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WWE Raw - Power To The People Night


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WWE are clearly trying to make Sin Cara look good. I mean it's fucking embarassing he lost to Barry.


I doubt that most people were shocked Mason won and everybody I've seen mention they voted said they voted for Sin Cara plus it makes WWE look bad for the mistake if they wanted Sin Cara to be popular they wouldn't have to do this if Mason really did win all they would of done is continued to push Sin Cara as give it a few weeks and everybody would of forgotten about the vote.


And now they have the risk of the fans who did vote asking for their money back which I believe by law they would have to refund as there was an error and their votes wasn't counted even though they still paid for them and if they are lying and here wasn't an error they would still have to give it back as they have publicly stated there was.

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Poor to be honest, got to be true as i dont think they would want something as embarrassing as this against them, but at the same time does sound like something Vince would do


WWE confuses me at the moment, just when i think its hit rock bottom they seem to pull something out to totally reignite my interest more than it was before!


The Rock returning for instance, WOW! But then shit like this Raw just leaves you confused! Damn you Vince

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If Punk leaves after the next PPV I doubt I will watch WWE TV again until Mania season, they have a lot of good talent but shows are so lifeless and boring. The creative team and the overexposure of their two most pushed stars in Orton and Cena is what I blame most for me turning of. Still I am but one man I bet WWE couldnt care less with the money they make of Cena merchandise.

Out of interest, what would you spend money on if you were liking it? Would you buy tickets/pay-per-views/merchandise?


Thinking about it, it's probably time to dump Sin Cara.


I mean if he can't even win a fucking fan vote against a Welshman and a gimp with a lisp, then what's the point?


Bet he was crying like a little bitch under that mask.

Agreed. If the endless fuck-ups weren't evidence enough that the Sin Cara experiment needs to be knocked on the head, the vote should have sealed it.

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If Punk leaves after the next PPV I doubt I will watch WWE TV again until Mania season, they have a lot of good talent but shows are so lifeless and boring. The creative team and the overexposure of their two most pushed stars in Orton and Cena is what I blame most for me turning of. Still I am but one man I bet WWE couldnt care less with the money they make of Cena merchandise.

Out of interest, what would you spend money on if you were liking it? Would you buy tickets/pay-per-views/merchandise?


Thinking about it, it's probably time to dump Sin Cara.


I mean if he can't even win a fucking fan vote against a Welshman and a gimp with a lisp, then what's the point?


Bet he was crying like a little bitch under that mask.

Agreed. If the endless fuck-ups weren't evidence enough that the Sin Cara experiment needs to be knocked on the head, the vote should have sealed it.

I dont buy PPV, I download if I am honest besides Wrestlemania and the Rumble when I have guests watching it with me live.


When I have enjoyed the product in the past I have bought tickets to live shows and the odd bit of merchadise, like I bought the CM Punk Ramones style T Shirt a while back and maybe one blu ray a year if I liked a event, Summerslam 2009 for example.


I get that Cena is a cash cow, a kid is more likely to spend more than me, that is why I cannot dismiss the Cena megapush as he makes WWE a lot of cash. It would be very poor business for WWE to depush/fire Cena just because I and other fans are sick of him, wrestling is a business at the end of the day.

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I find it strange how they've done the fan votes in previous years and had no problems, saying that I realise a lot of them were online but I'm sure one or two were text ones too, if so how did they make such a mess last night when the others seemingly went okay? And if the last ones didn't go okay but they never announced that they didn't go okay, how come they didn't sort it out so that it went okay this time? I hope this means that in the future they go back to online voting if they do it again. I also hope they give us Sin Cara and Bourne next week as I would have loved to have seen that match, the paper bag match would have been interesting too but I'd guess it meant the loser had to put a paper bag on their head, which would have been a great let down to me.


Also it's getting to the point now where guys like Orton and Cena are continually holding the top titles and it's getting very bland, the same thing was happening not to long ago and a lot of fans were moaning about it, but I thought I'd give it a chance, then Miz and Sheamus came up, but still looking at the WWE Title (the spinner one) it seems to have a hell of a lot of Orton and Cena in recent years with only a dot or two of other guys. The World Title has a fair few names, such as Edge, Swagger, Kane, Jericho, Mysterio, Punk, the infamous Ziggler reign and short Christian run but now it seems Orton is holding it and it could be a while. Either way, currently the WWE Title is Cena's and the World Title is Orton's and to me that seems very bland, both guys have been pretty holding the WWE Title between themselves for ages, with a very small amount of reigns between their ones and now Orton's moved to Smackdown and has the top Title there and Cena still has the WWE Title. Back when a lot of fans moaned about Cena and Orton hogging the Title I thought I'd give it a chance and thought with Sheamus and Miz they may start giving other guys a chance but now it just looks as though Cena may have the Title for a while and Orton seems to be feuding with Christian indefinetly for the World Title. To be honest I think if he drops the Title to Christian it won't be long until he wins it back again, similar to if Cena loses the WWE Title at any point and now I am getting very fed up with the main event scene. Even breaths of fresh air like R Truth etc don't seem to have the credibility in my eyes as I don't think WWE would trust them with the Title and it is difficult to see them as the main face of WWE after WWE has pretty much had them in the mid card for years, also if guys who have main evented for a lot longer than these guys can't beat Super Cena then how can we expect someone like R Truth to. WWE seems to be running out of guys who Cena hasn't beaten or overcame the odds to defeat, the first time it's a shock (to some) but then it gets to the point where noone expects Cena to get beaten by bigger guys or a guy who has a stable behind him, or two or three guys in a beat down.

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It's actually quite clever of WWE to turn the fans voting into a storyline.


Ryan can now use it to get his personality over by complaining about being screwed by WWE who are now backtracking on his success. He needs to jump from New Nexus into something with R Truth and maybe a cross-brand faction with Christian and even throw Mark Henry in there too, as he's big (like Ryan) and black (like Truth).


Quite impressed at how much effort they're putting into this at the moment actually. It's definitely sparked some heated discussion everywhere, which is more than can be said for any Cyber Sunday-like concept before.


And it just seemed like your run-of-the-mill Raw. It's great they're using the 'net to play this all up.

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It's actually quite clever of WWE to turn the fans voting into a storyline.


Ryan can now use it to get his personality over by complaining about being screwed by WWE who are now backtracking on his success. He needs to jump from New Nexus into something with R Truth and maybe a cross-brand faction with Christian and even throw Mark Henry in there too, as he's big (like Ryan) and black (like Truth).


Quite impressed at how much effort they're putting into this at the moment actually. It's definitely sparked some heated discussion everywhere, which is more than can be said for any Cyber Sunday-like concept before.


And it just seemed like your run-of-the-mill Raw. It's great they're using the 'net to play this all up.

I know, it's quite novel. For sparking discussion, I mean. I think it's a bit flawed in terms of getting a failing act over, I can't really see people buying the "Sin Cara was the real winner of the vote last week" storyline. It was obvious he took a hammering at the polls by Barry.

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This Nexus boy will hammer Bourne and Cara next week before they get their educated feet off the canvas, if all is right with the world. Just because the WWE Universe were saying in polls that Cara was the top man (and WWE polls have always been dodgy) doesn't mean people in the real world with phones thought the same.

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