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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I don't like the new girl in Fresh Meat. The one who looks like Pee Wee Herman. I've seen her in other things and hated her as well.

I was trying to work out whether she would be quite cute if she grew her hair last night, but then thought sod it, Josie is the cute one.
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Josie is outstanding. She looked a bit chubby in last night's one. I liked it. I watched Cherrybomb at the weekend because she's in it, and I like Robert Sheehan. Film was crap though.Just Google image searched Sophie Wu. She doesn't look as bad with girl hair, but she's absolutely intolerable with the pee wee look. She had it in The Fades as well.Thing that's annoyed me in Fresh Meat now is that Josie and Kingsley both phrase statements as questions. Both characters in Peep Show do it as well. And Simon and Will in The Inbetweeners. This is going to bug me in all of them now.

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I've stuck with Chicago Code, and now really like it. It's a good little series, pity it's apparently been cancelled after only one season.

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I watched the first episode of Underemployed. It had a few, very few, very slight decent moments. But it's shit. I'm not one for "American stuff sux I hate America lolz" stupidity, but this is the kind of show that fuels it. Cloying bullshit about a group of friends who meet up a year after leaving college and their lives haven't gone the way they planned. But it's alright, because they've got each other! I'm pretty sure "Oh my God, I love you guys so much!" was an actual line at the end.

Edited by King Pitcos
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If you have insomnia or just not sleeping there is a brilliant Columbo on ITV1 that just started now with John Cassevettes. Fucking love Columbo.


EDIT: The sign language bloke has popped up, I hope he proper goes for it.

Edited by Chilli_Mondeo
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Bit of plug for a new sitcom starting on BBC 2 tonight at 10pm. It's called 'Hebburn' & is written by (and co-starring) a brilliant comedian I've known for years called Jason Cook. It stars fellow stand-up Chris Ramsay & is loosely based on Jason's life. Vic Reeves stars as his dad. Early reviews have been universally positive so yeah, get on it.

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If you have insomnia or just not sleeping there is a brilliant Columbo on ITV1 that just started now with John Cassevettes. Fucking love Columbo.


EDIT: The sign language bloke has popped up, I hope he proper goes for it.




Why is it, in the era of digital tv, when you've been able to turn subtitles off for years, that I can't watch a late-night showing of Outland without some berk in a red cable-knit jumper performing the Macarena in the corner? Nothing is as off-putting in a suspenseful film as your bad uncle popping up about 2 seconds before something exciting happens, grinning inanely in preparation for mugging his way through the next scene.


You don't see me going round to deaf people's houses and jumping up and down in front of their tvs blocking the view whilst they're trying to watch See Hear. Well, not since that court order anyway.

Edited by Loki
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