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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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I didnt like it at first, but it seems like a alright name, now I've heard it. I remember there was heads being scratched when they called it "TNA" initially. They were always going to be open for jokes towards it. I remember Kurt Angle getting interviewed by Comedy Dave on Nuts TV and he said "We're bringing TNA: TITS N ASS to the UK". He was joking, but at the same time I remember thinking "fucking well, he has to even acknowledge that the TNA name could name that". Howard Stern always pokes fun at Hogan for being involved in a promotion called "TNA" as well. Its usually brought up by the "lad" type interview formats, as was shown on Soccer AM with the Beautiful People on it. You cant get more wrestling based that "Impact Wrestling" I suppose, unless I'm missing a double entendre there.

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In homage to the WWE campaign, "Get the F Out", TNA's advertising campaign for this change should get "Get the Tits Out".

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In the grand scheme of things we've still got the same people running the shows that have failed to make significant progress in four years. As much as a name change is needed, the product needs a heafty boot up the arse as it's WWE 2007 stale.

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What does everyone think of Angelina Love's 'not of her own mind' gimmick at the moment? I think it's boss. She no-sells all offense and has this slow, snake like movement around the ring (and looks like a complete dirt in the process :devil: ) On paper it sounds like shite but it works well on camera. Makes her look unbeatable also nice to see Winter involved in her first real meaty televised angle since going to the states.

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In homage to the WWE campaign, "Get the F Out", TNA's advertising campaign for this change should get "Get the Tits Out".


But then where would the Impact Zone go?

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Well if I am spoiling anyones enjoyment, I do Apologize. And I don't think anyone would want a Pcc vs me thread.


Regarding TNA didn't the name come from NWA:TNA (which was there original name) and then when they got rid of the NWA part they just carried on as TNA.

I think more than a rebrand is needed. Many aspects of the company need to change both in management and the product.

And I'm not just talking about it becoming Shimmer or ROH, or my usual complaints on the treatment of talent.



Don't like the sound of the Angelina storyline, the idea of a "Brain washed" wrestler doesn't appeal.

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you would think they wouldnt have a story where someone is wrestling while under the influence of something after victory road


Mr Anderson had a legit Concussion at the start of the year and they were doing a serious storyline about it at the same time they had a storyline where Eric Young was doing a comedy "head injury" character .

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you would think they wouldnt have a story where someone is wrestling while under the influence of something after victory road


Mr Anderson had a legit Concussion at the start of the year and they were doing a serious storyline about it at the same time they had a storyline where Eric Young was doing a comedy "head injury" character .


They also turned Angle heel and made him into a character where he was ever so slightly abusive to his wife and children just a week or 2 after Benoit did it. That was funny as fuck.

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A-hah. TNA's latest addition to the roster is Chyna.


- She left World Wrestling Federation on November 30, 2001.

- Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew in 2008.

- She is also known for her tumultuous relationship with fellow wrestler Sean Waltman, with whom she made a sex tape. It was released in 2004 and entitled 1 Night in China.

- Days after the domestic dispute between Waltman and Laurer, it was reported in the New York Post that she had stripped naked and jumped into a fish tank in a New York nightclub.

- On the program, she claimed to not want to do drugs anymore, but said that if a line of cocaine was in front of her, she would do it.

- On December 27, 2008, she was rushed to the hospital after her birthday party, where she was found passed out with cuts on her arms.

- In September 2010 Laurer was hospitalized after overdosing on sleeping medication.



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Reminds me of when Kendo Nagasaki 'brainwashed' Robbie Brookside into beating up his partner, Steve Regal. It was very lame.


That sounds fucking awesome! Plus, no way Brookside could have beaten Regal without supernatural aid. Codsall lads don't lose to Scousers.


you would think they wouldnt have a story where someone is wrestling while under the influence of something after victory road


Don't think it matters. There is a difference between someone being kayfabe brainwashed by Dr Mindbender style tricks than Jeff Hardy showing up and just getting lamped by Sting, then being accused of "making mistakes" / "being responsible for his own downfall" by Hollywood, and being shitcanned. They've never explicitly stated "Jeff lost in 90 seconds because he was fuk'd and bomb'd on Clarky Cat" have they? This is another of those "dont mix up storyline and reality" situations which we should all try and steer clear of.


Well if I am spoiling anyones enjoyment, I do Apologize. And I don't think anyone would want a Pcc vs me thread.


Speak for yourself. You could happily be Prince Iaukea for a bit, I think it would be a good laugh, as long as it was kept short.


Oh. Never mind.

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