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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I'm halfway through season 1 of Treme, and although I'm enjoying it idly, it's not really grabbing me yet. There's very little drama going on, just people getting by. The music and the dialogue are keeping me watching, but I'm waiting for something to hook me in like the Wire did after 4 or 5 episodes. Presume it's worth sticking with though, given it's David Simon an' that?


I dunno, man, I think this is what it is. Haven't you noticed how, well, fucking good everything is? The actors blend in seamlessly with the real-world New Orleans places and faces, the music is the only believable representation of being a musician I think I've ever seen on tv, it's beautifully shot in a tragic real-life location....


I think if you like jazz, and have an interest in New Orleans, and like slow-paced, lushious drama, then it's for you. It's not going to be flashy though, like Mad Men isn't flashy. Quite similar feel to that series, though very different setting.


I hear ya. I'd definitely agree that it's perfectly made, and I enjoy a lot of the characters and am invested in most of them. John Goodman especially is fantastic in it, and anything that has Pelicanos as a writer will make me happy. But despite everything that's good about it, there just doesn't feel like anything interesting is actually going on, nor that any of this is leading anywhere.


I'm definitely gonna see it out. Even if it just idles by, I'm still happy to watch it as it's great to watch. I just don't feel compelled to watch it like I do with other slow burners (The Wire, Breaking Bad etc...)

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The Big Lebowski


I got recommended this from a few members on here and after it collecting dust for a few months, I decided to watch it with a few beers. Whilst I can't say this was one of my favorite films I've seen I can certainly say that I enjoyed it throughout. Great cast, with Walter and The Dude being the absolute highlight of the film. I was shocked to see Tara Reid make an appearance as Bunny Lebowski and wow, she looked incredible. 7/10

I implore you, sir, watch it again. One viewing does not do it justice. It's akin to Spinal Tap, Caddyshack, O'Brother and Rushmore in that it demands repeat viewings to fully appreciate its genius. Every character is ridiculously quotable...

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The Sessions - Extremely original and great film. Its based on a true story, about a man who is essentially paralysed from the neck down wanting to lose his viginity. Funny and touching film.


Right, bottom line this for me, brother. None of this artistic merit nonsense, does Helen Hunt get in the raw much?

Like, I'm sure Monsters Ball was a poignant, thought provoking experience but calling a spade a spade here, I only bought the dvd so I could a-b repeat Halle Berry furiously disrobing and looking for some of Thornton's bollock.

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Tediously drawn-out and you don't care about anything or anyone in it. Not a disaster to the extent of Tim Burton's other recent works, but how this got widespread acclaim, I'll never know.


Shit, isn't it?


I recently watched The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, which is much better than it's marketing would have you believe. From the trailers and advertising I thought it would be some shitty Twilight-esque film, but it's much more than that. A surprise hit for me.


I also watched Wake In Fright. Anybody seen this? It's also known as Outback in some places. An Australian film from the 70s, it's stayed with me for days and some parts are genuinely terrifying.

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I'm a huge Hitchcock fan and watched Rear Window for the first time in a year or so the other day. I forgot how brilliant it is, my favorite Hitchcock film narrowly pipping North by Northwest.


The claustrophobia created as the film progresses is astonishingly well done. I've seen the film multiple times and still was bricking it for James Stewart's character at the end even now. Going to continue the trend and watch Vertigo again tomorrow.

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I'm a huge Hitchcock fan and watched Rear Window for the first time in a year or so the other day. I forgot how brilliant it is, my favorite Hitchcock film narrowly pipping North by Northwest.


The claustrophobia created as the film progresses is astonishingly well done. I've seen the film multiple times and still was bricking it for James Stewart's character at the end even now. Going to continue the trend and watch Vertigo again tomorrow.

I love James Stewart and Rear Window is probably my favourite film of his such a fantastic performance, the way the tension is built is great. Watched the Stewart-Capra collaboration You Can't Take it With You this morning, really nice comedy adapted from the stage. Stewart was good as always but Lionel Barrymore stole the show.

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On North by Northwest, this wont be as popular as the shower scene from Psycho or others, but if one scene for me personally sums up how good Hitchcock was it's the bit when Cary Grant is running out of the UN building and the shot is filmed from the top of the skyscraper. It would have been so, so easy to just film Grant running for a taxi, but instead Hitchcock decides to film in from 500 foot in the air creating a scene that looked totally different from anything I have seen since.


And I would agree with it (Rear Window) being my favorite Stewart performance (I've only seen him in about 5/6 things to be fair). Vertigo I think it often picked as being a "better" film (by critics anyway) but I find the tension built in Rear Window far more convincing than Stewart descending into near madness in Vertigo.

Edited by Gus Mears
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I'm afraid that a lot of Hitchcock movies have aged badly. I got a boxset for Xmas a few years ago and there's a LOT of filler.


Rear Window, Vertigo, North By Northwest, Pyscho and Rope are fantastic though, no denying it, with North By Northwest being the standout classic for me. Amazing film.


I also bought the double DVD set of the two versions of Cape Fear. As much as loved the remake, the original is just absolutely terrifying. Fucking hell. Mitchum is a proper evil paedo, it's incredible to watch now. I honestly think if that film came out now there'd be an outcry.

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*wakes up*


Someone mention Hitchcock? Hey, I'm watching all those right now. Nearly finished. Just finished North By Northwest.


Hey, come and read my super reviews, why don't you?





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