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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Oh shit has it started now? cool.



Yeah it's up now on Amazon Instant. I'm going to give it a go tonight.

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Watched it last night. Won't go into spoilers but there's a lot going on in it and the tone is all over the place but they nail the characters. Really not sure how long it'll last as a series (It's quite a hard sell, especially with the religious content) be interesting to see how the first few episodes go.

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Watched Preacher last night & really enjoyed it. As above, tonally it flicks about the place but I took that as them trying to cram a lot of stuff into the pilot. Very interested in seeing where it goes. I've only dipped into the comic so I don't really know how close it is to the source material but reviewers have seen the first 4 episodes & by all accounts it gets really good.

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It's very different to the comic in pretty much every aspect other than tone, as it should be. The chronology and placement of characters is all different -- essentially, instead of Jesse meeting all these oddballs on the road as the story progresses, they're now in the town with him. The main story from the comic may not even make it to the show and certainly seems it won't in the first year. Which means at least one year of not knowing what happens in each episode, so that's good.

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It's the only way the Planet Hulk story line would work on film. 2-3 good scenes of Thor and Hulk battering people totally has me sold.

Be interesting to see how they get Hulk from the end Age of Ultron to some gladiatorial planet  at the end of the galaxy ( and they're really missing a trick if they don't try and tie in Guardians Of The Galaxy. They'd be mad not to throw a few quid at Big Dave for a cameo)

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I could have sworn they confirmed that Planet Hulk was happening in the next Thor film like about 12 months ago? Or was it just at rumour stage back then?


Nope, there was a fake upcoming Marvel films image doing the rounds on social media ages ago so the rumours have been around a while. They came back again when it was announced that Hulk would be in the next Thor film (and people put 2+2 together) but I think this is the first time there's been any more info.

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I watched the Planet Hulk animated film on Netflix a while ago after reading rumours of it being the next in line for Marvel films. It'll be very light on Mark Ruffalo if they're following that material, I don't think Banner was featured at all IIRC?

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Being Banner for 90% of the film and turning into Hulk a couple of times is ok for the Avengers films but this sounds like it's going to be really balls out fun and I hope Mark Gruffalo is hardly in it.


I heard all the planet hulk rumours before but when they announced Thor 3 was going to be a cosmic road trip buddy movie between Thor and Hulk it never occured to me they'd work Planet Hulk into it, it's going to be great.

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I watched the Planet Hulk animated film on Netflix a while ago after reading rumours of it being the next in line for Marvel films. It'll be very light on Mark Ruffalo if they're following that material, I don't think Banner was featured at all IIRC?


The animated film is actually really good ( I really wish Marvel had the quality animated output of DC) but yeah, the actually story is 90% Hulk so would cost a small fortune to make. There was a breakdown after the first Avengers of how much it actually costs to produce the Hulk CGI shots and it's silly money and really doesn't work as a film. 

I know people have been screaming about a solo Hulk film (which Marvel still can't legally make at the minute) but it just won't work.

You can't have 2 hours of Hulk on screen. Hulk turning up and going mental needs to be the payoff, rather than the bulk of the movie and he's a character that works far better if there's people around him to give him context, like Punisher. That and the fact that Ruffalo is awesome and has finally made Banner a great character.

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You can't have 2 hours of Hulk on screen. Hulk turning up and going mental needs to be the payoff, rather than the bulk of the movie and he's a character that works far better if there's people around him to give him context, like Punisher. That and the fact that Ruffalo is awesome and has finally made Banner a great character.

I think that's a bit of an old fashioned view, there have been enough Hulk adaptations that revolve around Banner trying not to Hulk up and it being used sparingly that I think people are ready for something a bit more fun and full on. If this film is indeed going to be Hulk and Thor as gladiators fighting alien menaces I don't think anyone will be thinking I wish Banner was in it more.

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I watched the Planet Hulk animated film on Netflix a while ago after reading rumours of it being the next in line for Marvel films. It'll be very light on Mark Ruffalo if they're following that material, I don't think Banner was featured at all IIRC?


The animated film is actually really good ( I really wish Marvel had the quality animated output of DC) but yeah, the actually story is 90% Hulk so would cost a small fortune to make. There was a breakdown after the first Avengers of how much it actually costs to produce the Hulk CGI shots and it's silly money and really doesn't work as a film. 

I know people have been screaming about a solo Hulk film (which Marvel still can't legally make at the minute) but it just won't work.

You can't have 2 hours of Hulk on screen. Hulk turning up and going mental needs to be the payoff, rather than the bulk of the movie and he's a character that works far better if there's people around him to give him context, like Punisher. That and the fact that Ruffalo is awesome and has finally made Banner a great character.



Can't they?


Didn't they already make a Hulk solo movie as part of the Phase 1 of the MCU just after IronMan, Edward Norton was the Hulk before he was replaced by Mark Ruffalo for the Avengers and future Hulk appearances in the MCU

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