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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched The Royal Tenenbaums again last night. There's so much replayability with Wes Anderson films, because you never catch everything the first few times round. There's not a bad performance in the film, and Gene Hackman is great. Ben Stiller sticks out like a sore thumb though, but he never falls into the role of "Ben Stiller in every other film" luckily.

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I watched the Stephen Merchant and Russell Kane stand-up DVDs last night. Merchant's was odd. It almost seems like the perfect act for a student audience, it's a lot more refined and generic stand-uppy than I was expecting considering he's not been doing it long. The bit where he gets people up on stage to perform his childhood issues play is probably much more of a hoot live than it is watching the video.


I don't know what the general consensus on Russell Kane is, I saw him a couple of years back on a Live at the Apollo type thing and really liked him. His act does get a bit annoying at times and he looks like a knob, but overall I really enjoyed it. Very personal and quite affecting at the end, and he's quite the dynamic performer.

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I watched the Stephen Merchant and Russell Kane stand-up DVDs last night. Merchant's was odd. It almost seems like the perfect act for a student audience, it's a lot more refined and generic stand-uppy than I was expecting considering he's not been doing it long. The bit where he gets people up on stage to perform his childhood issues play is probably much more of a hoot live than it is watching the video.


Just came in here to post about this. I thought his main act was good. I definitely laughed for the most part, but the last 20 minutes (school play) almost had me on the floor in fits of laughter. I thought it was brilliant.


I made a comment in the 'Gigs' thread about my having a chance to see him live but declined because I couldn't see him doing well in a stand up environment. Wish I parted with that

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Have watched Merchants Stands up and the new Russell Howard DVD over the last few days. As others have said it was a good show with a great ending but i think i was hoping for more just based on his past TV work.


While the Russell Howard show was really entertaining and is very similar to his previous 2 DVD's with nothing too different from what he normally puts out. Although i personally thought it was better than the Merchant DVD

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Piranha 3D.


I had to flip it to the 2D version after about three minutes as the strobing psychodelic colours and lack of depth effect was driving me insane.


Anyhow, that aside, I don't think I've laughed so often in such a coarse way for ages. I'm kind of worried at how funny I found the sight of helpless women having the flesh ripped from their faces.

This was more reminiscent of the low budget horror films that went straight to video when I was younger. Lots of gore, unnecessary boobs, and a whole "fuck it, we're aiming at an audience that wants death and boobs" approach. On top of that, some lovely scenery, and Elizabeth Shue looked fantastic.

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I'll be going to see the new Twilight film over the weekend...


One of my many guilty pleasures.


The last movie I saw was Paranormal Activity 3, it was shit. I didn't expect much though. They really are milking it now.

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Just watched The Human Centipede 2. Think I might need a shower or something. My god, what an awful piece of work. I've never yet turned a film off for being too gory or gross, but this was hopefully as close as I'll ever come.


Atrociously bad, and that comes from someone who kind-of-sort-of didn't mind the first one.

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Just watched the classic "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" such a long lost thriller/stalker classic if you can find a copy somewhere i would watch it as its well worth it definately a good flick for a night in, just watching White Dog then Dark Night of the Scarecrow two more classics :)

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Also, having just finished watching Bridesmaids for the first time, I've decided I like it much more than The Hangover. So, yeah, go bollocks if you think that makes me a bird. Kristen Wiig is piss funny, and not just funny for a woman either.

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Just watched the classic "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" such a long lost thriller/stalker classic if you can find a copy somewhere i would watch it as its well worth it definately a good flick for a night in, just watching White Dog then Dark Night of the Scarecrow two more classics :)


Dark Night of the Scarecrow is tremendous isn't it? I only watched it for the first a couple weeks back. If your interested the new US blu ray is a absolutely superb transfer.

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Also, having just finished watching Bridesmaids for the first time, I've decided I like it much more than The Hangover. So, yeah, go bollocks if you think that makes me a bird. Kristen Wiig is piss funny, and not just funny for a woman either.

I don't know that I prefer it to The Hangover, but Bridesmaids is brilliant. I was tempted to buy the blu ray yesterday, and surely will do by Christmas.

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Anyone just watch Knowing? Right scared the piss out of me, that did.



Actually it was a great promise for a film, it just bored the pants off us. Considering the world was ending, I couldnt really feel the impending doom, was just meh about the whole thing, shame

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When I saw the trailer for it in the cinema, it really appealed to me (despite my indifference to Nicholas Cage), but the TV advert last week sapped that enthusiasm to the point that I made no effort to remember when it was on.

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