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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Finally started in on Always Sunny In Philadelphia and it is as good as everyone says, so thanks for the recommendation whoever it was. It's just the right level of cringe for me - Seinfeld rather than Curb.

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Helix started tonight on C5, the new series from the producer of Battlestar Galactica. No idea if it's any good, but I'll give it a bash and let you know.

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Helix started tonight on C5, the new series from the producer of Battlestar Galactica. No idea if it's any good, but I'll give it a bash and let you know.

I've watched the first three episodes and while it's nothing great there is enough going on to keep it pretty interesting. I will give the next couple of episodes a watch when they air to see if it does get any better.

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Midway through Season 5 of Buffy on Netflix. Only watched bits and pieces of the first two seasons on BBC2 back in the day so good to go through the whole thing. Such a fun show. Really glad Riley seems to have buggered off now, he was just so wet. Couldn't stand him. Is it worth watching Angel or is it not as good as Buffy?


The first two seasons of Angel were really good if I remember correctly, better than Buffy at the time but it went rapidly downhill in to a shitfest. I think the first two reasons are worth watching as a standalone.


Final season is a huge amount of fun as well, and follows directly on from the final season of Buffy.

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I mentioned it a while back on here after watching the first episode but now I'm up to date (up to episode 8) of Almost Human the new big budget Sci-Fi show about a robot hating cop in the future forced to partner with an android that can feel emotion. I'm really enjoying it, the leads are perfectly cast and have great chemistry, so far it's been a "villain of the week" format rather than a single storyline running through everything and that's fine with me, it's been good for seeing the sort of things they want to do with the series. Some of the episodes' stories have been really good and could probably have been a movie by themselves. I'm definitely going to keep watching, I haven't heard anyone else talking bout it or read anything about how it's been received so it could be an internationally despised flop for all I know, hope not though

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Final season is a huge amount of fun as well, and follows directly on from the final season of Buffy.


I have to admit I didn't actually get that far as I found the inbetween season's so poor that I stopped watching. Maybe I should give it another viewing at some time.

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Final season is a huge amount of fun as well, and follows directly on from the final season of Buffy.


I have to admit I didn't actually get that far as I found the inbetween season's so poor that I stopped watching. Maybe I should give it another viewing at some time.


Season four isn't very good, but they completely changed things up for the last season. Some of the funniest stuff they ever did.

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Just looking through my Sky+ (looking for King Of Comedy which was on Film4 the other week), my wife watches some right guff:

American Horror Story: Coven, Witches of EastEnd, The Undateables, Geeks, My Baggy Body...ugh!


Undateables is TV gold.


It's cruel and i question myself watching and laughing at it but i guess they signed up for it. Kick him in the nuts and send him to space is up there with best tics i've heard.

Edited by Fox Piss
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Just finished watching episode 2 of Uncle on BBC iPlayer and i have to say i'm really enjoying it so far. It's one of those rare occasions where BBC3 have managed to produce a sitcom that's actually funny.

I mean don't get me wrong i'm not saying it's the next Sienfeld or anything but despite the slightly out of date plot which is basically 'Immature, man-child looks after actual child with hilarious consequences' it's quite a good show.

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