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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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The Punisher film rights have reverted back to Marvel haven't they? So it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility


This is true but I'm pretty sure they are steadfast in not crossing over until after The Defenders Netflix series. I'd be over the moon if I were wrong though.

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That last bit about Whedon struggling is a really good point actually. I enjoyed Age of Ultron, but you could tell Whedon was bogged down trying to please the studio in the direction they wanted to go in.


I guess despite where the characters came from, it's just as much of a challenge to successfully create the platform to where the studio want all the these characters to go in the future.

Totally this.

I think the downside to how Marvel have built their universe is that the director doesn't get as much say as you'd think in the final product. Whedon and Edgar Wright have both written the films they were making and have both fallen out with the studio because of the rewrites and being forced to add things in for the wider picture. Whedon is a broken man on his commentary for Age of Ultron, openly saying it's not the film he wanted and Wright walked away altogether after it being his baby for years.

Edited by chokeout
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I finished Daredevil last night, it started off great, I really didn't enjoy the middle much then for the last few episodes it just turned into Arrow.



The Punisher was the best thing in it but also the biggest disappointment for me, when he was introduced it was pretty much as cool as it could be, he was like the Terminator but because of having to fit everything into a story about a law firm he was completely castrated after that.

I don't need to see Pun miserable in hospital and on trial for ages. His case was too high profile for such a discreet character too, I like a Punisher who can catch a plane to go and fuck up a crime boss if need be, this version was completely exposed right at the beginning of his career, a high profile case with his face and name on the cover of papers and stuff.

His coming to help with a Skull and a couple of guns at the end was what I wanted but it was too little too late.


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I always thought that New Mutants was one of the worst titles ever for a comic — the X-Men was red hot at the time, and it felt like Marvel simply saying "you like some mutants? Here's some new ones!" Great comic for a good long time, though.


I stuck with Jessica Jones, and it really started to click for me mid-season, which is a nice change from Daredevil, which totally ran out of steam both seasons by about episode 8, and then picked up again (much more in the first season) right at the end. 



When Luke and Jessica have their confrontation over the bus driver stuff in Episode 7, that's about a block from my apartment. I take that really strange bus route all the time, so that was exciting for me. I don't have much of a life


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From what I've read/heard (some/all of which could be bollocks) New Mutants is the movie's title but the team is very much X-Force.


Screw up casting Domino (who I read will be in it) and I will set fire to the studio.

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From what I've read/heard (some/all of which could be bollocks) New Mutants is the movie's title but the team is very much X-Force.


Screw up casting Domino (who I read will be in it) and I will set fire to the studio.


Who would you suggest for her? I read reams of these in one go at uni, and it really wasn't my cup of tea — this lad from the year below me wasn't interested in comics, but he'd somehow convinced himself that huge selling mutant titles would be massively valuable in the future. I'm sure they go for nothing.

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I finished Daredevil season 2 at the weekend. What a fantastic start that was completely thrown away. If this season was 8 episodes long it would be fantastic, but 13 just dragged on. The show is useless whenever Wilson Fisk or Frank Castle isn't in it. And I really love a good fight scene - but there's just too much in this show. You just get battle fatigue.


Punisher and Electra are two completely separate storylines that just happened to be in the same season.


Murdock's actually a fucking cunt, isn't he? Treats everyone around him like shit, lies, deceives and all-round jerk. Can't sympathise with him at all.

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Isn't it supposed to be part of the "devil" conceit, though, that he's like that? Road to hell paved with good intentions and all that. At least, that's how I understood it, hence the whole thing with Nelson.

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One thing I do like about the Daredevil fights is that Daredevil uses the same logical tactic each fight. Throw his opponents on the floor then punch them repeatedly in the face til they are out cold. Much better than some fancy karate bullshit.

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