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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Is that the one where he goes through space unharmed just by holding his breath?

That might be the sequel, which I havent seen, but takes place in a space prison!


and i`m under the impression its fine to go through space by holding your breath as long as you breathe OUT first. Then theres no air to expand and blow you up.


I seen that in a film.

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I just watched Immortals, the recent film about Greek gods. I knew it was supposed to be a lot like 300 which was cool so I was amped for it but it smacked my expectations on every level, I fucking loved it. The story made no sense but in the best way possible (plus it didn't really need to). There wasn't a dull minute, everyone was gorgeous, the fights were insane, the violence was extreme and over the top, everything looked awesome, it was so amazing visually I could have gladly watched it immediately again afterwards. Plus Mickey Rourke was badass. Henry Cavill (the lead) was great too and I really can't wait to see him as Superman next year.


I know loads of people thought it was shit but fuck them, I loved it.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

When the airline pilot has become infected, and it sort of shows that he's spreading it about via his airline trips and so on


[close spoiler]



Makes it even clearer how this would work on a grand scale.


HAH! I didn't see that bit of the film and only just seen it now on YouTube thanks to you. It was cut out of my showing when im saw it on a flight between Singapore and Melbourne. Thanks, I was wondering what happen to that loose bit of plot thread!

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Watched as planned The Incite Mill : 7 Day Death Game, pretty good Japanese thriller, with a really good story and lots of twists and turns, quite enjoyable aswell, wasnt tired so re-sat down and watched Crazy Lips and wow, what can i say, people having sex with a hanging corpse, Scalped during sex, a giant monster out of nowhere, what a weird film !

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Had a triple bill of very different films yesterday.


First was The Violent Kind which was just meh. I won the dvd along with a few others at Grimm up north horror fest last year and have only just got round to watching them. This film was touted on the cover as "Exorcist meets Sons of Anarchy", to me it was just Night of the demons (the shoddy remake) with Bikers.


Second was Dogtooth.I had a lot of people recommend this to me, and im still unsure of what to think. I was hooked in to the story but I think it will take me another viewing or two to really understand it.


Third and finally was TrollHunter. Found footage films are overdone now, but this offered a slightly fresh look along with the typical Scandinavian dry humor. I really enjoyed this movie, so much that It may get a re-watch tonight. (unless my housemate finally gets around to showing us Enter the Void)



Last bit, are there any Troma fans on here? Lloyd Kaufman announced that there will be a Troma triple bill at the Prince Charles in london sometime in may, and he will be in attendance. I just hope it doesn't clash with my exams.

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Based on the Game series it sees Agent 47 an orphan trained by a mystery organisation as an assassin take on interpol and the Russian police force trying to solve the reason he was set up.


I`ve seen it before and thought I`d give it another go. In retrospect i enjoyed the movie but watching it last night I realised its certainly a retrospect movie.


The aspects of the film are good (obviously showing why the games are so popular). A genetically enhanced killer whos sole purpose is to kill, nothing else. No personal life, no emotions, no freedom. The imagery is great, the use of russian locations and european locations are well used. The darkness and wetness of locations gives a true impression of what i consider the eastern european feel. The Characters are well indepth, it gives a great deal of insight into the character of Agent 47, the woman he needs to fill the gaps, the interpol police as chasers, the russian police as brutal robots, the mysterious Organisation in control and the other bad guys pulling the strings. Theres plenty there but thats where I feel it looses alot of its charm. Its got far too much in it. Theres too much going on. Who is who? who`s the bad guy? Why are they doing things the way they`re doing things? there just seems an excessive amount to take in and the movie suffers a little for it.


Dont get me wrong it is a very enjoyable movie but the overuse of things combined with the confussion of certain aspects made me, even with a second viewing, still scratching my head.


Reading the wikipage shows the sequal is in post production. If the direction is sorted out (some of the action scenes seemed uncordinated and very jerky), the story trimmed and tightened, I believe the sequal may be an emense movie but HitMan is just a little too much substance.

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Last bit, are there any Troma fans on here? Lloyd Kaufman announced that there will be a Troma triple bill at the Prince Charles in london sometime in may, and he will be in attendance. I just hope it doesn't clash with my exams.


Thats fantastic news. Cheers for posting. Lloyds one of my favourite Directors believe it or not. Troma ranges from fantastic to craptastic but one way or another always entertaining. Obviously Lloyds films being my favourites. Absolutely chuffed by the news. Thanks for posting. Any further news? Personally i'd love to see Toxic Avenger, Tromeo & Juliet and Poultrygheist (sp) as the line up. The Prince Charles is ace. I met Emily Booth there at the 2nd Gorezone Magazine Film Fest a couple years back.


Come to think of it I'm pretty mad at myself for forgetting Troma in my top 10 favourite films.

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Last bit, are there any Troma fans on here? Lloyd Kaufman announced that there will be a Troma triple bill at the Prince Charles in london sometime in may, and he will be in attendance. I just hope it doesn't clash with my exams.


Thats fantastic news. Cheers for posting. Lloyds one of my favourite Directors believe it or not. Troma ranges from fantastic to craptastic but one way or another always entertaining. Obviously Lloyds films being my favourites. Absolutely chuffed by the news. Thanks for posting. Any further news? Personally i'd love to see Toxic Avenger, Tromeo & Juliet and Poultrygheist (sp) as the line up. The Prince Charles is ace. I met Emily Booth there at the 2nd Gorezone Magazine Film Fest a couple years back.


Come to think of it I'm pretty mad at myself for forgetting Troma in my top 10 favourite films.


He's an old school carney. Amazingly funny when he did the Fangoria Radio show a couple of years ago. could listen to him for hours.

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Last bit, are there any Troma fans on here? Lloyd Kaufman announced that there will be a Troma triple bill at the Prince Charles in london sometime in may, and he will be in attendance. I just hope it doesn't clash with my exams.


Thats fantastic news. Cheers for posting. Lloyds one of my favourite Directors believe it or not. Troma ranges from fantastic to craptastic but one way or another always entertaining. Obviously Lloyds films being my favourites. Absolutely chuffed by the news. Thanks for posting. Any further news? Personally i'd love to see Toxic Avenger, Tromeo & Juliet and Poultrygheist (sp) as the line up. The Prince Charles is ace. I met Emily Booth there at the 2nd Gorezone Magazine Film Fest a couple years back.


Come to think of it I'm pretty mad at myself for forgetting Troma in my top 10 favourite films.


He's an old school carney. Amazingly funny when he did the Fangoria Radio show a couple of years ago. could listen to him for hours.


The rumours is that it will be Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke em High and Fathers Day (the latter would make sense as he is touring with it at the moment). Its all getting properly announced next week.

Im going through all Lloyd Kaufmans film books at the moment, really knowledgeable stuff while also being really funny. He also gave me and my friend a quote for our short film that is later in the year. "Like Josie and the Pussycats, but better"

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The rumours is that it will be Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke em High and Fathers Day (the latter would make sense as he is touring with it at the moment). Its all getting properly announced next week.

Im going through all Lloyd Kaufmans film books at the moment, really knowledgeable stuff while also being really funny. He also gave me and my friend a quote for our short film that is later in the year. "Like Josie and the Pussycats, but better"


Thats what I mean. A real gem.

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