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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Batman Vs Superman :





Right, so, I watched this last night. and.....I Liked it. That's to say it was "OK" and not anywhere near the best movie/comic book movie I've ever seen, but i enjoyed it non the less.


There was a lot going on, and it all went a bit crazy (good crazy) towards the end where if you didn't know what was going on, I can see how you may not like it. To me it made some sort of sense, as in i followed what was going on, although it was very much a "meanwhile, over here....." type movie. 


Enjoyed the teases for other hero's, even though its blatant that they crammed this stuff in, when they could just wait. Plus the hints at a few different things to come in the future had me hooked.


Some, and I do stress the word "some", criticisms i feel are unfounded. "why did this happen?" "why did he not say/do this?" etc, when I feel like if you saw what i saw, most of the answers are there. It does have a few bits that either could be better explained or completely not there at all, but its very very comic-booky for the fans who know whats going on.


So yeah, i enjoyed it, and would recommend it if you enjoyed Man of Steel/Watchmen or anything like that. I was trying to think of an analogy yesterday, and this is what I came up with: Its like if Watchmen and 300 had a baby, but the real father was Man of Steel.


A whole lot going on, and it really does escalate quickly towards the end. Loved Affleck, Loved Gadot (In every way), Cavill was good (although hammy in places) and even mildly enjoyed Luthor as well well. 


i'd recommend it, if anything just so you can say you've seen it, but also to make your mind up. Don't leave it to the reviews, as in fairness you may hate it.......but you might also like it as well.



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I watched Batman vs Superman last night and I will keep this spoiler free.


I have to say I quite enjoyed it. There were parts that were clunky and very messy, but it was a movie weighed down by what they were trying to set up for the future universe that they have in mind.


Affleck for me was probably the best Batman to date. He's simply perfect for the role. A Ben Affleck directed standalone Batman movie has me beyond excited.


Edited by lambyUK
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Would anybody else like to see more on the the Bruce/Alfred relationship? I'll probably get slapped for this, BUT, in my opinion its the only thing the dreaded "Batman & Robin" was sort of good with, when Alfred is sick and Bruce has the flash backs about Alfred essentially raising him as a child, plus his overall worry about this frail old man who pretty much took over in being his father.

That aside, I think its an area, that hasn't really been looked into in the movies, that would make for a good story line. 

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Fuck it, I want to see an ‘Alfred’ series on Netflix, see him in his early years becoming the SAS bad-ass, maybe then go in to seeing how he meets the Waynes etc. These series on Netflix have done well for Marvel, and Gotham’s in its second season.

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I haven't watched any of the Marvel TV shows (I watch DC's The Flash but that's it at the mo) but all this talk about Daredevil has got me intrigued. Do I need to watch Agents of Shield or any of the others to enjoy Daredevil, or can I just jump straight in with that?

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I haven't watched any of the Marvel TV shows (I watch DC's The Flash but that's it at the mo) but all this talk about Daredevil has got me intrigued. Do I need to watch Agents of Shield or any of the others to enjoy Daredevil, or can I just jump straight in with that?


Straight into Daredevil it will only end up linked to Netflix Marvel shows

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