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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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On 13/10/2017 at 7:42 PM, WyattSheepMask said:


All four members of Decapitated have now been formally charged with rape.

Two members have been charged with 2nd degree rape, while the other have been charged with 3rd degree rape.  This is on top of the charge of 1st degree kidnapping that all four had been previously charged with

After I read about this on here previously, I looked online for further info but not much else had been mentioned. It's fucking horrific.

I don't really want to be typing this shit in to google but I don't understand how they can conclude that it's 2nd & 3rd degree rape. I mean, they kidnapped her (1st degree) then raped her. Why has it not all been deemed 1st degree, what constitutes as the difference in this case?

Anyway, utterly fucked up horrible bastards

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This year is just fucking outstanding for rock/punk/metal music. I cannot remember a year where literally every week or two, an album that could make my Top 5 albums of the year is coming out. Few more I've been enjoying.

Iron Chic-You Can't Stay Here- Album number 3 from these boys and it's pretty much what I expected. One of my favourite bands (great live. Proper ramshackle, off the cuff and the singer cannot for the life of him sing live, but he's a great presence. Lovely guys too). This is straight forward gruff, chugging punk with no pretense. What has always set them aside is the lyrics, which are quite unusual for a punk band. Existentialist, why-are-we-here, lots about death, and even more so since the passing of original guitarist Rob McAllister. Stand out track-You Can't Stay Safe

Can't Swim-Fail You Again- Debut album from this New Jersey band. Really excellent debut, which is melodic, grungey and rough in equal measures. Fair Gaslight Anthem vibes in places, and cannot wait to see them live. Stand out track-Friend

Trivium-The Sin and The Sentence- I'll be honest, I haven't really kept up with them since their fucking excellent debut album but I wanted a bit of metal to listen to and this is bloody great. Matt's vocals are a lot cleaner these days but I read up on his throat problems, which is fair enough. Great drumming as well, which I gather is a new drummer as well. Good work. Stand out track- Beyond Oblivion

Also, I'm going to put it in here, as she is amazing and on the softer side of the 'rock' spectrum, but Julien Baker drops her new album this Friday. If you don't know who she is, have a look at this and tell me it's not the most gorgeous thing ever. She wrote this when she was 18...


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There are some more shouty vocals on the new Trivium album, which please the people who had a fit that it was all clean vocals last time out. Although not earth shattering or game changing in any way, it's another solid effort from them and it boasts some tunes that'll slot into the live set very well.

If you are going go back to catch up on what they've done, it's all solid but I'd avoid 'The Crusade', which I thought was a bit of a mess and rushed out due to the success of 'Ascendency', and 'Vengeance Falls' which was a bit boring outside of a couple of OK tracks

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@WyattSheepMask will check it out, cheers. I'll be honest, I've never been the biggest metal* fan, but I remember when Ascendency came out and it was great and the press absolutely fapping themselves silly saying they were here to take over from Metallica and all of this. Also, remember when Jonathan Davis was ill one year at Download and Korn had a load of guest vocalists fill in and I think Matt Heafy did Blind. Anyway, whatever he did it was great, and they were great live in their set.

*Clarification as my favourite band of all time is Slipknot. I'd say I'm not a fan of 'straight-forward' metal which I consider Trivium to be, and prefer mine with a bit of a gimmick or a -core at the end of the word :)

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Any fans (back then) of Pitchshifter at all? 

I went to see them at Newcastle Uni in I think 2000, following my first Leeds festival at that year was my first year of hammering gigs. Completely forgot all about them until a recent random anecdote when a group of us were mocking a mate who didn’t know how to ask for time off work as his boss is a dick, one friend said “please sir” referencing Oliver Twist and another followed up with “imagine if he says know.. please sir, tell me why” in that screechy Clayden-esque voice.

I thought they were the dogs bollocks when I first heard Deviant. It mixed my love of guitars and and electronics perfectly. At the time, Deftones, Rage, Soulfly, Seps were my go to Disk man artists of choice, on the sly I was ragging the fuck out of Prodigy. These dudes just blended it so well back then. It was my first experience on metal drum n bass.

Its really interesting that they didn’t really make any impact after Ozzfest back then. Not really anyway.

However, I’m just giving Deviant another blast now. They are dated in 2017, but I’m surprised that they didn’t have more of a comeback around 2005 when pendulum knocked out tarantula. 

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yep, big Pitchshifter fan.

www.pitchshifter.com & Deviant are two of my favorite records ever, i got to see them a few times around the turn of the millenium. The best being in Bristol Anson Rooms when they were supported by The Workhorse Movement (google em) around the time Deviant came out. Definitely a band ahead of their time.

They did reform a while back, toured and put out a tour only ep, i missed them though. 



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