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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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How can you not like Severance?


Well, it wasn't my cup of tea, thought it was shite, hence the mini-review. I prefer Horror-Comedies, ala Bad Taste, Black Sheep and Dead Snow. This didnt stack up and no amount of homages to other films including Super Vixxens (at least I think it was Super Vixxens) at the end with the Machine Gun, and Dr Strangelove is going to change that.


I'd say that it is a horror comedy, of the right kind - it's comedic, and then it's proper horrific.


I watched the 1946 Great Expectations last night - it's outstanding, till 40ish John Mills enters, to play the world's oldest callow 21 year old. He acts perfectly well, but it just doesn't work. Valerie Hobson doesn't work too well as Estella, either, but Alex Guinness is a great Herbert, and some of the supporting players are fantastic.

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Incidentally, I finally saw Harry Brown after buying the DVD.


Obviously, it's a fucking amazing film, but if you can get hold of the DVD, do - the commentary track with the director and Michael Cain is brilliant. Caine is just so funny, such a dry cockney sense of humour plus his life is absolutely fascinating and they get him to tell stories as much as they can.


How do we place Caine in the list of greatest film actors now? His post-2002 career (from The Quiet American on) has been packed with great performances, and then if you look back on his early work - there's few that can touch his resum

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Incidentally, I finally saw Harry Brown after buying the DVD.


Obviously, it's a fucking amazing film, but if you can get hold of the DVD, do - the commentary track with the director and Michael Cain is brilliant. Caine is just so funny, such a dry cockney sense of humour plus his life is absolutely fascinating and they get him to tell stories as much as they can.


Big fan of Harry Brown, I think my girlfriend has got the DVD. I'll have to ask her to lend it to me for the commentary.

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Yeah it is great. The ending almost borders on nonsense, but taken as a vigilante thriller rather than some kind of comment on 'Broken Britain' it's quality. Sean Harris is, again, completely amazing in it.


As for Caine....



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Sean Harris is, again, completely amazing in it.


Sean Harris is truly dreadful in it. The director clearly saw, well, all his other work, where he's a lizardy little psycho, and told him to do that, but as if he's in a pantomime. Absolutely one of the worst films of that year, just shocking in every way.

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Nonsense, he was terrifying in a good way.


I thought it was better than Gran Torino is many respects - it's not trying to peddle a ridiculous "lifelong racist suddenly learns to love the gooks" story for starters. It was less shiny, a grittier setting which was both beautifully shot and recognisably London. And I actually preferred the ending - Clint's sacrifice felt forced and overly preachy where Caine's ex-soldier was much more down to earth.


There were some amazing individual scenes as well - the early one with the two old men talking about the war was particularly poignant.

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Sean Harris is, again, completely amazing in it.


Sean Harris is truly dreadful in it. The director clearly saw, well, all his other work, where he's a lizardy little psycho, and told him to do that, but as if he's in a pantomime.


Nah, I thought it was a perfect fit for the film.


I think people reviewing it as some kind of social commentary are completely wrong to do so and I think that's where a lot of the criticism of it, not necessarily yours I must point out, goes awry. It's far, far too daft to be a serious social drama especially when you compare it to Shane Meadows' stuff.


But as a vigilante thriller it totally worked for me, as did Harris. Yeah, he's over the top, but in this kind of a film that's fine by me. I agree with Loki that it's better than Gran Torino as well - I enjoyed it but it is very flawed.

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I just watched Paul the movie with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost meeting an alien who has Seth Rogen's voice. That is all I knew about the film before watching it and I wasn't expecting much but I loved it and it left me in a really good mood. It was funny and suspenseful all the way through and there were loads of characters and they were all used well. One thing that I felt all the way through was that it really felt like an 80s film (except back in the day Paul would've been puppets or Warwick Davis in a suit, not CGI) Something about the story and the pacing and the different bad guys coming after them, everything really felt like it would not have been out of place in a video I would have rented with my big brother when I was 9. It was great to finally see Jason Bateman stretch himself a bit too, he's always exactly the same, he's tough in this though and it made a nice change. A joint and this movie was a nice way to spend a rainy day off.




Oh and the CGI was great, I normally don't like it and I love practical effects but it's getting to the stage where he really was more believable than a puppet would've been.

Edited by Pritt Stick Licker
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