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Don't think the KC guys like Raven, Sean Oliver has mentioned him being really difficult to work with when they did a Guest Booker mentioning his superiority complex and weird food demands. Think he annoyed him during the Saturn youshoot by landing in and telling them a load of things they were doing wrong too.


Raven must have the most shoots of anyone.


I liked his first 2 & the first Raven & sandman. But after that it got silly.


The 'secrets if the ring' ones were painful. He'd start off saying it was going to be about xxxx & then he'd change his mind & itd end up 90 mins of old stories, opinions & taking forever to get to the point. ROH must have got fed up as they pulled the plug in him


Wish these youshoot guts were around 10 yrs ago. Rf video are sh*t & all those interviews (esp the ones with the now deceased) look such a waste now

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all those interviews (esp the ones with the now deceased) look such a waste now

Maybe it's just me, but I don't get what you mean by this. Explain?

I assume he means they look even more of a wasted opportunity now when you compare the quality of the KC shoots to RF stumbling through a list of questions that he didn't even write or understand.

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Amazing Kong's Youshoot is tremendous. Ive had her RF Shoot downloaded for ages but never watched it (which says it all about RF Shoots, I guess), so didnt know what to expect going in. She's a great talker, and is naturally funny. Oliver does another great job with his back and forth banter. Lots of interesting and funny stuff throughout. Highlights include her doing a Hogan sextape impression, and actually demonstrating with SO her favourate sex position. Recommended.

It was alright. It was very political, which was annoying. She wouldn't say a bad word against WWE at all. Which is understandable, but doesn't make it very interesting. Her highlights were her burial of TNA throughout the DVD. Fair to say she never wants to come back. Its pretty shocking when she was asked if any company done her on money and the only one she could think of was TNA.


Sort of grew a lot of respect for her because she was the only one out of everyone who wasnt a mark when TNA brought in Hogan, Bischoff, Hardy, RVD, Hall and all those others. She was well within her rights to tell them she wanted more money after being told there was none when they came in. Everyone else didn't want to rock the boat, but she did. She's also the first person to really go at Dixie Carter as well, saying she's has a public face and a different head behind closed doors. Mentioning that she once told the people in the production meeting "let them stay at home and starve" about the wrestlers who were complaining about barely getting by.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yeah, it was quite good. She was pretty funny. There wasn't enough WWE stuff, obviously, but I quite enjoyed it.


One thing from that - who the hell was that nutter Piero Gentile from Manchester who kept asking questions and showed off a WWF Attitude tattoo on his leg? He's got to be from round UKFF.

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Is there really that much sleaze and pricks about in this era of WWE? Compared to the past, it seems a million times better (but far less interesting) than before. Because of that, and the short time she was there, Id say most of her answers with regards to WWE wrestlers was pretty truthful. For example, when one of the questions was "Is Kofi a bastard?", I doubt she's being hugely political by saying he isnt. No doubt she was minding her words, but she didnt even bury any TNA wrestlers either (apart from Bully, IIRC).

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Flicked it on last night, but the first thing RF said was "What are your memories" (of the first time they met), so I switched off. Will give it a proper go today, as these Face Offs limit the amount of brain dead shit RF asks. Cant possibly see this being bad, though.

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Yeah, the Cornette Guest Booker was bad. Plus, I found Russo's booking of the Invasion to be much better than Cornette's. Perhaps not as detailed but definitely more interesting and better at its core than Cornette's lame fantasy booking attempt.

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Yeah, the Cornette Guest Booker was bad. Plus, I found Russo's booking of the Invasion to be much better than Cornette's. Perhaps not as detailed but definitely more interesting and better at its core than Cornette's lame fantasy booking attempt.



Cornys was mad, but Russo broke the rules and brought the NWO in, anyone here could have booked a good angle with with the NWO!


I watched figure 4 and hardcore the other day. Thats a nice shoot nothing gob smacking but worth a go none the less

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