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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I'm about to watch the first Paranormal Activity. Should I choose the theatrical or alternate version?
I prefer the alternate version but the theatrical version is the series continuity. Just watch either then the last few mins of the other one, you got it covered then.
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So, yeah, Tintin is fucking awesome. Go see it, and see it in 3-D.

Loved the 3D in that film, thats how it should be used (UP being the other example) of adding depth to the shots rather than just have everyone having throwing stuff at the camera.



Anyways rewatched Robocop last night for the first time in a few years. Watched the Directors Cut version and its still in my eyes one of the best films of the 80s. Great Action, genuinely funny script, American bashing satire, the best squib shots outside of a Peckinpah film (seriously I don't know what it is about them but they look brutal) AND Kurtwood Smith bringing the awesome

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It's also just the over-the-top way it's done, the sheer length of the shots when the bullets are ripping into the guy's body. Verhoeven keeps it going just beyond shocking and into hilarious.

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Tin Tin was everything the last Indiana Jones should have been. Infact if Indy had been a washed up Alchy and his son was some straight laced type trying to smarten him up i may have even forgiven them for trying to force Shia The Beef down our throats.

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I'm about to watch the first Paranormal Activity. Should I choose the theatrical or alternate version?
I prefer the alternate version but the theatrical version is the series continuity. Just watch either then the last few mins of the other one, you got it covered then.

Oh dear. A friend of mine posted on Facebook that when he saw it at the cinema, the audience burst out laughing at the end. I can see why.


Overall, it was cliched and predictable, and something I'm surprised didn't go straight to DVD or Channel 5. I'd even go as far as saying White Noise was better.


It's also just the over-the-top way it's done, the sheer length of the shots when the bullets are ripping into the guy's body. Verhoeven keeps it going just beyond shocking and into hilarious.

And then tops it with "Somebody call a paramedic!".

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Watched Peter Kay's new stand up DVD (Didn't buy it, fuck him). Though I don't like him, I still like his old stand up DVD's so I thought I'd watch it for comparison. It was pretty good. If you like the old stuff, you'll like this. Same formula and same delivery, nowt especially clever but pretty funny. He opens by grabbing a camera and filming the audience which is a bit different.


If you like the old stuff, you won't be disappointed. If you don't, this won't change your mind.


His face is a bit odd these days, it looks like plasticine. Has he had work done?

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Watched Captain America last night. I found it kind of disappointing. It's a shame because it does seem like there's an excellent film dying to get out, but it never reaches that potential. It's not a particularly bad film, just a little too flat.

Edited by Vice
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So, because I feel the need to self-harm but don't have anything sharp handy, I'm going to watch Paranormal Activity 2. Should I stick to the theatrical version again for continuity, or is the extended version safe to watch without altering the plot?

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So, because I feel the need to self-harm but don't have anything sharp handy, I'm going to watch Paranormal Activity 2. Should I stick to the theatrical version again for continuity, or is the extended version safe to watch without altering the plot?
The extended version just has 7 mins of extra story, nothing that alters continuity. More ghosty/demony stuff. i think Part 2 was my favourite, my mate hates it however and prefers the first. Nowt like split opinon.
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I'm in agreeance with your mate, and I find part 1 looking quite good in retrospect now.


Roger Ebert stated in his review of the first one "It illustrates one of my favorite points, that silence and waiting can be more entertaining than frantic fast-cutting and berserk f/x". By introducing the multiple cameras and choppier editing it brings in several negative points. Firstly, conversations are absolutely littered with jump cuts, giving a Big Brother, edited-to-show-what-they-want feel, and so detaches it from the sense of reality they were aiming for, and secondly, whenever there's a long protracted shot, it makes it obvious we're waiting for something to jump out.


Plotwise, I don't get why the photo of Katie as a child was now with her sister. In the first film it was inferred that it was believed lost in the fire that took their parent's house, thus implying that the demon has been after Katie since she was a child, but now it only had the photo since 9 weeks before? Unless I'm missing something, this is an absolute pointless plot twist.

I'm also not sure why the demon has such an issue with a nice clean pool.


The writing on the inside of the cellar door. Was it ever resolved?


After the daughter gets locked out the house, she checks the CCTV footage for proof, yet doesn't think to check the footage after any other incident until the stair dragging?


One of the biggest annoyances I had (and this is true of the first one too) is that despite the CCTV having infrared capabilities, they leave a lot of lamps on overnight. However, whenever there's a supernatural incident, they go scrambling around the house in the dark.


For absolute nitpicking, the additional lighting used in a couple of outdoor scenes made those scenes look too Hollywood and glossy, and by reusing the opening footage of part 1 at the end, it draws attention to the difference in Katie's weight between the two films.

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anyone seen The Rum Diary? saw it earlier at the cinema and it was probably the most pointless movie of the year. I actually kind of enjoyed it whilst it was on, but at the end it's kind of like 'what was the point of that?', Johnny Depp played his quirky self type character and i thought he was terrible. When i saw The Tourist i thought Depp's campy delivery was intentional, im know realising it was because he's shit. The movie definitly had it's good points though, and i guess the Hunter S. Thompson crew will be all over it (although reading reviews, they've basically butchered his book), but it was a pretty empty experience.


oh, i fuck Amber Heard all day though.

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anyone seen The Rum Diary? saw it earlier at the cinema and it was probably the most pointless movie of the year. I actually kind of enjoyed it whilst it was on, but at the end it's kind of like 'what was the point of that?', Johnny Depp played his quirky self type character and i thought he was terrible. When i saw The Tourist i thought Depp's campy delivery was intentional, im know realising it was because he's shit. The movie definitly had it's good points though, and i guess the Hunter S. Thompson crew will be all over it (although reading reviews, they've basically butchered his book), but it was a pretty empty experience.


oh, i fuck Amber Heard all day though.

Depp is horrendously overrated as an actor and is lucky he has a mate/mates with the power of Tim Burton to keep him going. Burton's films are shite, Depp is hammy and Helen Bonham-Carter is ugly and stiff, I imagine they all sit in a room together in the dark until one of them suggests an idea for a film[/controversial]

Edited by Inspector Paul Solo
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Has anyone here seen Grave Encounters? It's a really enjoyable horror in the same vein as Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, et all...only that it's much better than the majority of them.


The Perfect Host is also great fun, even if the ending's a little weird. David Hyde Pearce steals the show.

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