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Cognitive dissonance is the board's new ad hominem, which in turn was the new reductio ad hitlerium. Breaking out the Latin doesn't help if you're the wrong side of an argument.


I've never seen breaking out the 5 dollar words as a sign of a decent arguer, truth be told. It's almost like "I reckon I'm on the back foot here, so I'll blind them with science to win by default". That's the way I've always seen it.

Well said. It is much more a mark of true intelligence and eloquence to explain a complicated idea simply than a simple idea complexly.

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This shit is tiresome now. Everyone's had their say. Anyone who trolls bobbins will be hitting the bricks. And vice versa.


Unless there is a massive development, let the Suarez shit lie. No-one is changing their opinion on it. It hit circular about a month ago.

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Thanks a lot, bobbins, now I'll never find out about how crazyshady was online last night :angry:

It's probably because he tried to log in again. If you aren't logged in the forum lets you view the forum etc, when you log in as a banned user you see the "LOL U R BANND BY MOD NEIL LOL" message and can't do anything. But it would update the "Last Seen" timestamp.


Funnily enough this is how one of TwoSheds duplicate accounts was found. Good ol' TwoSheds was banned at the time. He then posted from another account saying "I have a weird problem. UKFF works fine here, but at home it tells me I'm banned! Yours truly doesn't get whats going on".

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He didn't know he was banned?

I suspect it's more likely that he was logged in as his original ID at home rather than the duplicate and that trying to browse to the UKFF site caused him to see the banned message. Elsewhere he wouldn't have been logged in already and so could see the log-in boxes. Two minutes later he logs in as the duplicate and sends a message to neil saying effectively "At home I see the banned-user screen, meaning that my last log-in belonged to somebody who is banned. Why don't you cross-reference IPs to see whose second account I am?"

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Thanks a lot, bobbins, now I'll never find out about how crazyshady was online last night :angry:

It's probably because he tried to log in again. If you aren't logged in the forum lets you view the forum etc, when you log in as a banned user you see the "LOL U R BANND BY MOD NEIL LOL" message and can't do anything. But it would update the "Last Seen" timestamp.


Funnily enough this is how one of TwoSheds duplicate accounts was found. Good ol' TwoSheds was banned at the time. He then posted from another account saying "I have a weird problem. UKFF works fine here, but at home it tells me I'm banned! Yours truly doesn't get whats going on".


So basically, it's likely that crazyshady was trying to log in with his new account, and accidentally tried logging in with the crazyshady account?


My money is on billythekid, he seems to have picked up where crazyshady left off in the trolling-negative-opinion stakes.

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I think past data shows that a lot of banned user second accounts are signed up for prior to banning, but lay dormant for a while until needed.


Anyway - if he was just trying to read the UKFF on a computer where he was previously set to be automatically signed in, it would give him the "banned" notice immediately if he hadn't cleared his cookies (this happened to me on a different forum). I'm going to guess that is what happened. Either that or he just thought he'd give it a go just on the off chance it worked.

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I can't really see bobbins having a wall-chart measuring his progressive willy size even during his puberty. He's also probably more a Roger Whittaker fan that Cliff Richard.

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That had better be a compliment.


Stephen Mangan is a sexy man. Although he does have strange nostrils. And Rik Mayall is made of purest win.


Truth be told, I caught up on the thread today and missed the first part of your post. Cheerfully withdrawn if you'll delete the quoted bit as well.

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