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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Just finished the 2nd series of House of Cards (US). Tremendous stuff & Spacey is on top form throughout. Get on it.


Third series can't come soon enough. It's the nearest thing to Damages which I loved.

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Any one been watching the Docusoap thing on Strippers on C4. Thought it's been a really insightful look at the job and trying to remove the perceived 'seediness' from the perception of some quarters of society.


Last night's was intriguing as one of the girl's totally described how she switched off emotionally at work, because she'd done it for so long and was on autopilot. It happens in many different jobs especially those that are 'customer facing' as you get to a point where you become so used to routine/good at your job that you don't need to invest in to do well, whilst still showing interest and commitment to the job at hand.


Unfortunately I fell asleep before the end and wasnt sure if she stayed in stripping, kept her flat or found a new job.



Worth a watch of the first two on 4OD. I think the last one is next week

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New series of Check It Out With Dr Steve Brule started last week and it's fucking amazing. Greatest one yet. Check it out.


If you've never seen Dr Steve Brule before:-





It's one of my favourite John C. Reilly roles, and I fucking love John C. Reilly. Awesome comic creation.


"What's your favourite food?"




Such a gem, this show.

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The one broadcast in the US last night is fucking amazing. Dr Steve learns about church. I nearly wet myself several times.


I feel like as I get older, though I really enjoy a lot of comedy, less and less makes me laugh out loud. Check it Out is only ten minutes long, but I routinely have to pause it because it has me on the fucking floor.

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My home internet went down for two weeks, which apart from making me feel like I lived in the third world, meant I had to watch TV when schedulers put programmes on and it was horrendous. I thought about watching DVDs, when I remembered I'd MusicMagpied every disc I own last year. Arse.


All except Lost, because it was mostly region 1. So Mrs 2 and I have been revisiting it. Its probably the fourth time through for us, and the first time since the whole thing finished.


And blimey those first two series are fantastic. They really, really hold up. It's ten years old this year by the way. Each character is well drawn, interesting and obsessed by secrets. The intrigue of the Island is immediate and it's incredible how much they pack in to the first half-dozen episodes. Locke and Jack's polemic relationship is established very early on, much sooner than you would think. It's clear this will become the crux of the show.


Then during the third season you can start to see the wheels come off. The studio decision to extend the show has a clear detriment to the pace (Charlie) and you can spot a ton of threads they haven't a chance of paying off.


Its frustrating by the end. Flash Sideways is obviously not thought through at the start of season 6, and the mythology derails the whole show.


That aside, its still incredibly watchable with everyone in season 1 perfectly cast, with stunning quotables all round. Whilst "we have to go back" and "I'm from Minnesota" are evergreen in my house, they've been joined by "its never been easy" and "Skeletor seems to like it".


Still a great series all told on the strength of characters alone. I'd love to go back to days on here debating the week's show.

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I remember those days fondly too, Onyx! I haven't re-watched since it finished either - I haven't rewatched season 6 at all, now I think of it - but it's high up on our list. I hope I still find it as enjoyable as you did. Season 2 was my favourite, just the right mix of mythology, character and twists in that one, but I remember 1, 4 and 5 being very good too. Season 3 picked up massively towards the end, but I remember the first part of that - the first 'half', because they split that one into two - being the first time I really struggled. Episodes where literally nothing happened (Jack's tattoo) and episodes focused on Juliet before she was interesting or I had a reason to care about her. I was quite happy with the on-island stuff in season 6, but the flash sideways never fully convinced me (though I did love the ending at the time) and that's probably why I haven't gone back to 6 before.


Glad to hear you still found it good - particularly the first two seasons! 10 years old, bloody hell... I need to go back...

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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I still maintain that seasons 1-5 are utterly wonderful. I'm still angry about season 6 though. Can't believe they managed to cock it up so badly. I think season 4 and 5 might have some of the best episodes but I think the aura/feel of the show was at it's best in seasons 1 and 2. Season 1 is the best season without a doubt. Where the mystery of the characters themselves was more important than anything else. When the complex convoluted weekly debates on time travel started in season 4 the fun of the show started to fade.

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Episodes where literally nothing happened (Jack's tattoo) and episodes focused on Juliet before she was interesting or I had a reason to care about her.

Stranger In a Strange Land is insta-skip. Always has been. But Juliet's story is much more interesting with hindsight.


It brought back memories of Iain Lee's excellent podcast too.

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Episodes where literally nothing happened (Jack's tattoo) and episodes focused on Juliet before she was interesting or I had a reason to care about her.

Stranger In a Strange Land is insta-skip. Always has been. But Juliet's story is much more interesting with hindsight.


It brought back memories of Iain Lee's excellent podcast too.


It surprised me how much I liked Juliet by the end (and on re-watch) considering my complete apathy towards her in season 3, and a fair bit of season 4. Pairing her with Sawyer for season 5 was an excellent move, they were a great fit.

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Great little post there Black2. I echo many of your sentiments there and some of Generators too. It's forgotten now with how many were turned off the show by the end, but those first couple of years were incredible. You were so invested in these characters and their stories and the mystery of the island and constantly desperate for more. The 1st season is undoubtedly the finest debut season of any show ever for me. Just perfectly paced. Come the end of that season (and then the stunning beginning of season 2, which completely exceeded my anticipations) I was completely gripped and in love with the show like no other before it or since. I agree that when an end date was set was what seemed to actually fuck it. Like Generator I struggled with the beginning of Season 3, the show seemed a bit um, lost and lacking a clear direction, but really I just horribly missed the hatch. But come the end of season 3 that had me right back with them, particularly with the very last episode which remains the finest episode of television and the most incredible watching experience of a television episode I've ever had. Amazing what a journey it took you on. Never known a show to produce so many iconic characters too.


I also enjoyed Iain Lees podcast and me and my brother share countless regular quote references from it. Most seem to come from Jack shouting though. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE RUNNING FROM!" and like yourself the "Why do you find it so hard to believe?", "Why do you find it so easy!?" "IT'S NEVER BEEN EASY!" exchange.


Ten years though, fuck.


Admittedly, I've still got to finish:


The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and give Spartacus and The Wire a go and as much as I love what I've seen of those shows nothing has grabbed me quite like Lost did and I do miss that a bit.

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The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and give Spartacus and The Wire a go and as much as I love what I've seen of those shows nothing has grabbed me quite like Lost did and I do miss that a bit.


Same. There have been plenty of shows I've really enjoyed since Lost, plenty that I've compulsively watched - whether that's powering through seasons at a time like Breaking Bad or (currently) The Borgias, or anticipating the next episode likes Game of Thrones and (currently) True Detective - but I don't think I'll ever be as invested in a programme again like I was with Lost.

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I think everyone knew Lost was going to end poorly, but it's some achievement that it was that bad. Almost like a big meta joke on the audience. First two seasons were really good, though. I'm not sure I've ever been as hooked on a TV show as I was with Lost. Every week it answered nothing but threw five more intriguing questions. It was like a bloke that could spin a million plates and keep adding to them, but as soon as the time came to start thinking about stopping, he drops them and shits all in his pants and down his leg.

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True Detective finale over in U.S tonight.


Just been reading some articals about it and FUCKKKKKKK about 70% of the fucking clues or little hints just went over my head. Even so hope the finale doesn't damage what have been 7 epic episodes.


TYK prediction...... SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Maggie's Dad.


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