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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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What does everyone think of Insidious? I just watched a scene from it on Youtube and I'm too scared to go to bed now.


Insidious is a film of 2 halfs, first half is good, second half is good. Put both together and you have a truely awful film.


Its almost like 2 films put together, both work for many different reasons, just not together!

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Not sure if it's had a mention but watched 'The Crazies' by George Romero the other week and despite being put off by the title, it was well worth a watch. Bit of a cross between Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days later, quite a lot of suspense.


Wasn't always called the Crazies, IIRC - think it's been Codename: Trixie in the past, too.


I never knew that, was it ever publically called that on advertising? (Its a stupid name)


I'm actually a big fan of Romero, this suffered from being too close to his 'Dead' films I think but Knightriders and The Darkhalf are good films, Monkey Shines has some great moments and Martin is fantatsic. I do wish he would stop making 'Dead' films though

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I watched Inglorious Basterds last night for the first time and really quite enjoyed it. There were a few scenes where I wished more was happening but other than that it was pretty cool. I wanted to know what happened with the French family at the beginning though (the bloke and his 3 daughters), it felt as if there could have been a whole mini movie just about them.

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Not sure if it's had a mention but watched 'The Crazies' by George Romero the other week and despite being put off by the title, it was well worth a watch. Bit of a cross between Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days later, quite a lot of suspense.


Wasn't always called the Crazies, IIRC - think it's been Codename: Trixie in the past, too.


I never knew that, was it ever publically called that on advertising? (Its a stupid name)


I'm actually a big fan of Romero, this suffered from being too close to his 'Dead' films I think but Knightriders and The Darkhalf are good films, Monkey Shines has some great moments and Martin is fantatsic. I do wish he would stop making 'Dead' films though


Lee Hessel's Cambist tried and tried to get the movie to catch on, which in the 70s often meant shopping it around different markets with different titles. This could either mean trying it in similar venues with different titles (such as was the case with The Last House on the Left, which tested as Krug & Co. and The Mens' Room in New England drive-ins), or desperately flinging it into wildly varying outlets with nutty title changes, to try and wring some more money out of it. My favorite example of this is Fight for Your Life, which was Getting Even and I Hate Your Guts for urban grindhouses; Blood Bath at 1313 Fury Road, which I imagine was for drive-in theatres, and Staying Alive for one quick tilt at the disco bandwagon. I imagine Codename: Trixie was more like the second, trying to get a flop to at least pull a few more punters.

Edited by Adam Woodyatt
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Just finished the Duane Barry/Ascension double header from S2 of the X-Files and what a cracking pair of episodes they are.



Funnily enough I watched this the other day as I'm a huge fan of Steve Railsback ever since I saw him in a film called Turkey Shoot a long time ago. The X files was really good the first 3 or 4 seasons wasn't it?

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Last Road to Hell is a short movie-within-a-movie in Cannibal Holocaust. It's presented as footage of the filmmakers' previous effort, and is a bit of a mindfuck, because it's real documentary footage, yet Professor Monroe is told that they faked up the whole thing. So in a movie about fake murders that was played up as real, to the point where the filmmaker was accused of murder and had to prove his innocence by cancelling the contracts that required the actors to stay in hiding for a year to make it seem like they really died, the actual human murders are presented as fake.

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This is all news to me. I've been watching the Video Nasties documentary and trailers again recently and I don't recall anyone mentioning that at all. But I just read the Wiki about it and it looks as though Richie could have such a version. Apologies Richie old mucker!


The problem with films like this now is that there are so many versions of them that it is almost impossible sometimes to know which version to get.

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This is all news to me. I've been watching the Video Nasties documentary and trailers again recently and I don't recall anyone mentioning that at all. But I just read the Wiki about it and it looks as though Richie could have such a version. Apologies Richie old mucker!


The problem with films like this now is that there are so many versions of them that it is almost impossible sometimes to know which version to get.


No worries. I wasn

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Yeah - I *think* my Emanuelle in America is complete, but then until a few years back the claim was that the uncut version was only available on multiple generation tapes, out of Venuzuela. It probably all looked like a snuff movie by then.


I love the way that Emmanuelle series has evolved over the years. From the degrading of the innocence of a virginal young lady to a cracking black bird being chased around by cannibals and being present at a horse wanking to weird sci-fi parodies by way of art house hardcore porn. Great stuff.

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