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I'd like to propose a separate subforum for women's wrestling, moderated by the acknowledged UKFF expert on women's wrestling, i.e me.


And a tattoo sub forum modded by resident expert Butch, of course.

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This is a professional wrestling forum. MMA isn't professional wrestling. Those threads belong in Off-Topic, just like the boxing thread is.


In theory, it should be off topic, as it is actually off topic. However, I fully agree with what Gladdo says here:


No, don't move them to off topic, it will bump away all the good threads.


We have a shit hot off topic here. We don

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  • Paid Members

Are the MMA threads that much of a problem? What's the actual issue here? I agree it got daft when Mo was spamming the on-topic but as previously mentioned, the individual event threads die off a week or so after the PPV & pretty much everything else is contained in the MMA News thread.

Is there not enough room in the main forum for another bunch of 'Should Cena turn heel' or 'What can TNA do to improve' threads or something?

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Admittedly, I did think about this thread when I saw that David started two threads today; one a duplicate and the other for an event that doesn't take place for four months.

The first thread was a mistake, which I quickly rectified. I'm still trying to get up to speed since I was banned for a few months. As for my second thread, I stand by that one. How often does the UFC visit the UK every year? A thread to firstly let everyone know it's happening, then to discuss ticket sales, accomodation, travel advice etc, not to mention the rumours and so forth was well worth it I feel. Also, it would have been converted to the actual event thread closer to the time.


It has gotten a good few responses before it was closed down

It didn't actually bother me, just that I was fully aware that there were some posters moaning about the amount of MMA in on topic here, then a couple of additional threads popped up this morning to add more ammunition to their cause (I still remember how Duane came very close to ruining it for everyone last time out).


If it was up to me, a sub forum, a la the UK events in on topic would be the way to go. As most who post in the MMA threads will tell you, this is the best forum for pure MMA discussion regardless of your opinion on a fighter (someone like Bisping has a love him or hate him quality for the posters here, but it never resorts to insults or name calling amongst each other); better than the likes of Sherdog and the Underground, no dicks or trolls and the rare one who shows up (such as John Galt) don't last long.

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Are the MMA threads that much of a problem? What's the actual issue here? I agree it got daft when Mo was spamming the on-topic but as previously mentioned, the individual event threads die off a week or so after the PPV & pretty much everything else is contained in the MMA News thread.

Is there not enough room in the main forum for another bunch of 'Should Cena turn heel' or 'What can TNA do to improve' threads or something?


In essence, it's just pedantry, I think. The idea is that MMA isn't on-topic so it shouldn't be clogging up on-topic. Then people don't want it clogging up off-topic either. So the solution seems to be to give it its own sub-forum where the people who want to discuss it aren't limited to one or two threads, they can make as many as they want without annoying everyone else.

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  • Paid Members

I think a seperate forum is a good idea, if only so this argument doesn't have to keep coming up every few months.


To be fair I can see why people are complaining, kind of. There's so many UFCs now that it is starting to take over on topic. It was different even a couple of years ago but these days there's an event almost every week.


A seperate forum is the answer I reckon because the frequency of the shows is only going to increase. I like LoKI's suggestion of a seperate sports section for all the sports stuff to go in one place.

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  • Paid Members

I like the idea of an all sports sub-forum as well. There's many a time I've wanted to start a thread entitled "Paul Parker - Discuss" but haven't because feel I'd be shot down if I did so in Off Topic. We'd have a whole world of stuff to talk about if we had our own sport forum. Footy, Boxing, MMA, Cricket, Rugby and stuff like that. Even a sports Questions thread would be cool as fuck, like we have in the wrestling forum.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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I quite like the Sport threads being in Off Topic to be honest. If you go down the road of separate forums, then you subsequently end up with 'Music' and 'Film' sub forums down the line, and activity tends to decrease in all sections. That's been my experience anyway. UKFF is fairly unique in having everything in two places.

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I like the idea of a MMA sub-forum, because that's the main thing I come on here to discuss. I'm not a pro wrestling fan at all, so I see one or two MMA threads among a sea of fake wrestling stuff. Certain thread sink a couple of days after the event, but there are new ones popping up, because whilst UFC have this deal with Fox they're having a show nearly every week, then there's Strikeforce Bellator and stuff like TUF as well which adds to it. Now there's no more than 3 weeks without something going on, whereas even a few years ago you were lucky to get one good event a month.

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I'm not bothered that the MMA is in on topic. I have little/no interest in them so dont read them. They don't spoil the forum or clog it up, or even somehow devalue discussion/the on topic board. Having them there makes it a one stop shop for all things fight related and with the upcoming Bellator (?) TNA links there is bound to be some cross over as well. TBH I cant see what all the brouhaha is about. Wrestling is in a post Mania slump (bar Impact) So where is the beef? Surely they can coexist as is?

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Agreed Pat, it really is as simple as just not opening a thread you have no interest in. Is it that big an effort to just scroll past it?


At the same time though I do see the other side that it is a pro wrestling forum and there is an increasing number of MMA threads.That and I like the idea of a sports sub forum.

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  • Paid Members

Someone needs to start a thread in the paido forum to discuss this so that neil will see it when he's back. I don't know if neil is even able to create a separate sub-forum, he'd have to answer that. I see no harm in discussing it but regardless of the outcome, it should be the only sub-forum. We don't need one for sports, films, etc. Those things are well catered for with a general off-topic section. If anyone desperately wants to discuss Paul Parker, there are a million forums where you can.


MMA is on-topic though, that isn't going to change and is pointless whining about. It's been decreed as on-topic forever.

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