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Kurt Angle didn't like Mania


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I could be wrong, but didn't Angle nick most of his moveset from other WWE wrestlers, some of whom were still active at the time? His triple German Suplex spot was one Benoit was using, for example. As for the Ankle lock, it was Ken Shamrock's finish before it was Angle's.


*Edit, due to reading the tweets below. It's just they hadn't really been brought up in the thread so I lost them!*


Orton: "Btw does anyone know what Ken Shamrocks finish was? I believe Jack Swagger used ankle lock outta respect for Ken?"


Angle: "2 Randy Orton's credit, I Heard He had the best match of the night. Good for You! Btw,I Never used Shamrock's finish while he still wrestled"


I may be wrong, but I think Shamrock was still wrestling when Angle started using the ankle lock, just not for WWE.

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I may be wrong, but I think Shamrock was still wrestling when Angle started using the ankle lock, just not for WWE.

You are. He was doing MMA and occasionally wrestling for nothing promotions once in a while, when Angle adopted it as his finish. I dont agree with Angle, but I get what he's trying to say. Angle's a WWE legend and the ankle lock is HIS established finisher, and when you think of the Ankle Lock, most think of him making the likes of the Undertaker, Austin, Hogan, Rock and Shawn Michaels tap with it. I think it does Swagger more harm than Angle anyway, so I dont know why Angle is so touchy about it. He's an Olypmic Medallist for fucks sake. When he got done on that drink driving charge, none of the news reports called him "former WWE wrestler" or even mentioned his current way of making a living. He's a big name. He shouldnt sink to such catty levels.

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I may be wrong, but I think Shamrock was still wrestling when Angle started using the ankle lock, just not for WWE.

You are. He was doing MMA and occasionally wrestling for nothing promotions once in a while, when Angle adopted it as his finish.

Angle used it the year before Shamrock was TNA champion. Shamrock wasn't in WWE but he was still wrestling. It's all a load of bollocks.

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Angle used it the year before Shamrock was TNA champion. Shamrock wasn't in WWE but he was still wrestling. It's all a load of bollocks.

Shamrock was under a WWF none compete when Angle took the ankle lock finisher, in February 2001, so he wasnt wrestling. He'd agreed to return to the WWF after his deal with Pride was done, so everyone was under the impression he was done with wrestling altogether, until the Jarrett's offered him $3000 per appearance and allowed him to continue his MMA career. WWF was under the impression he was done.

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He's a big name. He shouldnt sink to such catty levels.


In a way, you can see why Kurt is a bit bitter, WWE Mania Hype footage normally goes something like Libarace dancing in the ring, Muhammad Ali waving, Hogan/Andre staredown, Warrior running at Mania 6 montage of the Undertaker

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Funnily enough we were talking about people using other's finishers or spots and I basically said it would be really disrespectful to use someone else signature moves on the same show and it would be seen as a big deal. I hardly think that applies to Kurt Angle though. Is this really any different to Bret Hart using the Sharpshooter and Sting using the Scorpion Deathlock?


I remember a whole period back in 1997 where Undertaker would use a big boot and leg drop combo during which Jim Ross would state "no-one in the industry delivers a leg drop like the Deadman". Also similar commentary was added after every HBK top rope elbow too. Clear digs at Savage and Hogan in WCW. I'm sure the recent instances of "move stealing" are also an attempt to discredit TNA's top name (successful or not).


Pretty sure Pat Patterson asking Bret to use a Scorpion Death Lock as a finish wasn't an accident either.

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Funnily enough we were talking about people using other's finishers or spots and I basically said it would be really disrespectful to use someone else signature moves on the same show and it would be seen as a big deal. I hardly think that applies to Kurt Angle though. Is this really any different to Bret Hart using the Sharpshooter and Sting using the Scorpion Deathlock?


I remember a whole period back in 1997 where Undertaker would use a big boot and leg drop combo during which Jim Ross would state "no-one in the industry delivers a leg drop like the Deadman". Also similar commentary was added after every HBK top rope elbow too. Clear digs at Savage and Hogan in WCW. I'm sure the recent instances of "move stealing" are also an attempt to discredit TNA's top name (successful or not).


Pretty sure Pat Patterson asking Bret to use a Scorpion Death Lock as a finish wasn't an accident either.


The leg drop's pretty generic though, no? I've always seen finishers as being one of two types: the "unique" one that no-one else does and has a special name, and the non-unique one that others might do, but no-one does better than that particular wrestler, e.g. Macho Man's top-rope elbow drop, Hogan's leg drop, Warrior splash, Roddy Piper sleeper, etc. With the latter type, I'm sure there's even less reason to complain.


As to the Bret Hart Sharpshooter/Scorpion Deathlock thing, when did Bret start using it? I ask because I'm wondering if it wasn't more to do with Ronnie Garvin than Sting.

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The hacking stuff is bollocks. I'm no grammar expert but it's obviously him, same typing style in his denials with the unneccessary capitals and all the U's and stuff :p You're not fooling anyone Kurt.


I don't really know what the big deal is to be fair. Moves are moves, it's all been done before. I'd get it if they were in the same company and he had to get the crowd into a main event using a finish someone else did in the 2nd match.

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Angle's a WWE legend and the ankle lock is HIS established finisher, and when you think of the Ankle Lock, most think of him making the likes of the Undertaker... tap with it.

When was this? It rings a vague bell, but I can't quite place it. I remember that match where him and Undertaker beat each other by pinfall/submission at the same time, but I don't think that was with the ankle lock. I can half-picture him tapping out to the ankle lock once in my mind though, during the short-haired American Bad Ass days. Was it during a ref bump?

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Angle's a WWE legend and the ankle lock is HIS established finisher, and when you think of the Ankle Lock, most think of him making the likes of the Undertaker... tap with it.

When was this? It rings a vague bell, but I can't quite place it. I remember that match where him and Undertaker beat each other by pinfall/submission at the same time, but I don't think that was with the ankle lock. I can half-picture him tapping out to the ankle lock once in my mind though, during the short-haired American Bad Ass days. Was it during a ref bump?

I think it was during a ref bumb. I remember him tapping out to Angle though. May have been at Vengance 2002.

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Angle's a WWE legend and the ankle lock is HIS established finisher, and when you think of the Ankle Lock, most think of him making the likes of the Undertaker... tap with it.

When was this? It rings a vague bell, but I can't quite place it. I remember that match where him and Undertaker beat each other by pinfall/submission at the same time, but I don't think that was with the ankle lock.


No, it was a triangle choke - Undertaker tapped while Kurt got pinned.

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