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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Being a big fan of Ennis' Punisher run I am so happy with with his portrayal. He's incredibly scary when he goes all Terminator, but he is such a sympathetic character when not being a nutcase murderer. I can't say I am a fan of Elektra, but she is at least a more convincing character than Jennifer Garner's portrayal.

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I just got back from BvS.


I liked it a lot, it's definitely not perfect but having the best Batman yet, a Superman I love and a shitload of action goes a long way to make me not fancy complaining about a few minor flaws.


I can imagine people who aren't watching while edging thinking about how glorious Batfleck and Cavill are like I was might not be so easy to please.

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BvS spoiler innit, massive ones, don't read it unless you've seen it or never want to.



I read comics so a giant monster is pretty standard, more fun than anything in those dreary Nolan ones anyway, it would've been more fun if they hadn't shown him in the trailer though.

I do think his creation was weirdly rushed, suddenly with the blood and pool and shit and then he's there. Creating a giant alien monster is a pretty hard sell to most people so they could've made it make a bit more sense.


My worst part was the shit chat with ghost dad Kevin costner, that shouldn't have made it in.

The post apocalyptic desert batman scene was great though and the Flash's appearance was cool and a massive surprise. I don't see how it ties in though considering it seemed to be a warning against Superman yet Batman happily trusted him as soon as he mentioned his mum's name.


It's a minor thing but I think it's a shame we didn't see Batman suit up in his cool armour, he was just suddenly waiting for supes wearing it with no fanfare.


I felt sorry for Superman, he had a rough time in this one, I was surprised to see him die but not massively considering it's how he went in the comic, I say not massively surprised but if someone had spoilt it for me yesterday I think I would have had a hard time not murdering them.


I hope when Supes comes back everyone loves him, people being suspicious of the heroes in these films is played out.



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I had the day off last Friday and was able to binge Daredevil season 2. I thought it was great, but suffered from the same problem season 1 and Jessica Jones did in that 13 episodes felt like too much and the story started to really slow down and drag out a bit come the halfway point. Some of the Punisher stuff was amazingly brutal and I could've done with seeing a bit more of it. Overall there were a couple of aspects of the Punisher character that didn't sit right with me, but more in concept than execution, Bernthal (as always) was great. I seem to be in the vast minority that preferred season 1 though. Maybe I can put that down to my glee at seeing my favourite comic book character finally brought to life in a way that did him justice the first time around, or maybe there were too many ninjas in lieu of other action in the back half of the season, I dunno. Still loved it though. The costume in particular is a big step up from last year.


I saw Batman v Superman this afternoon...


I walked out not knowing how I felt about it. I quite enjoyed the first half of the film at the time, some unintentional humour and Jesse Eisenberg doing... whatever that was aside, but it turned into a total mess in the back end. A still relatively entertaining mess, but a mess nonetheless. Then I started thinking about it more and realised that while I had enjoyed the first half, it was a mess too. I know we shouldn't really care about the plot in a film like this and just enjoy the punching, but barely anything that happened made sense or had any logic behind it. Doomsday, although better looking than in the trailers, was a pile of wank that they obviously 'borrowed' from The Hobbit's VFX library.

Affleck and Cavill were great, in fact a lot of the cast did some great work, but Gal Gadot is no actress, and as I alluded to earlier, Eisenberg was fucking atrocious, there were times where he jumped back and forth between believably intense and cartoonish from word to word. I think the point where it really lost its way for me was when Bruce Wayne e-mailed Wonder Woman a promo picture of her upcoming film's cast and teasers for the rest of the films they have planned. It's a problem in most big franchises these days but this took the fucking cake, show me the film I'm watching right now, not what you want me to watch next year. Plus in that dream sequence the Flash's costume was really shit.

The score was really good, but so ill fitting of what was going on onscreen at some points. Like that amazing piece playing when Luthor is doing a slow motion walk for no reason, which gets repeated later when Lois Lane gets kidnapped and actually fits in there. Or that Wonder Woman theme that I'm sure would work in a different context, but here it felt like it thought the film had earned something so powerful, it felt to me like it was screaming "Look everyone, on top of Batman v Superman now here's Wonder Woman! Look how badass all of this is! YOU LOVE THIS."

I realise how schizophrenic this 'review' must seem, which I think is fitting of the film. It didn't know what it wanted to be and probably needed a director with a better creative vision to pull it off. I quite like most of Snyder's work too, so I'm not hating on him for the sake of it. The result is a film that both works and doesn't, often at the same time. I still don't know what to make of it. I neither loved nor hated it, I know that much. I think the kindest thing I can really say at this point is that while yes, it's a total mess, it's an interesting mess at least. I expected it to be really bad, and it turned out to be a different type of bad than I was anticipating. Thoroughly watchable, but probably not for the right reasons.


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Nananananananananan Super Batman spoilers...


Yeah, not knowing what to think about it is sort of how I feel. Parts of it are pretty dreadful (Eisenberg with his ticks is indeed garbage - very nearly Uma Thurman shit in places) and proper dumb, but some of it is decent enough (no matter what, seeing Batman and Superman on the screen is cool). My biggest issue is it felt a bit like some random going "and then I did this and then she said that and then I told her this and then he hit that and then I said no and then that...", just felt like a film full of so much set up and so much to set up that it got weighed down by it all and a bit lost, really. Maybe I wouldn't have minded so much if the last third wasn't back to that dull Man of Steel overlong CGI battle - but then again how they finally get to the end had a lot of issues too. I thought they got themselves in a twist a bit with throwing too much rubbish at it because I thought the start with mad Bruce Wayne angry at Superman for being so reckless made sense and was a really solid base, but I suppose they've got Justice League merch to shift, yo.


My biggest criticism is it really should and could be so much more; both characters deserved better. Felt like a missed opportunity.


Superman dying was at least an interesting way to end the movie, but again felt like a waste on this film.


Edited by ColinBollocks
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Just got to give a quick shout out to the Batman movie that came out this week that nobody is talking about. Batman Bad Blood is all kinds of awesome. Admittedly I'm a big fan of the animated DCU but I thought this one one was kick arse.

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