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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I enjoyed the film more than my nephew did! Am I man or a muppet being the highlight by far.


I thought my mate was winding me up when he said that it had won the oscar for best song.


If i remember correctly there was only 1 other song against it

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Top notch, really enjoyed it. Not quite up there with The Proposition but miles better than The Road. Shia LaBeef was fantastic as well as Tom Hardy. Gary Oldman doesnt have much to do but hes good, but again its Guy Pearce who steals the film as a slimey Special Agent. The music was also fantastic sounding like nothing Cave and Ellis have done before which is great.



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I watched The House At The Edge Of The Park last night. From the director of Cannibal Holocaust, it's one of those video nasties which was banned by the BBC for years because of its graphic scenes of sexual violence. I thought it was very good, with the star of course being David Hess, who plays the villain. The plot is simple: a couple of lowlifes crash a party of annoying posh people and proceed to hold them hostage while getting their jollies with the girls present. Lots of disturbing sex scenes and a couple of pretty brutal ones of violence ensue and all culminates in a twist that I really never saw coming. Apparently there's a sequel coming out in the very near future which should be interesting. Classic 80s Italian exploitation. I give it 7/10.

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Just watched Bachelorette. It's basically a Bridesmaids rip-off starring Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, Lizzy Caplan and that fat Australian girl who is in all the comedies. It's been dumped onto VOD with no fanfare to be followed by a token theatrical release, so I wasn't expecting much. I was blown away by it, really. It's a fair bit darker than Bridesmaids and bound to be more of an opinion-divider, but as it stands it's one of my favorites of the year. The three leads are amazing. Caplan on the plane and Fisher's "we're gonna party, right?" mimes were the highlights for me.

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I watched The House At The Edge Of The Park last night. From the director of Cannibal Holocaust..and all culminates in a twist that I really never saw coming.

Better put spoilers to this..

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Ending almost makes you feel sorry for the David Hess character. All of them are beating the shit out of him and it lasts about twenty minutes. Hess basically plays the same character in "Last House on the Left". Really emotional soundtrack by Riz Ortolani too.


[close spoiler]

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Apparently there's a sequel coming out in the very near future which should be interesting.


Yeah, one of the people involved was one of my film lecturers and he mentioned that they were looking into making a sequel. He worked on the new BFI release of Cannibal Holocaust so I'd imagine it's something he's pretty passionate about.

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That's really cool, Vamp. I'll definitely check it out, although I wonder if they'll opt to go as extreme as the first one. Either way though it'll definitely be worth a watch as the announced plot details do sound intriguing.


Anyway last night I watched Girls Gone Dead. It's that comedy slasher film which someone posted about on here a while ago featuring the always amazing Jerry Lawler as a county sheriff. The premise is simple: 6 teen girls spend spring break in a beachside mansion with the hopes of sun, sand, booze and sex...that is of course until they start being killed off one by one by some maniacal monk armed with a warhammer. All these characters are excruciatingly annoying to the point where you can't wait to see them offed but that clearly seems to be the point - the film is a comical parody of slasher films which does lead to some very funny scenes. Other cameos besides Jerry include Beetlejuice and for some amazing reason, Iron Maiden's Nicko McBrain as a country western singer (just typing that makes me love this film.) It all comes to a head with this AMAZING little scene.


Warning - Don't watch this if you actually want to watch this movie as it spoils the best bit but it is Jerry Lawler being the absolute fucking man.


So in short, if you're looking for an oscar standard picture, stay away from Girls Gone Dead. But if you like some good, silly, bloody fun to watch with a few cans and a mate, then this is a decent choice. My main ciriticism would be that it goes on a bit too long, and the action takes about half an hour to get started. Still definitely worth a watch. I'd give it 5/10 which is pushed up to a 6 because of THAT Jerry Lawler scene.


Did I mention this features Jerry "The King" Lawler AND Nicko McBrain!???

Edited by SpiritOfTheForest
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and for some amazing reason, Iron Maiden's Nicko McBrain as a country western singer (just typing that makes me love this film.)


And now I need to see this film! You havent heard Hocus Pocus until you have heard

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Just got back from Dredd and it's a surprisingly bloody cracker that gets right to the point and hardly ever takes it's foot of the pedal.Best comic book movie this year.

Ooh.. I'm supposed to be going to this tonight but was kinda looking to weasel out of it, but now I'm thinking twice.. Anyone else here seen it?
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Just got back from Dredd and it's a surprisingly bloody cracker that gets right to the point and hardly ever takes it's foot of the pedal.


Best comic book movie this year.


Ooh.. I'm supposed to be going to this tonight but was kinda looking to weasel out of it, but now I'm thinking twice.. Anyone else here seen it?


I saw it on Friday. Its definately one of the better comic book adaptions around and worth checking out. I think Avengers was better but I am not sure you can fairly compare the two really.

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I saw Dredd yesterday too, it's a brilliant representation of the character and deserves credit for being bold enough to just make a Judge Dredd movie that way. It's a good, fun watch. I like the way it pretty much plays out like a comic and the format actually works well for it. It's not a particularly deep character so they can just get to point. I had to drive a fair way to see it in regular format, but I'm glad I did. 3D can piss right off.

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