was an employee after he'd been fired) so it wouldn't shock me if they've made a tit of this as well.

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I know they probably can't afford him, but Ring of Honor should pick Steiner up. They want people paying for their iPPVs. They should get a few big names in. Steiner, Masters and Morrison would be good for them.


I don't know who's behind it, but TNA's got tough all of a sudden haven't they? TNA used to always settle things with a nice handshake, but now they are suing everybody who dares fuck with them. Its not really damaging to them, though is it? Steiner is obviously doing it to get his name out there. Brooke, Hulk and Bischoff are all characters on TV, so he's not attacking them as people if you are a outsider looking in. Wrestlers always fall back on that when it goes to court.



Itll be Bischoff, isnt he running things from behind scenes now, probuably told Dixie how to deal with talent the wcw way

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Details of Daffneys lawsuit with TNA

Taken from TNAsylum


PWInsider has acquired documents from the Daffney vs TNA Lawsuit. Here are the details known:


-There is absolutely no charge of sexual harassment against Taylor or anyone else in TNA. So, wherever those stories came from, they were completely, absolutely fabricated. There's nothing, not even a cryptic reference, in any of the filings.


-The lawsuit is based around Spruill's injuries at the Bound for Glory 2009 PPV, which according to the documents exceeded over $26,000. In the lawsuit, Spruill alleges that TNA made a $600 payment on the bill. When Spruill received a letter requesting payment for the balance, she alleges Terry Taylor told her that the company would pay the remainder. TNA did not, leading to Spruill receiving several more demands for payment. Spruill also claimed that one letter stated that TNA had declined to pay the balance, citing her as an "independent contractor", despite what she had been told by Taylor.


-The lawsuit alleges that TNA's Texas attorney (Texas is where their parent company is based) had advised the company to delay payment in an attempt to eventually settle the debt for a smaller amount. Spruill's side claimed to have proof of this via emails forwarded by Taylor to Spruill.


-As a result of this, and the Texas TNA attorney negotiating a smaller payment with the medical provider, Spruill's side had the attorney named as a witness in the case and will be having him provide a deposition in the case, currently scheduled for 7/5. The attorney attempted to fight this, as he wished to represent TNA in the case in TN, but the Judge ruled with Spruill's side. The attorney argued that the emails used violated his attorney-client privileges with TNA, but the court ruled that those privileges ended when Terry Taylor forwarded the emails to Spruill.


-The lawsuit alleges that TNA did eventually settle the claim in the amount of $8,000 but not before Spruill had to deal with being called by creditors and receiving additional material demanding payment for over a year.


-TNA initially claimed that the statute of limitations had expired by the time Spruill had filed her lawsuit. In their response, TNA claimed that they had not paid any of Spruill's medical bills, although there were records of the aforementioned payments as well as another $9,556.00 payment made for medical treatment needed after Spruill was injured at an April 2010 Impact taping in Orlando, FL against Rosie Lottalove. TNA later withdrew the argument.


-Spruill's side has filed a motion requesting TNA President Dixie Carter also be deposed in the case. TNA has argued that Carter doesn't have the knowledge or information on Spruill's injuries or TNA's contracts with talent. There is a hearing set for next Friday 6/29 as to whether Carter will be deposed or not.

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You'd like to think that Dreamer is smart enough not to think that slinging a bunch of old ECW alumni into a promotion in 2012, and that it might actually be a proper 'reboot' with some brand new names and a smattering of nostalgia. If it is that, then that might have a chance of working. If it's just like those Extreme Reunion shows, it will be dead before it's started.

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