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  • Paid Members

Glad to see the mods finally caught on that it was the stupid thread title that caught everyone off guard, and not that there was dozens of people on here just ignoring the rules for the fun of it.

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It existed before 2001 on something like ukwrestlingfanforum.com. I had an account on there. I was too lazy to sign up for another one for a few months once it moved to this domain. Before that it kind of existed on something else.


People have posted a more detailed and accurate history before.

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  • Paid Members

It was UKFF when I signed up in late 2000. Not sure when the domain name was simplified, but September 2001 wasn't a change of site, it was simply that the database fucked up so badly it had to be rebuilt from scratch.


Pretty impressive that a forum of this size is going to (all being well) make it 10 years with original user names/post counts/etc intact.

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